Friday, June 9, 2017

Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows Computers.

While most of us are already aware of obvious keyboard shortcuts like  “Alt+F4” and “Ctrl+C”, there are some obscure shortcuts which most of us  tend to overlook. These keyboard shortcuts are not only useful for the  average PC user but for advanced users as well. This article contains  many such amazing keyboard shortcuts which if used properly could save a  lot of time and effort. So let's get started.

Windows key+D: This shortcut is the keyboard equivalent of “Show  the Desktop”. It is useful for quickly minimizing every open window when  someone walks in and you are doing some private work.

Ctrl+Shift+Esc: This shortcut directly starts the task manager.  While Alt+Ctrl+Del was used to bring out the Task Manager in Windows XP  and earlier versions, in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8 and Windows  7, it just brings up the lock this computer screen.

Ctrl+Click: This shortcut is useful for opening a link in a  background tab. This is useful when you have  to load a page without  leaving the current one.

Alt+Print Screen: takes the screenshot of the current active  window as opposed to just Print Screen which takes the screenshot of the  entire screen.

Shift+Click for Yes to All and No to All: If you have a lot of  dialog boxes asking yes and no question, just shift+click Yes or No on  one to yes all or no all.

Ctrl+C on an error dialog box to copy its contents: Suppose your  computer is giving an error message and you want to copy its contents to  send to the support guy, what do you do? Just press Ctrl+C while the  dialog box is highlighted and its contents will be copied to your  clipboard.

Ctrl+T: This keyboard shortcut opens a new tab in internet browsers.

Ctrl+Shift+T: Reopens the last closed tab.

Ctrl+Shift+N: This shortcut opens a new incognito window in Google Chrome.

Ctrl+Shift+P: Opens a new private window in Mozilla Firefox.

Alt+Enter after writing the domain name in the address bar of your browser to insert .com automatically.

Shift+Enter inserts .net domain name extension.

Ctrl+W: This shortcut closes the current tab in your browser quickly.

Ctrl+Backspace: This shortcut deletes the last word you have  typed. It is useful in case you typed in a wrong word and want to delete  it quickly.

Ctrl+Left or Right Arrow key: This shortcut allows you to move the cursor one word at a time instead of the default one character at a time.

Ctrl++: This shortcut allows you to zoom in web pages in  web browsers. Useful when text on a web page is too small to read  properly. Ctrl+Scroll wheel can also zoom in documents, file thumbnails  and icons in Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7 and Windows  Vista.

Ctrl+-: This shortcut does the reverse of the previous shortcut.

Ctrl+0: Reset the webpage's zoom.

Windows key+M: Minimizes all the open windows.

Ctrl+L: This shortcut allows you to quickly jump to the address bar of your web browser.

Windows key+Pause/Break: Quickly open the system properties dialog box. 

Ctrl+Shift+Delete: This shortcut opens the option to delete your  browser's history, cookies, cache and other details that it stores while  you browse the internet. This shortcut is extremely useful for the  privacy conscious.

Windows Key+L: This shortcut locks your computer.

Ctrl+H: makes the history appear.

CTRL+B: Bold CTRL+U: Underline CTRL+I: Italic.

Alt+Select: This shortcut allows you to select rectangular blocks  of text in Word processors, something that is not possible with simple  select.

F2: Allows you to rename the selected file.

Holding Shift while inserting a device with removable storage prevents automatic run.

Ctrl+F: This keyboard shortcut opens the Find option in any program.

Ctrl+S: If you are working on a software and want to quickly save your progress, this shortcut will come in handy.

Ctrl+Home and Ctrl+End: Useful for quickly going to the top and bottom of a page.

Ctrl+P: Useful for printing the current page.

Space Bar: While viewing a web page in a browser, pressing space bar moves the page down.

Alt+Tab: Useful for quickly cycling between running applications. Press along with Shift to cycle backwards.

Ctrl+Tab: Cycle between tabs in your browser.

