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  Contents Chapter -1 5 NETWORKING & TELECOMMUNICATION 5 Technical Term of Computer Network and Telecommunication 18 Networking and Telecommunications 22 80 Multiple Choice Questions 22 Answers: 27 80 True and False Questions 27 Answers: 30 35 Fill in the Blanks 31 Answers: 32 25 Match the Following 32 Answers: 37 Chapter 2 37 INTERNET & SERVICES 38 Chapter -3 43 COMPUTER SECURITY 43 Chapter -4 46 COMPUTER VIRUS 46 Chapter -5 48 MULTIMEDIA 49 Chapter -8 51 Ms-Access 51 Chapter: 9 62 Qbasic Program: Sequential Data File 62 File Handling 75 Chapter: 10 78 C Language 78 Day 1 Practice Set [SLC / SEE Computer Science] 82 SLC COMPUTER: FULL FORMS 84 QUESTION COLLECITON FROM: Modular programming file handling c language theory questions collection [3 MARKS] 102 SLC QUESTION PAPER'S SOLUTION 103 Solved SLC Examination-2065(2009) 103 Solved SLC Examination-2066(2010) 108 SLC EXAMINATION 2069 SOLVED 114 SOLVED SLC 2071 COMPUTER SCIENCE 119 SLC PREPARATION EXAMINATION 2072 [PABSON KATHMANDU] 126 SOLVED SLC Computer Science 2072 Regular 132 Solved SLC Examination-2073 138 Solved SLC Examination-2074 143 PABSON, Kathmandu MID TERMINAL EXAM-2075 149 PABSON, Kathmandu SEE QUALIFYING EXAM-2075 Answer Solved 154 PRACTICE QUESTIONS TO FIND OUTPUT (QBASIC) 160 Looping Structure - Find Output [17 Programs] SEE 162 Analytical Questions Qbasic Programs [SEE] 167 SOLVED QBASIC SET A AND B 174 SOLVED QBASIC SET C AND D 178 SOLVED QBASIC SET E AND F 182 SOLVED QBASIC SET G AND H 186 Sunrise Publication 191 SOLUTION OF FUNDAMENTAL UNITS + DBMS OF SUNRISE PUBLICATION 191 SUBHARAMBA PUBLICATION 203 UNIQUE PUBLICATION 210 S.E.E MODEL SET QUESTIONS 216 S.E.E MODEL SET 216 S.E.E MODEL SET 1 218 S.E.E MODEL SET 2 220 SEE External Practical Examination Model Set 223 SEE Practical model questions-II 225 Computer Glossary 234 Chapter -1 NETWORKING & TELECOMMUNICATION 1) What is communication? Ans: Sending and receiving information between two or more persons is called communication. 2) What is telecommunication? Ans: A system of transmission of text, image, data and sound in the form of electronic signals is known as telecommunication. 3) What is data communication? Ans: Data communication system is the collection of hardware, software and other devices that allows exchanging data, information and voice between two or more device through a wire or radio wave. 4) Write down the components of data communication. Ans: The components of data communication are: i) Data ii) Sender iii) Medium iv) Receiver v) Protocol 5) What is medium? Ans: A path through which the sender makes communication to the receiver is known as medium. 6) What is protocol? Ans: A set of rules that must be followed by sender and receiver to make communication possible is known as protocol. 7) Write down the modes of data transmission. Ans: The modes of data transmission are: i) Simplex mode ii)Half duplex mode iii) Full Duplex Mode 8) Define simplex mode with example. Ans: Simplex mode communication is a mode of communication or data transmission in which data flows in one direction only. E.g.: Newspaper and television broadcast. 9) Define half duplex mode with example. Ans: Half duplex communication is a mode of transmission in which data can be transmitted in both directions but only in one direction at a time. E.g.: Wireless handset and walky-talky. 10) What is full duplex mode? Give example. Ans: Full duplex communication is a mode of transmission in which data is transmitted in both the direction simultaneously on the same channel. E.g.: Telephone, internet chat, etc. 11) What is bandwidth? Ans: Bandwidth can be defined as the data handling capacity of a communication system. It is measured in cycles per second (cps) and bits per second (bps) in analogue and digital devices respectively. The maximum volume of data that can be transmitted through communication is called bandwidth. 12) What is communication or transmission medium? Ans: Communication or transmission medium is a channel through which data or signals can be transmitted from one point to another. 13) How can we measure bandwidth? Ans: We can measure bandwidth in digital devices by bits per second and in analogue devices by cycles per second or Hertz (Hz). 14) What is guided medium? Ans: Guided medium is the transmission medium in which data signals flow through specified path in cable or wires. E.g.: twisted pair cable, co-axial cable, fibre optics cable, etc. 15) What is unguided medium? Ans: Unguided medium is the transmission medium in which data/signals flow through the air. E.g.: radio frequency, microwave, infrared transmission, etc. 16) Write down the types of communication medium. Ans: The types of communication medium are: i) Guided or bounded or wired medium ii) Unguided or unbounded or wireless medium 17) What is twisted pair cable? Ans: The type of wires which are made of copper and a pair of wires are twisted together is known as twisted pair cable. 18) What is co-axial cable? Ans: A wire with single ended single reference where the central conductor carries the data signal. 19) What is fiber optics cable? Ans: Fiber optics cable is one of the costlier cables used in data communication which uses light to carry a data signal through the cable. 20) What is radio wave transmission? Ans: A type of unguided transmission in which the signal is carried over by carrier wave is known as radio wave transmission. 21) What is microwave transmission? Ans: Microwave, which is also called line of sight communication, is a wireless technology that can be used to transmit data between two different networks or computers. 22) What is infrared transmission? Ans: Infrared transmissions are just below visible transmission light which allows high speed data transmission. 23) Differentiate between guided and unguided media. Ans: The differences between guided and unguided media are: Guided media Unguided Media It is the transmission media in which data signals flows through specified path. It is the transmission media in whicj data signal flows through air. Data or signal sent through it propagates in the form of voltage, current or photons. Data or a signal sent through it propagates in the form of electromagnetic waves. It is mainly suited for point to point line configuration. It is mainly used for broadcasting purposes. Example:- Twisted pair cable, Co-axial cable, Fiber optics etc Example:- Radio wave, Microwave, infrared etc 24) Differentiate between shielded and unshielded twisted pair. Ans: The differences between shielded twisted pair and unshielded twisted pair are: Shielded Twisted Pair Unshielded Twisted Pair It is made up of twisted pair wires with additional shielded and drain wires. It is made up of twisted pair wires without additional shielded and drain wires. D-shell connectors are used with shielded twisted pair. RJ-45 connector is commonly used with unshielded twisted pair. It is costlier than UTP cables. It is cheaper than STP cables. It has got better noise rejection capacity. It has poor noise rejection capacity. 25) Differentiate between radio wave and microwave communication media. Ans: The differences between radio wave and microwave are as follows: Radio wave Microwave It is a form of wireless communications in which signals are sent through radio frequency waves. It is a form of wireless communication in which data signals are sent through pulses of electromagnetic energy. It requires antenna for connection for communication. It requires repeater or amplifier for communication. It provides low bandwidth for data communication. It provides higher bandwidth for data communiation. It doesn’t require a line of sight. It requires a line of sight. 26) What is computer network? Ans: Computer network means two or more computers connected with each other to share data, hardware, software and other resources. 27) Write down any four advantages of computer network. Ans: Any four advantages of computer network are as follows: i) Computer in a network can access network connected hardware devices like printer, disk drives, etc. ii) Information can be exchanged rapidly in computer network. iii) Computers in a network environment can be updated from any computer. iv) Software packages can be shared between network connected computers. 28) Write any 4 disadvantages of computer network. Ans: Any 4 disadvantages of computer network are as follows: i) Failure of server stops application being available. ii) Network failure causes loss of data. iii) Network makes user works dependent. iv) System opens to hackers. 29) Define hardware components. Ans: Physical parts and devices used to connect computers in the network environment are called hardware components. 30) What is server? Ans: A server is the main computer that provides services, data and other resources to the other computers in the network environment. 31) Write down any three features of LAN. Ans: Any three features of LAN are: i) The diameter is not more than a few kilometres. ii) LAN offers bandwidth of 10-100 Mbps. iii) It is controlled by single organization. 32) Write down the features of MAN. Ans: The features of MAN are: i) It covers a limited geographical area. ii) It may be owned by single or multiple organizations. iii) It uses cable or wireless connections. iv) It uses private or public connection medium. 33) Write down the features of WAN. Ans: The features of WAN are: i) It covers a large geographical area. ii) It is owned by multiple organizations. iii) It uses public connection medium. 34) What is topology? Ans: The arrangement or connection pattern of computer or nodes and other devices of the network are known as topology. 35) What is node? Ans: Each computer or device of network is called node. 36) What are the advantages and disadvantages of bus topology? Ans: The advantages are: i) It is easy to set up computers and other devices in bus topology. ii) It requires less cable media so it is cheaper. iii) It is easy to add new node to the network. The disadvantages of bus topology are: i) The whole network system collapse if the cable or backbone is damaged. ii) The network slows down in additional computers are connected. iii) The limited length of the cable in the network may restrict to connect the workstations or devices. iv) Difficult to detect errors. 37) Write down the differences between LAN and MAN. Ans: The difference between LAN and MAN are given below: LAN MAN It is a network which covers small area i.e. within a room, building, or short distance. It is a network which covers an entire city or a big area. It is controlled by a single organization. It is controlled by single or group of organization. It uses private connection media. It uses private or public connection media. E.g.: network in a school, college or cyber café E.g.: interconnection between different branches on same branch . 38) Write down the differences between MAN and WAN. Ans: The difference between MAN and WAN are given below: MAN WAN It is a network which covers an entire city. It is a network that covers large area or whole world. It is controlled by single or group of organizations. It is controlled my multiple organizations. It uses private or public connection media It uses public communication media like telephone or wireless technology. 39) What is bus topology? Ans: The topology in which computers and other devices are arranged in linear format is called bus topology. 40) What is ring topology? Ans: The topology in which computers are connected in the shape of a circle without any end points is called ring topology. 41) What is star topology? Ans: The topology in which all computers or the network devices are connected through a central device in the shape of star structure is called star topology. 42) What is client/server network? Ans: Client/ server network is a type of network architecture that consist of at least one server and one or more workstations. 43) What is peer-to-peer network? Ans: Peer-to-peer network is a type of network architecture in which computers function both as workstation and server. 44) What do you mean by centralized computing network. Ans: A centralized computing network is a network in which a central host computer performs data processing and storage on behalf of clients. 45) What is workstation? Ans: Workstation is a computer network that utilizes network resources. 46) Differentiate between client/server network and peer-to-peer network. Ans: The difference between client-server network and peer-to-peer network are given below: Client/Server network Peer-to-peer network It consists of at least one server and one or more client. It is a group of computers which function both as server and workstation. It provides centralized network administration. It lacks centralized network administration. It provides high security of data and other resources. It provides no reliable security and might put data on risk. It is suitable for large organization where data security is required. It is suitable for small organization and home usage where data and other securities are not required. 47) What is router? Ans: A router is an intelligent network device which connects two different networks having same protocol. 48) What is NIC? Ans: A Network Interface Card (NIC) is the adapter through which the computer is connected to the network. 49) What is cable? Ans: Cables are commonly used media of physical channel for transmitting data between computers in network. 50) What is connector? Ans: Connector is an interface between the NIC of the computer and the cable that passes data between computers in network. 51) Write down the main function of NIC? Ans: The main function of NIC is to act as the interface to connect the computer to network and control the flow of data in computer network. 52) What is hub? Ans: A hub is a network device that joins multiple computers and other devices through its port. 53) What is switch? Ans: A switch is a network device that connects computers, network devices and LAN segments. 54) What is gateway? Ans: Gateway is a dedicated server that connects two networks having dissimilar communication protocols. 55) What is repeater? Ans: Repeater is a device that amplifies the incoming signals, creates a copy of it and transmits the signal on network. 56) What is MODEM? Ans: MODEM is a device which is used to transfer the data of one computer to another computer using telephone lines. 57) What is modulation? Ans: The process of translating digital signals of a computer to analog signals, which are then transmitted across the standard telephone lines, is known as modulation. 58) What is demodulation? Ans: The process of translating analog signals from a phone line and converts then into digital signals for the computer is known as demodulation. 59) What is device driver? Ans: Device driver is a program that controls the functionality of the hardware device. 60) What is intranet? Ans: An intranet is a private computer network that uses the internet protocol to securely share any part of information of an organization. 61) What is extranet? Ans: An extranet is a computer network that allows controlled access from outside for specific business or educational purposes. 62) Give any four examples of network operating system. Ans: Any four examples of network operating system are: • Novell network • Microsoft Windows NT • Linux • Unix 63) Write down the function of NIC. Ans: The function of NIC is to convert data into electronic signals and transfer them through cables and vice-versa. 64) Write down the importance of MODEM. Ans: The importances of MODEM are: • Access internet • Perform modulation and demodulation process • Transfer data from one computer to another through telephone line 65) Define LAN. Ans: A LAN is a network of computers that are relatively near to each other and are connected in a way that enables them to communicate by using cables and small wireless devices. 66) Define MAN. Ans: A MAN is a network of computer is computers which are spread over a metropolitan area such as within a city. 67) Define WAN. Ans: A WAN is a network system of connecting two or more computers generally across a wide geographical area such as cities, districts, and countries. 68) Give any two examples of data communication. Ans: Any two examples of data communication are: • E-mail • Chat 69) Write down the disadvantages of client server. Ans: The disadvantages are: i) It is more expensive than peer-to-peer. ii) A wee-trained network administration is required to manage network. 70) Write down the disadvantages of peer-to-peer. Ans: The disadvantages are i) The expansion of network is limited. ii) It tends to slow down with network load. 71) What is network operating system? Ans: Network operating system is a set of computer program that manages the resources on network. 72) What are the advantages and disadvantages of ring topology? Ans: The advantages of ring topology are : i) It is easy it set up and configure. ii) Each computer gets equal opportunity to access the network resources. iii) It supports high data transmission rate. The disadvantages of ring topology are : i)Failure of any cable or single computers may affect the entire network. ii) It is difficult to detect the errors. iii) Adding/removing the devices affect the entire network. 73) What are the advantages and disadvantages of star topology? Ans: The advantages of star topology are : i) Easy to set up and configure. ii) Failure of single computer or cable doesn’t affect the entire network. iii) It is easy to detect errors. iv) It is easy to extend to network by attaching new devices to the central devices. The disadvantages of star topology are: i) It requires more cable in comparison of bus topology so it is more costly. ii) Failure of central devices (hub or switch) break down the whole system. 74) What are the advantages and disadvantages of bus topology? Ans: The advantages of bus topology are: i. It is easy to set up computers and other devices in bus topology, because all the devices are connected through a single wire. ii. It requires fewer cable media, so it is cheaper than other topologies. The disadvantages of disadvantages are: • The whole network system collapses if the cable or backbone is damaged. • The network slows down if additional computers are connected. • The limited length of the cable in a network may restrict to connect the workstation or devices. • It is difficult to detect the errors in this network. Technical Term of Computer Network and Telecommunication 1. Sending and receiving information between two or more persons. Communication 2. A system of transmission of sounds, images, texts or data in the form of electronic signals. Telecommunication 3. The path through which the sender makes communication to the receiver. Medium 4. A group of interconnected computers. Computer network 5. Group of computers that can shares same resources. Computer network 6. Two or more computers connected with each other to share data and other resources.Computer network 7. The formal description of message formats and the rules that two or more machines must follow to exchange those messages. Network protocol 8. A set of rules or procedures for transmitting data between electronic devices, such as computers. Protocol 9. Formal set of rules that govern the exchange of information in a network. Protocol 10. A set of rules by which computers on the network communication with each other.Protocol 11. Set of rules that the computers on the network must follow to communicate and exchange data with each other. Protocol 12. The rules and regulations to systematize the computer related technology. Protocol 13. The rules required to help entities communicate each other. Protocol 14. The amount of data transmitted per second through a communication channels.Bandwidth 15. The data handling capacity of a communication system. Bandwidth 16. Number of bits transferred per second using network medium. Bandwidth 17. Amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of a time. Bandwidth 18. The data carrying capacity of communication channel. Bandwidth 19. A network model in which resource sharing, processing and communications control are completely decentralized. Peer-to-peer network 20. Network in which every computer act as both client and server. Peer-to-peer network 21. The network model where each node has equal right. Peer-to-peer network 22. A type of network architecture that doesn’t specify a server and client. Peer-to-peer network 23. The network models where there is at least one server. Client/server network 24. The physical path through which data and information flow on the network.Transmission medium 25. A path through data is transmitted from one computer to another. Transmission media 26. Another name for guided media. Bounded media 27. Media type that uses physical path. Guided media 28. Cable lines through which data flows in a specified path. Bounded medium 29. Medium that carries data without physical path. Unbounded media 30. The data or signals transmitted through air in the communication. Unbounded Medium 31. Method of communication that uses radio waves to transmit information instead of cable. Unbounded Medium 32. The internal interference produces by the adjacent pairs of twisted pair cable.Crosstalk 33. A transmission medium through which data are transmitted in the form of light. Fiber optics 34. A self-contained network that spans a small area, such as a single building, floor or a room. LAN 35. Network confined to relatively small area. LAN 36. A network of computers in a room, building or campus. LAN 37. A network of computers formed by using cables. LAN 38. A network which uses bounded media. LAN 39. A network of computers with in a room. LAN 40. A large computer network that spans a metropolitan area or campus. MAN 41. A computer network that is spread within a city or neighbouring cities. MAN 42. A network of computers formed by using unguided media. WAN 43. A network that uses unbounded transmission media. WAN 44. A network of computers that covers whole world. WAN 45. Cabling structure of LAN. Topology 46. Physical layout of network. Topology 47. Geometric arrangement of the computer network in which all the devices are connected. Topology 48. The physical layout of cabling for connecting computers on the network. Topology 49. The arrangement or connection patterns of computers or nodes and other devices of the network. Topology 50. Interconnection pattern of computers and devices in a LAN. Topology 51. A physical layout of network through which network devices are connected. Topology 52. LAN topology where computers are arranged in a liner format. Bus topology 53. A network topology in which network nodes are arranged in a linear format with each node connected directly to the network cable with a T-connector or tap. Bus topology 54. The cabling pattern of computers where each computer is connected to a common cable in the linear format. Bus topology 55. The cabling pattern of computers where all the nodes are connected in a closed loop.Ring topology 56. Another name of loop technology. Ring topology 57. The cabling pattern of computers where each node is individually connected to a centrally located device. Star topology 58. A network structure where all computers on the network are connected through a centrally located device. Star topology 59. Hub or switch based network topology. Star topology 60. A mode of transmission in which data flows in both the direction but only from one direction at a time. Half-duplex mode 61. Data can be transmitted in both directions but only one direction at a time. Half-duplex 62. Mode of transmission in which transmission exist in both direction at a time. Full-duplex mode 63. Mode of transmission that transmits the data simultaneously in both directions. Full-duplex mode 64. Interface between the NIC of the computer and the cable that passes