Ctrl+F5: Clears the cache and refreshes the current tab.

Shift+Right click: Open alternate right click options.

Alt+Double click: Open the file's properties. Alt+Enter can also be used for this.

These are some keyboard shortcuts that I found extremely useful. If you  know some more useful keyboard shortcuts, do mention them in the  comments

© Pilot Prosoft
Source: Useful Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows Computers.


what is a virus?
A  computer virus is a program that spreads by first infecting files or  the system areas of a computer or network router's hard drive and then  making copies of itself. Some viruses are harmless, others may damage  data files, and some may destroy files. Viruses used to be spread when  people shared floppy disks and other portable media, now viruses are  primarily spread through email messages.
Unlike worms, viruses often  require some sort of user action (e.g., opening an email attachment or  visiting a malicious web page) to spread.
http://...What do viruses do?
A  virus is simply a computer program--it can do anything that any other  program you run on your computer can do. Some viruses are designed to  deliberately damage files, and others may just spread to other  computers.
http://...What is a worm?
A  worm is a type of virus that can spread without human interaction.  Worms often spread from computer to computer and take up valuable memory  and network bandwidth, which can cause a computer to stop responding.  Worms can also allow attackers to gain access to your computer remotely.
http://...What is a Trojan horse?
A  Trojan horse is a computer program that is hiding a virus or other  potentially damaging program. A Trojan horse can be a program that  purports to do one action when, in fact, it is performing a malicious  action on your computer. Trojan horses can be included in software that  you download for free or as attachments in email messages.
http://...Can I get a virus by reading my email messages?
Most  viruses, Trojan horses, and worms are activated when you open an  attachment or click a link contained in an email message. If your email  client allows scripting, then it is possible to get a virus by simply  opening a message. It's best to limit what HTML is available in your  email messages. The safest way to view email messages is in plain text.
http://...How can I avoid a virus infection from email?
Most  users get viruses from opening and running unknown email attachments.  Never open anything that is attached to an email message unless you know  the contents of the file. If you receive an attachment from a familiar  email address, but were not expecting anything, you should contact the  sender before opening the attachment. If you receive a message with an  attachment and you do not recognize the sender, you should delete the  message.
Selecting the option to view your email messages in plain text, not HTML, will also help you to avoid a virus.
http://...What are some tips to avoid viruses and lessen their impact?

  • Install anti-virus software from a reputable vendor. Update it and use it regularly.
  • In  addition to scanning for viruses on a regular basis, install an "on  access" scanner (included in most anti-virus software packages) and  configure it to start each time you start up your computer. This will  protect your system by checking for viruses each time you run an  executable file.
  • Use a virus scan before you open any new  programs or files that may contain executable code. This includes  packaged software that you buy from the store as well as any program you  might download from the internet.
  • If you are a member of an  online community or chat room, be very careful about accepting files or  clicking links that you find or that people send you within the  community.
  • Make sure you back up your data (documents, bookmark  files, important email messages, etc.) on disc so that in the event of a  virus infection, you do not lose valuable work.

© Pilot Prosoft
Source: VIRUS BASIC...

Notepad Tricks: Cool Notepad tricks for Windows .

Notepad Tricks: Cool Notepad tricks for Windows 
Notepad, the text editor that comes bundled in Windows is an excellent tool for text editing. But that is not the only thing for which notepad is famous. It is also famous for its tricks and hacks. Here is a roundup of some of the best and coolest tricks that you can try using Notepad.

1. Matrix Falling Code Effect - Notepad CMD (.BAT) Tricks
Inspired by the movie Matrix, this falling code trick is extremely popular on social networking websites. Copy and paste the code given below in Notepad and save the file as "Matrix.bat" or *.bat. 
@echo off
color 02
echo %random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%%random%
goto tricks

Matrix   Falling Code Effect - Notepad Trick

Upon running the bat file, you will see the "Matrix falling code" effect.