data from one computer to another computer. Connector 65. A device that joins cables or a cable to a device. Connector 66. A computer circuit board or card designed to allow computers to communicate over a computer network. NIC 67. A card through which a computer is connected on the network. NIC 68. A card that connects a computer with a networking cable. NIC 69. A computer circuit board that is installed in a computer so that it can be connected to a network. NIC 70. Device used to convert analog to digital signals and vice versa. MODEM 71. A device that does demodulation of signal. MODEM 72. A device that connects computer to telephone line. MODEM 73. The conversion of digital signals into analog signals. Modulation 74. The conversion of analog signals into digital signals. Demodulation 75. A computer on a network. Node 76. A group of computers that functions both as a client and a server. Peer 77. The computer that acts the central authority on a network. Server 78. A computer on the network that provides resources to other computers on the network.Server 79. The main computer in the computer network. Server 80. A computer in a network which can provide services to other computer. Server 81. A computer on the network that provides resources but does not allows a client to use it as a workstation. Dedicated server 82. A computer on the network that provides resources but allows a client to use it as workstation. Non-dedicated server 83. A computer on the network that uses resources of the network. Workstation 84. A hardware device that provides common wiring point in LAN. Hub 85. A network device that retransmits signals to all nodes on the network. Hub 86. A multi-port repeater. Hub 87. Device to amplify or regenerate digital signal received. Repeater 88. A network device that retransmits signal to a destination node on the network.Repeater 89. A network device that regenerates or amplifies signals. Repeater 90. A device that amplifies the incoming signals, creates a new copy of it and transmits the signals on the network. Repeater 91. A device which boosts the strength of the received signal and re transmit it. Repeater 92. A network device that connects the segments of the same or different network having same protocol. Bridge 93. A network device that joins segments of a network. Bridge 94. A device that connects multiple network having same protocol. Bridge 95. A device that forwards signals between networks. Router 96. A device that forwards signals between networks in network traffic. Router 97. A network device that can determine the best path for forwarding the data packets.Router 98. An intelligent device that connects two different networks. Router 99. A hardware device that uses its intelligence to find the path in computer network.Router 100. A device, software or a system that converts data between dissimilar networks with different protocols. Gateway 101. A network device that joins networks having different protocol. Gateway 102. A network device that makes communication between two different networks having different protocols. Gateway 103. A device that connects two dissimilar networks. Gateway 104. A private internet. Intranet 105. An operating system used in a server computer. Network Operating System 106. A program that controls the functionality of the hardware device. Device Driver 107. Protocol that used to connect on internet. TCP/IP 108. A character either * or ?that stands for series of any characters or any other character. Wildcard character Networking and Telecommunications 295 Questions Collections 80 Multiple Choice Questions 80 True and False 35 Fill in the Blanks 75 Technical Terms 25 Match the following 80 Multiple Choice Questions 1. Which of the following networking solution is suitable for networking within a building? i) WAN ii) LAN iii) MAN iv) None of above 2. Which of the following topologies share a single channel on which all stations can receive and transmit the data? i) LAN ii) BUS iii) TREE iv) None of the above 3. Protocols in network means i) Language for communication between computer ii) Rules for exchange of message between two or more hosts iii) Both i) and ii) iv) None of the above 4. A server in LAN is a i) Device offering service to user ii) NIC iii) Workstation with huge secondary storage iv) None of the above 5. Which is not a physical component of computer network ? i) Cable ii) NIC iii) Network OS iv) Hub 6. Which of the following topologies is least affected by addition/removal of a node? i) Star ii) Ring iii) Bus iv) None of the above 7. The device used for connecting PC to telephone line is i) CD-ROM ii) MODEM iii) Printer iv) Port 8. Which of the following is used to connect totally dissimilar networks? i) Router ii) Bridge iii) Gateway iv) None of the above 9. Which is not a network device? Hub Repeater switch TCP/IP 10. Fastest and high bandwidth data communication medium is: Optical fiber Twisted Pair Coaxial Cable Telephone Line 11. Which is not the network operating system: Linux UNIX MS-DOS Windows Server 2012 12. Which transmission media is not used for guided transmission media? Fiber Optic Coaxial Cable RJ45 Satellite 13. Which type of network is used in the internet? LAN MAN GAN WAN 14. Which refers to the communication media: UTP Cable Fiber optics cable Satellite All of above 15. Which is not a network topology? STAR Ring Client Server BUS 16. Which is not a guided media? UTP Cable STP Cable Satellite Fiber Optics 17. Modem converts ______________ Sound into digital Digital signal into sound Both (i) and (ii) None of above 18. Which is not a communication media? Wire Microwave Satellite NIC 19. In which topology network is connected to hub? Ring Topology Bus Topology Star Topology None 20. Data communication means: i. We can easily send and receive the message Data computing system is fastest in network ii. The process of transferring data and information None of above 21. The term network basically refers to: Communication Interconnection Sharing All of them 22. Which of the following are is not a goal of computer networks? Resource sharing High reliability Scalability None of the above 23. The network architecture used in most home networks is: Client-server LAN Peer-to-peer LAN Client-server WAN Peer-to-peer WAN 24. The maximum speed at which data can be transmitted between two nodes on a network. Bit rate Bandwidth Band length None of them 25. __________ is the main line of defense between a local network or intranet and the Internet. USB port Encryption key Firewall Decryption key 26. Which is the network operating system? MS-DOS Windows 7 MS-UNIX Windows NT 27. Microwave and Infrared technology are related with: Unbounded media Bounded Media Confounded Hot Bounded 28. An example of guided media_______ Radio wave Infrared Fiber Optics Micro wave 29. Devices installed on long cable runs to amplify the signal are called: Repeaters Adapters Switches Routers 30. A network navigation device that merely retransmits a signal to all other nodes attached to it: Router NIC Hub Adapter 31. Physical layout of computer: Network Topology LAN MAN 32. Token passing system is used in _____ topology. Star Ring Bus Mesh 33. Which of the following is protocol? TCP/IP HTTP FTP All of them 34. _______ is the protocol used to send email: HTTP SMTP POP FTP 35. Which one of the device is simplex? i. Television ii. Telephone iii. Computer iv. Walkie-Talkie 36. The bandwidth of digital signal is measured in¬_ i. Hertz ii. Cycle per second iii. Bits per second iv. None of the above 37. Which is not the guided medium? i. UTP ii. STP iii. Microwave iv. Fiber optic cable 38. Which is the connector of UTP cable? i. BNC ii. T-Connector iii. ST connector iv. RJ-45 connector 39. Which is the network operating system used in a server computer? i. Windows XP ii. Windows Vista iii. Windows NT server iv. None of them 40. A dedicated server that manages printers and printing jobs is_ Network Server ii. Printer Server iii. Modem Server iv. File Server 41. A networking device that joins multiple networks having different protocols is_ Switch ii. Router iii. Gateway iv. Bridge 42. Which is not the network protocol? TCP/IP ii. STP iii. FTP iv. SMTP 43. A group of computers that functions both as a client and as a server. Centralized computing ii) Client/server iii) Peer-to-peer iv)Local Area Network 44. A telecommunication network, usually used for connecting computers, that spans a wide geographical area. i) LAN ii) MAN iii) CAN iv) WAN 45. The communication protocol used to connect to web servers on the internet or on a local network (intranet). i) TCP/IP ii) HTTP i) SMTP iv) POP 46. A form of wireless transmission in which signals are sent via pulses of infrared light. i) Radio networking ii) Infrared transmission iii) Microwave transmission iv) None of the above 47. A specialized network device on a host-based network that transmits the data entered by the user to the host for processing and displays the results. i. Client ii. Network Server iii. Terminal iv. None of the above 48. A data communications system allowing a number of independent devices to communicate directly with each other, within a moderately sized geographic area. i.LAN ii.WAN iii. MAN iv.CAN 49. A topology with a single cable that connects all the workstations, servers, printers and other devices on the network. i. Ring Topology ii. Bus Topology iii. Star Topology iv. Mesh Topology 50. A device that lets you link two networks together. i. Switch ii. Hub iii. Router iv. None of above 51. Any network device that can connect to the network and can generate ,process or transfer network data. i) Node ii) Client iii) Peer 52. A network interface card is the card that physically makes the connection between the computer and the network cable. i) Network cables ii) Network connector iii) NIC 53. A centralized computing network is a type of network where all the users connect to a host computer that is the acting agent for all communication. i) Peer-to peer ii) Client/server iii) None of the above 54. A network of computer spread over a city or town located in the same geographical area. i) LAN ii) MAN iii) WAN 55. A device that converts the discrete stream of digital ON-OFF electric pulses used by computer into the continuously variable analog wave patterns used to transmit the human voice over many existing telephone lines. i) Modem ii) Bridge iii) Gateway 56. Which of the following acts as the central authority in the network? protocol ii.client iii.server iv.none of the above 57. which of the following is not Media connector? BNC ii. terminator iii.RJ-45 iv.NIC 58. In which of the following network model all the computers have equal access? i. Peer-to-peer network ii. apple talk network iii. Client/server network iv. None of the above 59. Which of the following device is multi ports repeater? Hub ii. router iii. bridge iv. gateway 60. Which of the following is not a protocol? TCP/IP ii.IPX/SPX iii.NETBIOS/NETBUI iv. Client 61. The speed of Modems is measured in terms of mbps ii.bps iii. kbps iv. bits 62. Which of the following topology uses hub as compulsory device star topology ii. Bus topology iii. Ring topology iv. None of the above 63. Which is not network hardware component? HUB ii. Repeater iii. Router iv. Windows NT 64. Which is not a network protocol? i. TCP/IP ii. HTTP iii. LAN iv. FTP 65. Which is the component of a network? i. MSDOS ii. Hub iii. Volt guard iv. None of them 66. Which is the connector of coaxial cable. i. RJ 45 ii. BNC iii. ST iv. None of them 67. TV broadcasting is an example for data transmitting i. Half-duplex Mode ii. Simplex Mode iii. Full duplex mode iv. None of them 68. A _______ is a self-sufficient computer that acts both as a server and a client to other similar computers on the network. i. Node ii. Client iii. Peer 69. A network in which a central host computer performs data processing and storage on behalf of clients. i. Centralized computing network ii. Client/Server network iii. Peer-to-peer network 70. Which refers to the communication media? i. UTP cable ii. Fiber optic cable iii. Radio wave iv. All 71. Which is Network operating system(NOS)? i. Linux ii. Windows XP iii. MS-DOS iv. All 72. Which refers to the communication media? i) UTP cable ii) Fiber optic cable iii) Satellite iv) All of the above 73. Which of the following is not a protocol? i) POP ii) TCP/IP iii) NOS iv) FTP 74. In which communication media data transfer high? i) Twisted pair ii) Co-axial cable iii) Fiber optics iv) Microwave 75. Which is not unguided media? i) Fiber optics ii) Microwave iii) Infrared iv) Radio wave 76. Which one is bounded media? i) Fibre optics ii) Microwave iii) Infrared iv)Laser 77. Which one is an operating system software? i) MS-Word ii) MS-Excel iii) Firefox iv) MS-DOS 78. Which is NOT a guided media? i) UTP Cable ii) STP Cable iii) Satellite iv) Fiber Optics 79. Which one is an example of bounded media? i) Fiber optics ii) Microwave transmission iii)Laser transmission iv) infrared transmission 80. Each computer on the Internet has a unique numeric address called a/an …. i) Web address ii) Domain address iii) Network binding iv) IP address Answers: 1.LAN 2.BUS 3.Both i) and ii) 4.Device offering service to user 5.Network OS 6. Star 7. MODEM 8.Gateway 9.TCP/IP 10.Optical fiber 11.MS-DOS 12.Satellite 13.WAN 14.All of above 15.Client Server 16.Satellite 17.Both i) and ii) 18.NIC 19.Star Topology 20.The process of transferring data and information 21.All of them 22.None of above 23.Peer-to-peer LAN 24.Bandwidth 25.Firewall 26.Windows NT 27.Unbounded media 28.Fiber optics 29.Repeaters 30.Hub 31.Topology 32.Ring 33.All of them 34.SMTP 35.Television 36.Bits per second 37.Microwave 38.RJ-45 39.Windowas NT Server 40.Printer Server 41.Gateway 42.STP 43.Peer-to-peer 44.WAN 45.HTTP 46.Infrared transmission 47.Terminal 48.LAN 49.Bus Topology 50.None of above 51.Node 52.NIC 53.None of above 54.MAN 55.MODEM 56.Server 57.NIC 58.Peer-to-peer 59.Hub 60.Client 61.bps 62.Star Topology 63Windows NT 64.LAN 65.Hub 66.BNC 67.Simplex Mode 68.Peer 69.Centralized computing network 70.All 71.Linux 72.All of the above 73.NOS 74.Fiber optics 75.Fiber optics 76.Fibre optics 77.MS-DOS 78.Satellite 79.Fiber optics 80.IP address 80 True and False Questions 1. It is possible to share hardware resources on a computer network. 2. In client/server network architecture the resources are distributed to different terminals. 3. Nodes are also called workstations. 4. Network interface card connects printers on the network. 5. Star topology uses a single cable as a backbone from where all other nodes are connected. 6. It is difficult to identify and isolate the failure node in ring topology compared to star topology. 7. There is possibility producing more crosstalk in twisted pair cable than coaxial cable. 8. WAN uses guided transmission media like microwave or radio wave. 9. Bridge connects two dissimilar networks and carried out protocol conversion if needed. 10. Normally there is more transmission error rate in unguided transmission media than guided transmission media. 11. A computer network is just used for resource sharing. 12. The computer networking cannot be implemented within room. 13. The network that covers small area is called PAN. 14. Fiber optics uses light to carry a data signal through cable. 15. Computer network is basically connection of computers. 16. Computer network cannot transfer multimedia contents. 17. Duplex device can transfer data in both directions. 18. Computer Network can share both hardware and software resources. 19. Guided transmission media does not use cables. 20. RJ-45 is the connector for co-axial cable. 21. Data are transmitted in the form of light in the fiber optic cable. 22. Router is a network component that regenerates electric signals. 23. Bus topology requires more media than other topology. 24. STAR topology is the most popular network topology used to connect computers. 25. Protocol is the computer language only understood by computer. 26. Fiber optic is one of the cheapest networks. 27. A bridge is a network device that connects different LAN segments using the same access method. 28. Connecting computer between two different countries is an example of WAN. 29. Protocol is required to transfer data between two computers. 30. A MODEM is a central network device that connects network devices in a star topology. 31. In the wired network, computers are connected with each other through wires. 32. Microwave signals travel in straight line and cannot pass through obstacles like buildings, hills, etc. 33. A hub is also called multiport repeater. 34. Multiple bridges can be used to form a large network by connecting several small networks. 35. A repeater is a network device that regenerates electric signals. 36. In the star topology computers must be arranged in the form of star. 37. A network computer allows sharing of networked connected peripherals and simultaneous access to programs and data irrespective of the physical location of the resources and the user. 38. Network operating system is a formal description of messages formats and the rules that two or more machines must follow to exchange those messages. 39. Wide Area Network is a large computer network that spans a metropolitan area or campus. 40. Wireless Access Point is a device that provides connection between wireless devices and can connect to wired networks. 41. Modem is a network device that connects dissimilar networks with different protocols. 42. Networked computers allow easy transfer of data from one computer to another. 43. A node is the primary data path that can carry large amount of data traffic. 44. A peer-to-peer network is a simple, inexpensive network designed to connect computers together using twisted pair cable or coaxial cable. 45. A hub is a device that amplifies a signal being transmitted on the network. 46. Fiber optic transmitters and receivers are still relatively expensive compared to electrical interface. 47. Computer network or data network is a telecommunications network that allows computer to exchange data. 48. A node is a network computer that utilizes the resources of other network computer including other clients. 49. A network connector is defined as a device that facilitates the connection or the interconnection of computers and other device to a network. 50. HTTP is an internet based standard for retrieval of email by user from an email server. 51. Wide Area Network (WAN) is a geographically dispersed telecommunication network. 52. Communication is the process of sharing message from one point to another._ 53. In half duplex mode of communication, data can be transmitted in both directions simultaneously. 54. Metropolitan Area Network connects two or more LAN together with in a large city or state. 55. Coaxial cable has much greater bandwidth than fiber optic cable. 56. A gateway is a network device which connects two dissimilar networks together. 57. Each computer or device in a network is called node. 58. Peer-to-peer is a network model which has more security than client server. 59. Computer network only allows us to share computer hardware. 60. A workstation is a computer that uses the service of the network. 61. A computer network that covers small local area is MAN. 62. Internet is an example of WAN. 63. A server computer acts as the storehouse and distributer for the program data and information. 64. You can send message from one computer to another computer on the network. 65. Modem can convert digital signal into analog signal and vice versa. 66. Protocols are no required to exchange data between two different computers. 67. Fill duplex mode allows simultaneous transmission of data in both directions. 68. Wire communication is suitable for Local Area Network. 69. The router filters and forwards information among different networks. 70. In a computer network, the data is passed from one computer to another by means of cables or satellites. 71. A metropolitan area network (MAN) is a network of computers between two different cities. 72. The computers in a network system share only software packages. 73. Connecting computers between two different countries is an example of WAN. 74. Computer network increases worker productivity and offers tremendous convenience. 75. A server is a network computer that utilizes the resources of other network computers, including other clients. 76. Local Area Network is a network that spans multiple geographical locations. 77. A physical ring topology is a network topology in which network nodes are connected in a continuous circle. 78. Router is a network device used to regenerate or replicate a signal. 79. MODEMS are not needed in wireless network communication. 80. HUB provides power backup in the event of power cut on the network system. Answers: 1.True 2.False 3. True 4.False 5.False 6. True 7. True 8. False 9.False 10. True 11.False 12.False 13.False 14. True 15. True 16.False 17. True 18. True 19.False 20. False 21. True 22.Falsse 23False 24. True 25. True 26.False 27. True 28. True 29. True 30.False 31. True 32. True 33. True 34. True 35. True 36.False 37. True 38.False 39.False 40.True 41. False 42.True 43.True 44.True 45. False 46.True 47.True 48.False 49.True 50. False 51.True 52. False 53. False 54.True 55. False 56.True 57.True 58. False 59. False 60.True 61. False 62.True 63.True 64.True 65.True 66. False 67.True 68.True 69.True 70.True 71. False 72. False 73.True 74.True 75. False 76. False 77. True 78. False 79.True 80. False 35 Fill in the Blanks 1. The interconnection of computers with or without wires in order to share information is called __________________ 2. The ______________ computer is used to server data and information. 3. The smallest area covers by network is called _______________ 4. The ____________ which uses information from the server. 5. The wireless technology used for long distance is called _________________ 6. A set of rules used to define communication is called ____________________ 7. The remote login protocol is _________________ 8. Both directional communication at the same time is called ______________ mode of communication 9. A_______________is a computer designed to process requests and deliver data to other (client) computers over a Local Network or the Internet. 10. _______________is a set of rules that governs the communications between computers on a network. 11. A _______________is a network that interconnects users with computer resources in a geographic area or region larger than that covered by even a LAN but smaller than the area covered by a WAN. 12. _______________is a hardware device used to connect several computers together. 13. _______________ is a device connecting two or more networks that facilitates the transfer of data in the form of packets. 14. A _________________is a group of computer systems and other computing hardware devices that are linked together through communication channels to facilitate communication and resource- sharing among a wide range of users. 15. A_________________is a self sufficient computer that acts both as a server and a client to other similar computers on the network. 16. A_________________network is a group of computers that function both as client and server. 17. The interconnection of computer with or without wire is known as_______________. 18. The _______________computer acts as the storehouse and distributor for the data, information and programs. 19. A computer on a network that uses resources of the network is _______________. 20. The network if computer within the room, building or campus is_______________. 21. The computer network of any two countries is_______________. 22. The example of WAN is _______________ . 23. Telecommunication is a system of transmission of sounds, images, texts or data in the form of ____________________. 24. Modes for transmitting data from one device to another are simple, Half-duplex, and ______________mode. 25. Bandwidth is measured in ______________________. . 