2. Make Your Keyboard Type (Any) Message Continuously-VBS Trick
This VBS trick can make any of your friend's keyboard type any message continuously. Open Notepad, copy the code given below and save the file as Tricks.vbs or *.vbs. You will need to restart your computer to stop this. Try this after closing all important programs.
Set wshShell = wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
wscript.sleep 100
wshshell.sendkeys "This is a Virus. You have been infected."
Send this file to your friends as an email attachment to see the fun.

3. Create a Harmless Funny Virus with Notepad-Continuously eject CD/DVD drives
This VBS trick will create a code which will continuously eject all your connected Optical drives. If you put them back in, it will pop them out again. Copy this code and paste it in Notepad as Virus.vbs or *.vbs.
Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
End If
wscript.sleep 5000

Double click to open this file and you will be impressed by this awesome trick.

4. Make a Personal Diary(Log) with Notepad (Easter Eggs)
Notepad   Diary
You can use this trick to create a personal log with Notepad which will automatically include the current date and time before your note. To do so, open Notepad and type .LOG in capital letters and press Enter. Save the file. Now, every time you open this file, notepad will automatically insert the current time and date before the note. Just enter your note and save the file each time after making an entry.

All these Notepad tricks are totally harmless and would not harm your PC in any way.  To close any of the VBS trick given, open task manager and close the wscript.exe process. These tricks work on Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.

© Pilot Prosoft
Source: Notepad Tricks: Cool Notepad tricks for Windows .

How does anti-virus software work?

An anti-virus software program is a computer program that can be used to  scan files to identify and eliminate computer viruses and other  malicious software (malware).

Anti-virus software typically uses two different techniques to accomplish this:

* Examining files to look for known viruses by means of a virus dictionary
* Identifying suspicious behavior from any computer program which might indicate infection 

Most commercial anti-virus software uses both of these approaches, with an emphasis on the virus dictionary approach.

Virus dictionary approach
In the virus dictionary approach, when the anti-virus software examines a  file, it refers to a dictionary of known viruses that have been  identified by the author of the anti-virus software. If a piece of code  in the file matches any virus identified in the dictionary, then the  anti-virus software can then either delete the file, quarantine it so  that the file is inaccessible to other programs and its virus is unable  to spread, or attempt to repair the file by removing the virus itself  from the file.

To be successful in the medium and long term, the virus dictionary  approach requires periodic online downloads of updated virus dictionary  entries. As new viruses are identified "in the wild", civically minded  and technically inclined users can send their infected files to the  authors of anti-virus software, who then include information about the  new viruses in their dictionaries.

Dictionary-based anti-virus software typically examines files when the  computer's operating system creates, opens, and closes them; and when  the files are e-mailed. In this way, a known virus can be detected  immediately upon receipt. The software can also typically be scheduled  to examine all files on the user's hard disk on a regular basis.

Although the dictionary approach is considered effective, virus authors  have tried to stay a step ahead of such software by writing "polymorphic  viruses", which encrypt parts of themselves or otherwise modify  themselves as a method of disguise, so as to not match the virus's  signature in the dictionary.

Suspicious behavior approach
The suspicious behavior approach, by contrast, doesn't attempt to  identify known viruses, but instead monitors the behavior of all  programs. If one program tries to write data to an executable program,  for example, this is flagged as suspicious behavior and the user is  alerted to this, and asked what to do.

Unlike the dictionary approach, the suspicious behavior approach  therefore provides protection against brand-new viruses that do not yet  exist in any virus dictionaries. However, it also sounds a large number  of false positives, and users probably become desensitized to all the  warnings. If the user clicks "Accept" on every such warning, then the  anti-virus software is obviously useless to that user. This problem has  especially been made worse over the past 7 years, since many more  nonmalicious program designs chose to modify other .exes without regards  to this false positive issue. Thus, most modern anti virus software  uses this technique less and less.