26. Cat 5 cable is used with_____________ connector. 27. Microwave is a __________________that can be used to transmit data between two different computers. 28. _____________________ is a communication system connecting two or more computer that work together to exchange information and share resources. 29. ______________________ is a transmission of data and information between computers using a communication link such as a standard telephone line. 30. A ___________ network is a network in which a central host computer performs data processing and storage on behalf of clients. 31. A ______________________ refers to the shape of the network in which all the computers are connected together. 32. A physical ________________ topology is a network topology in which network nodes are connected in a continuous circle. 33. ___________________ mode communication is a mode of transmission in which data flows in one direction only. 34. __________________ is a device software or a system that converts data between dissimilar network with different protocols. 35. _________ means two-way communication system. Answers: 1.Computer Network 2.server 3.LAN 4.client computer 5.microwave transmission 6. protocol 7. telnet 8.full-duplex 9.server 10.protocol 11.MAN 12.Hub 13.Router network 15.peer 16.peer-to-peer network 18.server 19.workstation 20.LAN 21.WAN 22.internet 23.electronic signals 24.full-duplex 25.bps 26.RJ-45 27.wireless technology 28.Computer network 29.Telecommunication 30.centralized 31.topology 32.ring 33.Simplex 34.Gateway 35.Full-duplex 25 Match the Following 1. Server HTTP Node Work Station Protocol Main Computer Coaxial Cable Set of rules Communication Media 2. Protocol MODEM WAN Fiber Optic Network component HTTP Transmission media Internet 3. Coaxial Cable RJ45 Optical Fiber cable BNC Twisted Pair ST Telephone Wire RJ11 4. Star Powerful computer WAN Computers on the network provided to users Server Internet Node Topology 5. Host computer A computer circuit board NIC A self-sufficient computer Windows NT A powerful, centralized computer system TCP/IP Popular network operating Peer Node Network protocol 6. Computer network Windows NT Network OS HTTP Transmission channel Resource Sharing Protocol UTP Bit 7. Wi-Fi Network within a building Linear Bus Software component BNC Topology Device Driver Transmission Media Media connector 8. Protocol Network within a building. LAN BNC MAN RJ-45 Coaxial Central device for star topology. Cat 5 Rules to exchange data. Hub Network within a city. 9. Radio Wave Device to connect network having different technology Cyber ethics power protection device Spike guard internet Gateway professionally guided principles Wireless media 10. Server HTTP Node Work station Protocol Main computer Coaxial cable Repeater Communication Media 11. T-connector Network Bridge Power protection CD-ROM Coaxial cable Spike Guard Multimedia component Virus scanning 12. Satellite Multimedia HTTP Protocol Online business Unguided media Fiber optics E-commerce 13. Microwave Multimedia Volt guard Protocol Sound card Unguided media TCP/IP Power protection devices Guided media 14. RJ-45 Multimedia WAN Duplicate copy Back up Fiber optic cable Microphone Twisted pair cable Internet 15. Combination of several media Guided Media POP Power Protection Device UTP Multimedia UPS Protocol used in e-mail CD-ROM 16. E-commerce Power protection device Volt guard Online shopping Satellite link WAN Sound card Optical fiber Multimedia 17. McAfee Supplies continuous power UPS Internet protocol Web Browser Antivirus software TCP/IP Internet explorer Computer virus 18. Bandwidth ISP Internet FAT Network bps Software security NAV NIC 19. Pictures in motions Guided media TCP/IP animation UTP Random Access Memory Volatile memory CD-ROM Protocol used in Internet 20. LAN Within a city MAN Internet protocol UPS Within a city IPX/SPX Power supply device Between countries 21. Sound card WAN Virus Internet explorer Web browser Multimedia Satellite link damage or corrupt data Bridge 22. TCP/IP Multimedia Back up Web address Sound card Software security URL Protocol RJ45 23. Node a network computer that utilizes the resources of other computer Client a set of rules by which computers communicate with each other over a network Host a self-sufficient computer that acts both as a server and a client(shares and uses resources Peer any network device that can connect to the network and can generate, process or transfer network data Protocol the most powerful type of computer on the network, that does all the processing for the user 24. Ring topology A group of computers that functions both as a client and server. Simplex connection A group of computers and associated devices that share a common communications line or wireless link. Peer-to peer network A network topology in which network nodes are connected in continuous circle. Fiber optic cable A connection in which the data flows in only one direction from the transmitter to the receiver. Local area network A network cable that contains stands of glass fibers inside an insulated casing 25. TCP/IP Addressing data, converting them into packets and Routing FTP Transfer mail and attachment on the network POP Transfer files between two computers SMTP Fetching mails from the mail server to a user’s computer Answers: 1.-,B,A,C,D 2.C,D,A,B 3.C, A, B, D 4.C, -, D, B, A 5.B, E, A, C, -, D 6. B,D,A,C,- 7. –,D,B,A,C 8.B,D,E,F,A,C 9.D,C,-,B,A 10.C,B,A,-,D 11.B,D,A,C 12.D,B,A,C 13.C.D,A,B,- 14.D,C,-,A,B 15.C,D,-,A,B 16.B,A,C,-,D 17.B,D,A,C,- 18.B,-,A,D,C 19.C,A,D,-,B 20.B,D,A,C,- 21.D,C,A,B,- 22.C,D,B,A,- 23.B,E,D,A,C 24.C,E,A,B,D 25.A,D,B,C Chapter 2 INTERNET & SERVICES 1) What is internet? Ans: Internet is an interconnection of several thousands of computers of different types belonging to the various networks all over the world. 2) Who controls the Internet? Ans: Different organization like ISOC (Internet Society), W3C (World Wide Web Consortium), IAB (Internet Architecture Board), IEFT (Internet Engineering Task Force), IRTF (Internet Research Task Force), IESG (Internet Engineering Steering Group) and INIC (Internet Network information Centre) gives directive and guideline for the proper use of internet. 3) List the components required for internet connection. Ans: The components for internet connect are: i) A TCP/IP enabled computer with web browser ii) An account with an ISP iii) MODEM iv) Connection (ISDN, Satellite, cable and dial-up) 4) List the services provided by internet. Ans: The services provided by internet are: i) WWW (World Wide Web) ii) E-mail (Electronic mail) iii) FTP (File Transfer Protocol) iv) IRC (internet Relay Chat) v) News Group vi) Telnet vii) Internet Telephony viii) E-commerce 5) What is E-mail? Ans: E-mail (Electronic mail) is one of the most popular services provided by the internet which exchanges messages between the computers. It is the method of transferring/transmitting data, text, file, digital photo or audio or video file from one computer to another computer over the internet. 6) Write down the advantages of E-mail. Ans: The advantages of email are: i) It allows to send and receive message across the world at very low cost. ii) It is very fast compared to postal system. iii) The image, sound, video and documents can be attached to e-mail message. iv) Multiple copies of same message can be sent to many people. 7) Write down the disadvantages of e-mail. Ans: The disadvantages of e-mail are: i) Minor mistakes in e-mail address may deliver the mail to wrong address. ii) Since it passes through a vast electronic network, it may be seized in between. 8) What is newsgroup? Ans: A newsgroup is a discussion group that discuss on particular topic such as politics, health, computer, etc. 9) What is telnet? Ans: A telnet is a program that allows a user to log in to a remote computer on internet as a user on that system. 10) What is FTP? Ans: It is the internet tool that allows the user to transfer the file from one computer to another. 11) What is IRC? Ans: Internet Relay Chat is one of the important services provided by the internet which allows the user to communicate with other people in real time. 12) What is internet telephony? Ans: It is one of the cheapest and reliable services provided by the internet that allows the user to make telephone communication or voice communication through internet. 13) What is FAQ? Ans: FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is an online document that possesses series of common questions and answers on a specific topic. 14) What is E-commerce? Ans: It is the buying and selling of goods over the internet. 15) What is video conferencing? Ans: It is the transmission of image/video and audio/speech back and forth between two or more geographically dispersed person. 16) What do you mean by online banking? Ans: Online banking is the practise of making transaction using the internet. 17) What is webpage? Ans: Webpage is an electronic document written using a computer language called HTML. 18) What is website? Ans: It is a collection of webpages that can be published by an organization or individual. 19) What is uploading? Ans: Uploading refers to copying files or documents, programs or data from the user computer to the internet server. 20) What is downloading? Ans: Downloading refers to the copying files or document or program or data from the internet server to the user computer. 21) What is web browser? Ans: Web browser is a computer program that access web pages and displays them on the user computer. 22) What is URL? Ans: It is a unique address that provides location of a webpage on the internet. 23) What is browsing/ surfing? Ans: Browsing/ Surfing means searching information on the internet. 24) What is search engine? Ans: Search engine is the website that allows the user to search the information based on keywords on combination of keywords. They are used to locate specific sites and information. 25) What is URL? Ans: Each web page has a unique address that provides location on the internet is known as URL (Uniform Resource Locator). 26) Write down the name of any four web browsers. Ans: Any four web browser are: i) Google chrome ii) Mozilla Firefox iii) Opera iv) Internet explorer 27) Write down the name of any four search engine. Ans The name of any four search engines are: i) Google ii) Bing iii) MSN iv) Yahoo 28) List down the types of modulation. Ans: The types of modulation are i) Amplitude Modulation (AM) ii) Frequency Modulation (FM) iii) Phase Modulation (PM) 29) Write down the names of four ISPs of Nepal. Ans: The names of four ISPs of Nepal are: i) World Link ii) Broad Link iii) Mercantile iv) Otel 30) What is ISP? Ans: It is a company that provides Internet and E-mail service. 31) What is ISDN? Ans: It is a high speed digital communication network involving from existing telephony integrated digital network (IDN) which provides end to end digital connectivity to support a wide range of services including voice and non-voice service. 32) Write down the names of any four search engine. Ans: Names of any four search engine are: • • • • 33) Write down the names of any four sites which provides e-mail services. Ans: Names of any four sites that provides e-mail services are: • • • • 34) Write down the names of any four web browser. Ans: The names of any four web browsers are: • Google chrome • Opera • Mozilla Firefox • Internet Explorer Chapter -3 COMPUTER SECURITY 1) What is computer security? Ans: The security given to the computer for the protection of hardware, software and data from being lost or damaged due to accidental or intention harm is known as computer security. 2) What is hardware security? Ans: The security given to the various hardware tools or equipment from being lost or damaged due to accidental or intention is known as hardware security. 3) List some of the hardware security measures. Ans: Some of the hardware security measures are: i) Regular maintenance ii) Insurance Policy iii) Power Regulator Device iv) Fire detectors v) Protection from theft 4) What is software security? Ans: The security given to the software and data from being lost or damaged due to accidental or intentional harm is called software security. 5) List some of the software security measures. Ans: Some of the software security measures are: i) Backup ii) Scandisk iii) Defragmentation iv) Password 6) What is voltage regulator device? Give example. Ans: A voltage regulator device is an electronic regulator device designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level. E.g.: UPS, Spike guard, Volt guard, etc. 7) Why is power protection device needed in a computer system? Ans: Power protection device is needed in a computer system to protect the computer system from damage and expensive data loss. 8) What is UPS? Ans: A UPS is a device that allows computer to keep running for at least a short time when the primary power source is lost. It provides continuous power supply to the computer system and protects them from power surge and voltage fluctuation. 9) What is password? Ans: A password is a secret word or phrase that gives a user access to a particular program or system. 10) What should be done to protect the system form unauthorized access? Ans: To protect a system from unauthorized access, password should be kept in a system which provides security to the system. A password should be difficult to guess and determine and should be changed regularly and memorized. 11) What is backup? Ans: Backup is a copy of a file which is used in the event of the original file being corrupted. 12) Why is backup vital to computer system? Ans: Backup is essential to computer security system to save the important data and programs from accidental and intentional harm. They are stored in different storage devices like hard disk, CDs and pen drives. When the data and software gets lost or damaged the backup system helps to recover the lost or damaged data or software from the backup copy of data and software. 13) How can software prevent data loss? Ans: Software prevents the data loss by the following ways: i) Antivirus software can detect and remove virus from the computer. ii) Scan disk checks folders, bad sector and other error of the disk and fix them. iii) Software for backup helps in securing the information by keeping backup. 14) What is scan disk? Ans: Scan disk is a process which involves in maintaining the disk files and folders, bad sectors, lost clusters, lost chains and other errors of the specific disk and it can fix them if it is possible. 15) What is defragmentation? Ans: The process of re-writing parts of a file to continuous sector on a hard disk to increase the speed of access and retrieval. 16) What is fragmentation? Ans: The scattering of the parts of the same disk file over different location is called fragmentation. 17) What is password policy? Ans: A set of rules designed to enhance computer security by encouraging user to employee strong passwords and use them properly is called password policy. 18) What is importance of UPS in computer security system? Ans: The importance of UPS in computer security system is that it controls fluctuation of electric voltage and provides enough backup electric power to the computer system when there is power failure. 19) Why is backup vital to computer system? Ans: Backup is vital to computer security system in order to save the data from being lost or damaged due to accidental or intention harm. When data and software are lost or damaged, we can easily recover through backup. 20) Write any four criteria for a strong password. Ans: Any four criteria for strong password are: • Do not keep a password which can be easily guessed such as date of birth, nickname, etc. • Do not keep word as password that is currently popular. • Keep a password with mixture of alphabet and numbers which is difficult to guess. • Keep changing your password regularly. Chapter -4 COMPUTER VIRUS 1) What is computer virus? Ans: Computer virus is a program written by the programmer with the intention of destroying and damaging the data and programs residing in the computer system. 2) Write down the purpose of creating computer virus. Ans: The purpose of creating computer virus are: i) To stop computer piracy ii) To entertain user by displaying interesting message and pictures iii) To destroy data, information and files iv) To expose the programmers ability v) To earn money 3) How does a computer virus spread from one computer to another? Ans: A virus spreads from one computer to another by: i) Sharing infected internal portable disk like floppy disk, pen drive, CDs, etc. ii) Opening a virus infected email, messages and attached files iii) Downloading files and programs form the websites which are not secure iv) Exchanging data and information over a network 4) What are the symptoms of computer virus? Ans: The symptoms of computer virus are: i) Program takes long time to load. ii) The floppy disk or hard disk is suddenly accessed without a logical reason. iii) Increased use of disk space and growth in file size. iv) Corrupting the system data. v) Renaming files with different names. 5) Write down the effects of computer virus. Ans: The effects of computer virus are: i) Virus can change the contents of file, and codes of program. ii) Degrade the overall performance of computer system. iii) Change in size of file by adding or removing text accordingly. 6) Write some preventive ways to protect computer system form virus. Ans: Some preventive measures are: i) Write protect your floppy disks when using them on other computers. ii) Scan the mail or unknown files of internet before opening in your computers. iii) Use a good antivirus program to scan floppy disk, CD, etc. before copying. iv) Don’t install pirated software, especially computer games. v) Don’t interchange the internal disk among the computers. vi) Don’t use free distributed software. 7) Write down the types of viruses. Ans: The types of viruses are: i) Boot sector virus ii) File infector virus iii) Multipartite virus iv) Stealth virus v) Macro virus 8) What is antivirus software? Ans: Antivirus software is software designed to detect and remove virus from computer system o ensure virus free environment. 9) Write down any four examples of virus. Ans: Any four examples of viruses are: i) Disk killer ii) Flip iii) Frodo iv) Word concept 10) Write any four examples of antivirus software. Ans: Four examples of antivirus software are: i) Kaspersky ii) NOD32 iii) Norton antivirus iv) McAfe 11) What is boot sector virus? Ans: The virus which destroys or infects the boot sector of the disk where master boot record is stored is called boot sector virus. 12) How can boot sector virus harm a PC? Ans: The boot sector virus modifies the Master Boot Record (MBR) that prevents the computer system from being able to boot or start up the computer from system disk. 13) What is program or file virus? Ans: The virus that infects the executable program file having extension .exe, .bin, .sys, .com, etc. is called program virus. 14) What is stealth virus? Ans: The virus that infects the program files and boot records which rarely gives the information about its presence is called stealth virus. 15) What is multipartite virus? Ans: The virus which infects both application program and boot sector of a disk is called multipartite virus. 16) What is Macro virus? Ans: The virus that infects the software document or template created using word processing or spread sheet software is called macro virus. 17) What is Master Boot Record (MBR)? Ans: MBR is a small program which is responsible for booting computer system. Chapter -5 MULTIMEDIA 1) What is multimedia? Ans: Multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of media, which presents information in more interesting and understandable way. 2) Name the five types of media used in multimedia technology. Ans: The five types of media used in multimedia technology are: i) Text ii) Audio iii) Video iv) Graphics v) Animation 3) What are the hardware components required for multimedia? Ans: The hardware components required for multimedia are: i) Sound Card ii) Speaker iii) Headphones iv) CD/DVD ROM drive v) Graphics Card 4) Write down the advantages of multimedia technology. Ans: The advantages of multimedia technology are: i) It makes teaching/learning easier in classroom. ii) It makes easy to share views, ideas and thoughts among various people. iii) It can store data and information for longer period. iv) It makes presentation of related subject matter attractive. 5) Write down the disadvantages of multimedia technology. Ans: The disadvantages of multimedia technology are: i) It needs a multimedia computer and a techno-man to prepare multimedia and is expensive initially. ii) It is not possible to distribute and use in remote area. 6) Write down the software packages used for multimedia technology. Ans: The software packages used for multimedia technology are: i) Adobe Photoshop ii) Macromedia flash player iii) Animator Pro iv) 3D studio MAX v) Maya vi) Coral Draw etc. 7) What is animation? Ans: Animation is a simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures or frame. 8) What is virtual reality? Ans: Virtual reality is an artificial environment created by computer hardware and software and presented to the user in such a way that it appears real. 9) What is multimedia computer system? What are the hardware required by multimedia computer system? Ans: A multimedia computer is a computer equipped with special hardware and software that makes multimedia possible. The components of multimedia computer are: i) Faster CPU ii) Larger storage device iii) Large main memory iv) High resolution monitor v) Sound card and speaker vi) Keyboard and pointing device 10) Why is multimedia technology becoming popular? Ans: Multimedia technology is becoming popular because it shares the ideas, views and thoughts of people in an interactive, effective and understandable way. 11) Write down the application areas of multimedia technology. Ans: The application areas of multimedia technology are Videogame, Advertisement, Presentation, Films, Public accessing, Learning foreign language, etc. Chapter -8 Ms-Access 1) What is database? Give two examples. Ans:Database is a collection of related and organized information that can be used for different purpose. Two examples of database are: i) Dictionary ii) Telephone Directory 2) Differentiate between data and table. Ans: The difference between data and table are given below: Data Table Data can be numbers, letters or symbols representing facts and figures which may or may not give any sense. Table is an object of database that stores large volume of data in the form of rows and columns. 3) State the advantages of managing database information in access. Ans:The advantages of managing database information in access are: i) It controls data redundancy which means duplication of data. ii) It allows sharing the existing data by different programs. iii) Large volume of data can be stored and updated easily. iv) It provides high security of data as well as maintains accurate database. 4) Differentiate between database and database management system Ans:The difference between database and database management system are given below: Database Database Management System Database is a collection of related and organized information that can be used for different purposes DBMS is software which is used to manage data in an organized way. E.g.: Telephone directory, Dictionary, etc. E.g.: MS-Access, Oracle 5) Differentiate between computerized and non-computerized database. Ans: The difference between computerized and non-computerized database are given below: Computerized Non-Computerized It can store large volume of data It is limited by physical storage available. It is very fast to find a specific record It can take a while to manually search through all of the records. Data can be sorted into ascending or descending order on multiple criteria. Difficult to sort data on more than one criteria. The database can be kept secure by use of passwords. The only security would be locking up the records. 