Other ways to detect viruses
Some antivirus-software will try to emulate the beginning of the code of  each new executable that is being executed before transferring control  to the executable. If the program seems to be using self-modifying code  or otherwise appears as a virus (it immeadeatly tries to find other  executables), one could assume that the executable has been infected  with a virus. However, this method results in a lot of false positives.

Yet another detection method is using a sandbox. A sandbox emulates the  operating system and runs the executable in this simulation. After the  program has terminated, the sandbox is analysed for changes which might  indicate a virus. Because of performance issues this type of detection  is normally only performed during on-demand scans.

Issues of concern

Macro viruses, arguably the most destructive and widespread computer  viruses, could be prevented far more inexpensively and effectively, and  without the need of all users to buy anti-virus software, if Microsoft  would fix security flaws in Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Office  related to the execution of downloaded code and to the ability of  document macros to spread and wreak havoc.

User education is as important as anti-virus software; simply training  users in safe computing practices, such as not downloading and executing  unknown programs from the Internet, would slow the spread of viruses,  without the need of anti-virus software.

Computer users should not always run with administrator access to their  own machine. If they would simply run in user mode then some types of  viruses would not be able to spread.

The dictionary approach to detecting viruses is often insufficient due  to the continual creation of new viruses, yet the suspicious behavior  approach is ineffective due to the false positive problem; hence, the  current understanding of anti-virus software will never conquer computer  viruses.

There are various methods of encrypting and packing malicious software  which will make even well-known viruses undetectable to anti-virus  software. Detecting these "camouflaged" viruses requires a powerful  unpacking engine, which can decrypt the files before examining them.  Unfortunately, many popular anti-virus programs do not have this and  thus are often unable to detect encrypted viruses.

Companies that sell anti-virus software seem to have a financial  incentive for viruses to be written and to spread, and for the public to  panic over the threat.

© Pilot Prosoft
Source: How does anti-virus software work?

Programming Examples.

Programming Code Examples with C++ C C# Java Php Asp Visual Basic

Absolute position offset top right bottom left
Adding a YouTube Video with object
Adding an XHTML DOCTYPE declaration
Align text block to the right with margin auto and background attachment
Anchor background-image
Anchor in a LI tag
Anchors and Images
Positioning Backgrounds - Background Attachment Scroll
Border Samples - Border styles color size
Display width height padding border margin background overflow and visibility
Creating an Image Map
Div float left padding margin border style
Div float with width and height
Div tag float right
Div tag margin-top margin-bottom margin-left margin-right
Div tag text-align left right center justify
Paragraph tag font face
Image margin top and margin left negative value
Image tag hspace sets the space in pixels between the left and right sides
Link hover text-decoration underline
Span tag text-transform uppercase lowercase capitalize
C Sharp > Copying To The Clipboard
C Sharp > Create Buttons Using Drawingimage And Geometrydrawing
C Sharp > Docking Left And Right Before Top And Bottom
C Sharp > Get Selected Checkbox List Items
C Sharp > Insert Button To A Panel
C Sharp > Navigate Frame To A Xaml Document
C Sharp > Set Message Header And Button For Messagebox
C Sharp > Visualbrush And Drawingbrush
ASP.Net > ASP.Net Hosting Primer 
C > Beginners Lab Assignments
C > Code Snippets
C > Games and Graphics

C > Mathematics
C > Sorting Searching
C++ > Algorithms
C++ > Beginners Lab Assignments
C++ > Code Snippets
C++ > Computer Graphics
C++ > Games
Java > Beginners Lab Assignments
Java > Core Java
Java > Java2D
Java > Java Mathematics
Java > Java Networking
Java > XML
Php > Algorithms
Php > Code Snippets
Php > Database Related
Php > E-Mail
Php > Graphics
Visual Basic > ActiveX Controls
Visual Basic > Code Snippets
Visual Basic > Forms
Visual Basic > Graphics Games Programming
Visual Basic > Multimedia Animation and Sound