6) What is data? Write with examples. Ans:Data can be numbers, letters or symbols representing facts and figures which may or may not give any sense. E.g.: Ram, student, 20, etc. 7) What is information? Ans: Information is an organized collection of related data, which gives a complete sense. For example: “He is a boy.” , etc. 8) Differentiate between data and information. Ans: The difference between data and information are given below: Data Information Data can be numbers, letters or symbols representing facts and figures which may or may not give any sense. Information is an organized collection of related data which gives a complete sense. E.g.: Ram, student, 20, etc. .g.: Ram is a student. He is 20 years old., etc. 9) Differentiate between record and table. Ans: Record Table i) Record is a collection of multiple related fields in a row which gives complete information about a person or thing. i) Table is an object of database that stores large volume of data in the form of rows and columns. 10) What is MS-Access? Ans:MS-Access is a relational database management system developed by Microsoft Corporation which is used to store and manipulates large volume of data in the form of table. 11) Define DBMS with example. Ans:DBMS is a software which is used to manage data in an organized way. E.g.: MS-Access, Oracle, etc. 12) 11. Define RDBMS with example. Ans: It is a database management system that is based on the relation model in which data is stored in the form of tables and the relationship among the data is also stored in the form of tables. E.g.: SQL, MS-Access, Oracle, etc. 13) List any four featured of DBMS. Ans: The four features of DBMS are: i) It controls data redundancy which means duplication of data. ii) It allows sharing the existing database by different programs. iii) Large volume of data can be stored and updated easily. iv) It provides high security of data as well as maintains accurate database. 14) List any four features of MS-Access? Ans: The four features of MS-Access are: i) It provides the flexible ways to add, edit, delete and display the related data. ii) Queries help to view, change and analyse the data indifferent ways. iii) Forms are used for viewing and editing the information. iv) Reports are used for summarizing and printing the data. 15) Define the term of input mask and relationship. Ans: Input mask: It is a field property that controls the value of a record and sets in a specific format. Relationship: It is an association among several entities (table). 16) What is caption? Ans: Caption is a field property which displays an alternate name for the field to make the field name more explanatory. It can contain up to 2048 characters. 17) What are the different objects of MS-Access? Ans: The different objects of MS-Access are: i)Table ii)Form iii)Query iv)Report 18) What is data type? Ans: It is an attribute for a field that determines what type of data it can contain. 19) Write any four data types of MS-Access. Ans: Any four data types of MS-Access are: i)Text ii)Number iii)Memo iv)Currency 20) List any four types of field properties used by MS-Access. Ans: The four types of field properties of MS-Access are: i)Caption ii)Format iii)Validation rule iv)Input mask 21) What is validation rule? Define validation text. Ans: Validation rule: A field property which enables to limit values that can be accepted into a field is known as validation rule. Validation text: A field property which allows type text to be displayed if the user input value is prohibited by the validation rule is known as validation text. 22) Differentiate between text and memo. Ans: Text Memo i) It is used for storing text or combination of text and numbers. i) It is used for storing lengthy text and numbers. ii) It can store up to 2055 characters. ii) It can store up to 65,535 characters. 23) What is field size? What is the use of ‘Format’ field property? Ans: Field size is a field property that specifies the maximum number of characters allowed in the field. The use of ‘Format’ field property is to display data in a different format. 24) Write down the use of Lookup Wizard and Hyperlink data types. Ans: The use of Lookup Wizard is that it creates a field that allows choosing a value from another table or from a list of values by using a list box or combo box. The use of Hyperlink is that it stores hyper like addresses like email addresses, websites, database objects or other field. 25) Define indexing. Mention its types. Ans: Indexing is one of the important properties of database that speed up searching and storing of records using on the field. Its types are: • Primary indexing • Secondary indexing • Clustering indexing 26) Define relationship with its types. Ans: Relationship is an association among several entities (table). Its types are: i)One to one relationship ii)One to many relationship iii)Many to many relationship 27) What is referential integrity? Ans: Referential integrity is a set of rules used by RDBMS to make sure that the relationships between tables are valid and that the related data is not accidentally changed or deleted. 28) Define field. Ans: A column in a table is called field, and it contains a specific piece of information within a record. 29) Differentiate between field and record. Ans:The difference between field and record are given below: Field Record A column in a table is called field, and it contains a specific piece of information within a record Record is a collection of multiple related fields in a row which gives complete information about a person or thing. E.g.: Name, Address, Telephone E.g.: Ram Chabahil 4468790 30) While designing table structure which data types are suitable to store information about teacher’s name, address, salary and date of birth. Ans: Teacher’s name - Text Address – Text Salary – Currency Date of birth – Date/Time 31) What happens when we enter text in a numeric field? Ans: If we enter text in a numeric field then it displays the errors. 32) What is Primary key? Why is it needed? Ans: Primary key is a field that uniquely identifies the record. It is needed because it neither accepts duplicate values now null values. 33) Write any two uses of Primary key? Ans: The uses of Primary key are: i) To reduce and control duplication of record in a table. ii) To set the relationship between tables. 34) What is composite and foreign key? Ans: The group of primary key that consists of two or more attributes is called composite key. Foreign key is a unique field or combination of fields in linked table whose value matches with a primary key in another table. 35) Define sorting and filtering in MS-Access Ans: Sorting means grouping all the records in a table either in ascending or descending order based on a key field of the record Filtering is an option that selects the required records and displays the result. 36) How is sorting different from filtering? Ans: Sorting arranges the record either in ascending or descending order whereas filtering selects the required records and displays the result. 37) What are the advantages of sorting? Ans: The advantages of sorting are: i) It helps to find specific information quickly. ii) It helps to arrange data in alphabetical order. 38) What are the advantages of form over table? Ans: The advantages of form over a table are: i) It allows to design the layout of field on screen in any arrangement. ii) It shows only the information we want to see. iii) It can display one complete record at a time. 39) How can data redundancy be controlled in MS-Access? Ans: Data redundancy can be controlled in MS-Access by the use of “Primary Key”. 40) Define table. Write different ways to create a table. Ans: Table is an object of database that stores large volume of data in the form of rows and columns. The different ways to create table are: i) Using design view ii) Using wizard 41) Write down the importance of table. Ans: The importances of table are: • Different properties of a field can be set in a table. • It provides options for primary key which helps to make data consistent. 42) What is form? Mention the methods to create a form Ans: Form is an object of database which provides graphical interface to enter data into the tables or multiple linked tables. Methods to create a form are: i) By using auto forms features. ii) By using the form wizard features. iii) By using your own in design view. 43) Write down the importance of form. Ans: The importances of form are: • It provides an interactive platform for input of data into the database. • It helps to display data in more presentable form than a datasheet. 44) What are the different controls used in form? Ans: The different controls used in form are text box, combo box, list box, check box, label, command bottom, tab control, etc. 45) Define query. Mention different types of query. Ans: Query is an object of a database which extracts and arranges information from a table. The different types of query are: i) Select query ii) Action query In action query, we have update query, append query, delete query and make-table query. 46) What are the advantages of query? Ans: The advantages of query are: i) We can filer, perform calculations and summarize data. ii) Large volume of records can be updated or deleted at a same time. iii) It retrieves and display records including some fields or all the fields of a table or multiple linked tables. 47) What are the purposes of query in MS-Access? Ans: The purpose of query in MS-Access are: i) To view records including some fields or all the fields of a table or multiple linked tables. ii) To perform mathematical calculation of a data. iii) To sort the records on the basis of one or more key fields. iv) To perform mass update, delete or append new records to a table. 48) What is select query? For what it can be used? Ans: A select query is the most common categories and is used for extracting specific information from one or more tables in a database. We use select query to group records and calculate sums, counts and average, minimum and maximum. 49) What is update query? Ans: Update query is a type of action query which make global changes in data of a table or more linked tables. 50) Write the append query? Ans: The use of append query is to add a group of records from one or more tables to the end of one or more tables. 51) Write down the importance of query? Ans: The importances of query are: • It allows user to make calculations and change data in automated fashion. • It provides option to delete all the unwanted data matching certain criteria. 52) Differentiate between select query and action query. Ans: The difference between select query and action query are given below: Select query Action query It is a query which extracts specific information from one or more tables. It is a query which makes changes to many records in just one operation. It cannot make changes in tales. It can do changes in tables by update, append. 53) What is report? List any two methods to create report. Ans: Report is an object of database which displays the output in an effective way to present the data in a printed format. The methods are: i) Using design view ii) Using report wizard 54) What is the importance of report? Ans: The importance of report are: i) It displays the information the way we want to view it. ii) It presents the information retrieved through queries or tables. iii) It presents the information in designed layouts by adding necessary titles, setting font colour or font size, etc. 55) Why is report created? Ans: Report is created to print documents according to users specifications of the summarized information through query or table. 56) What is the data source for report? Ans: The data sources for report are table and query. 57) Differentiate between form and report. Ans: The difference between form and report are given below: Forms Report Forms are used to enter, view, and edit information. Reports are used only to view information Forms are usually displayed on the screen. Reports can be previewed on the screen, but they are usually printed. Forms generally provide a detailed took at records and usually for the people who actually work with the database. Reports are often used to group and summarize data, and are often for the people who don’t work with the database but who use its information for other business task. Chapter: 9 Qbasic Program: Sequential Data File 1. Write a program to create a sequential data file “RESULT.DAT” to store name, address and marks obtained in 3 different subjects of students. [PABSON SEND UP 2066] - OPEN “RESULT.DAT” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO CLS INPUT “Enter name”; N$ INPUT “Enter address”; A$ INPUT “Enter marks in three different subjects”; M1, M2, M3 WRITE #1, N$, A$, M1, M2, M3 INPUT” Do you want to continue(Y/N)”;CH$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(CH$)=”Y” CLOSE #1 END 2. Write a program to search and display only those record whose percentage is more than 60% from the data “RESULT.DAT” which contain Student’s Symbol number, Date of birth, Total Marks, Percentage and Division. [PABSON SEND UP 2067] - OPEN “RESULT.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, SN, D$, T, P, DA$ IF P>60 THEN PRINT SN, D$, T, P, DA$ WEND CLOSE #1 END 3. A data file name “STUDENT.DAT”, contains number of records having fields name, post and salary. Write a program to count total number of “Manager” in the data file. (hint: Manager is a post) [SLC SEND UP 2067] - OPEN “STUDENT.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, P$, S IF UCASE$(P$)=”MANAGER” THEN C=C+1 END IF WEND PRINT “The total numbers of managers are”; C CLOSE #1 END 4. WAP to create sequential file “Person.DAT” containing information like Name, age, DOB and sex. Add records in this data file as per the users choice. [PABSON SLC 2064] - OPEN “PERSON.DAT” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO CLS INPUT” Enter name”; N$ INPUT” Enter age”; A$ INPUT” Enter date of birth”; D$ INPUT” Enter Sex”; S$ WRITE #1, N$, A$, D$, S$ INPUT “Do you want to continue(Y/N)”; CH$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(CH$)=”Y” CLOSE #1 END 5. Write a program to store SIDNO, name, address and Telephone number of five students and display the records on monitor in sequential data file “STDINFO”. [MAAF SLC SEND UP 2068] - OPEN “ STDINFO.DAT” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO CLS INPUT “Enter SID NO. “; N INPUT “Enter name”; N$ INPUT “Enter address”; A$ INPUT “Enter telephone number”; T# WRITE #1, N, N$, A$, T# INPUT “Do you want to continue(Y/N)”; CH$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(CH$)=”Y” CLOSE #1 END 6. Write a program to create a data file “SLC.dat” to store Name,Class,and marks in three subjects of 15 students. [PABSON SLC SEND UP 2068] - OPEN “SLC.DAT” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 FOR I = 1 TO 15 CLS INPUT “Enter name”; N$ INPUT “Enter class”; C INPUT “Enter marks in three different subjects”; M1, M2, M3 WRITE #1, N$,C,M1,M2,M3 NEXT I CLOSE #1 END 7. Write a program to create a data file “result.dat” to store name, address and obt. Marks in three different subjects of students. [SLC SEND UP 2069] - OPEN “RESULT.DAT” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO CLS INPUT “Enter name”; N$ INPUT “Enter address”; A$ INPUT “Enter marks in three different subjects”; M1, M2, M3 WRITE #1, N$, A$, M1, M2, M3 INPUT “Do you want to continue(Y/N)”; CH$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(CH$)=”Y” CLOSE #1 END 8. Write a program to open a data file “STUDENT.DAT”that contains Name, Address, Telephone number and Parent’s Name of some students. Now display all those records whose address is “LALITPUR”. [JM SECOND TERM 2068] - OPEN “STUDENT.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE OT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, A$, T#, PN$ IF UCASE$(A$)=”LALITPUR” THEN PRINT N$, A$, T#, PN$ WEND CLOSE #1 END 9. A data file”STUDENT.DAT” has several records in it.Write a program to read existing record from the file and display the total number or records. - OPEN “STUDENT.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) LINE INPUT #1, R$ C=C+1 WEND PRINT “Total number of records=”; C CLOSE #1 END 10. Create a sequential data file”Price.dat” to store item name,quantity and Rate also calculate total amount (total=Quantity X Rate).Program should terminate according to the user’s choice. - OPEN “PRICE.DAT” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO CLS INPUT “Enter item name”; N$ INPUT “Enter quantity”; Q INPUT “Enter rate”; R T= Q*R WRITE #1, N$, Q, R INPUT “Do you want to continue(Y/N)”;CH$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(CH$)=”Y” CLOSE #1 END 11. Create a sequential data file’post.dat’ to store name and marks of any three subjects also calculate total and percentages only for 15 students. - OPEN “POST.DAT” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 FOR I= 1 TO 15 CLS INPUT “Enter your name”; N$ INPUT “Enter marks in three different subjects”; M1, M2, M3 T=M1+M2+M3 P= T/3 WRITE #1, N$, M1, M2, M3, T, P NEXT I CLOSE #1 END 12. A sequential data file’post.dat’ has few records related to name,address,salary and DOB (mm/dd/yyyy).WAP to: i. Display all the records as well as count and display he total number of records also. ii. Display the records whose address begins with ‘S’ or ‘D’ - i) - OPEN “POST.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, A$, S, D$ PRINT N$, A$, S, D$ C=C+1 WEND PRINT “Total number of records=”; C CLOSE #1 END - - ii) - OPEN “POST.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, A$, S, D$ B$=LEFT$(A$,1) IF UCASE$(B$)=”S” OR UCASE$(B$)=”D” THEN PRINT N$, A$, S, D$ WEND CLOSE #1 END A sequential data file named”rec.dat”contains name,post and salary. Write a program to display all the records for the employees whose Salary is more than 8000. [MAAF PRE SEND UP 2069 SET B] è OPEN “REC.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, P$, S IF S>8000 THEN PRINT N$, P$, S WEND CLOSE #1 END 2. A sequential data file named “record.dat” contains first name, last name and age. Write a program to display all the records whose age is more than 60. [MAAF PRE SEND UP 2069 SET A] è OPEN “RECORD.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, FN$, LN$, A IF A>60 THEN PRINT FN$, LN$, A WEND CLOSE #1 END 3. Write a program to open a data file “RECORD.DAT” that contains Name, Address, Date of birth, Email and Telephone number of some employees. Now display all those records whose date of birth is in current month. [PABSON PRE SEND UP 2070] è OPEN “RECORD.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, A$, D$, E$, T# B$=LEFT$(D$, 2) C=VAL(B$) E$=LEFT$(DATE$, 2) F=VAL(E$) IF C=F THEN PRINT N$, A$, D$, E$, T# WEND CLOSE #1 END 4. Write a program to display all records having salary less than 2500 from the data file “ADD.INF” having the field’s name, post and salary. [PABSON PRE SEND UP 2066] è OPEN “ADD.INF” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, P$, S IF S<2500 2066="" 5.="" a="" address="" and="" are="" as="" ask="" be="" close="" cls="" computer="" d="" delete="" deleted.="" deleted="" end="" enter="" eof="" file="" for="" from="" ields="" if="" input="" is="" n="" name="" neps.dat="" not="" nter="" number="" open="" output="" p="" pre="" print="" record="" records="" s="" send="" some="" t="" telephone="" the="" then="" to="" ucase="" up="" user="" wap="" wend="" where="" which="" while="">UCASE$(N$) THEN WRITE #2, N$, A$, T# ELSE PRINT “Deleted data=”; N$, A$, T# END IF WEND CLOSE #1, #2 KILL “NEPS.DAT” NAME “TEMP.DAT” AS “NEPS.DAT” END 6. Write a program to open a data file “STUDENT.DAT” that contains Name, Address, Telephone number and Parent’s Name of some students. Now display all those records whose Address is “LALITPUR”. [PABSON PRE SEND UP 2064] è OPEN “STUDENT.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, A$, T#, PN$ IF UCASE$(A$) =”LALITPUR” THEN PRINT N$, A$, T#, PN$ WEND CLOSE #1 END 7. Create a sequential data file “std.dat” to store name and marks obtain in English, Maths and Science for a few students. [SLC MODEL QUESTION 2065] è OPEN “STD.DAT” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO CLS INPUT “Enter name”; N$ INPUT “Enter marks in English”; E INPUT “Enter marks in Maths”; M INPUT “Enter marks in Science”; S WRITE #1, N$, E, M, S INPUT “Do you want to continue(Y/N)”; CH$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(CH$) =”Y” CLOSE #1 END 8. Create a sequential data file “HOTEL.DAT” to store customers name, address, and phone number. Program should terminate with user’s choice. [SLC MODEL QUESTION 2] è OPEN “HOTEL.DAT” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO CLS INPUT “Enter customers name”; CN$ INPUT “Enter address”; A$ INPUT “Enter phone number”; P# WRITE #1, CN$, A$, P# INPUT “Do you want to continue(Y/N)”; CH$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(CH$) = “Y” CLOSE #1 END 9. A sequential data file “SALARY.DAT” contains the information, Employee-Code, Employee-Name, Post, and Basic-Salary. Write a program to display those records whose Basic-salary is in between 10000 to 15000 and Post is ‘OFFICER’. [SLC MODEL QUESTION 1] è OPEN “SALARY.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, EC, EN$, P$, S IF B$>=10000 AND B$<=15000 AND UCASE$(P$)= “OFFICER” THEN PRINT EC, EN$, P$, S END IF WEND CLOSE #1 END 10. A data file named “Staff.dat” contains staff name, Department, Post and Salary of some staffs. Write a program to count and display total number of records in a file. [PABSON SLC Q.EXAM 2069] è OPEN “STAFF.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS C=0 WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, D$, P$, S C=C+1 WEND PRINT “Total number of records=”; C CLOSE #1 END 11. A sequential data file named “Nabil.txt” contains record of clients of a bank including depositor’s name, deposited amount, time and rate of interest. WAP to display detail of all depositors including simple interest. [SLC Q. PABSON 2070] è OPEN “NABIL.TXT” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, A, T, R I=(A*T*R)/100 PRINT N$, A, T, R, I WEND CLOSE #1 END 12. WAP that asks a post of the employee and displays his/her records from the sequential data file “XYZ.REC” having fields Name, Post, Dept and Salary. [SLC P.QUAL. PABSON 2069] è OPEN “XYZ.REC” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS INPUT “Enter post to be searched”; S$ FLAG=0 WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, P$, D$, S IF UCASE$(S$)=UCASE$(P$) THEN PRINT N$, P$, D$, S FLAG=1 END IF WEND IF FLAG=0 THEN PRINT “Data not found” CLOSE #1 END 13. A sequential data file called salary.dat contains, name, post and salary fields. WAP to update the salary of all the employees if post is manager and salary is more than 25000 by 15% otherwise by 10%. OPEN "D:\SALARY.DAT" FOR INPUT AS #1 OPEN "D:\TEMP.DAT" FOR OUTPUT AS #2 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, P$, S IF S > 25000 AND UCASE$(P$) = "MANAGER" THEN WRITE #2, N$, P$, S + (15 / 100) * S ELSE WRITE #2, N$, P$, S + (10 / 100) * S END IF WEND CLOSE KILL "D:\SALARY.DAT" NAME "D:\TEMP.DAT" AS "D:\SALARY.DAT" END 14. A sequential data file “RECORD.DAT” contains different records under fields: name rollno., name, address and percentage. Write a program to edit a record and display both edited and unedited records on the screen to compare them side by side. OPEN "D:\RECORD" FOR INPUT AS #1 OPEN "d:\TEMP.DAT" FOR OUTPUT AS #2 CLS INPUT "ENTER ROLL NUMBER TO EDIT DATA"; E FLAG = 0 WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, R, N$, A$, P IF E <> R THEN WRITE #2, R, N$, A$, P ELSE INPUT "ENTER ROLL NUMBER"; ER INPUT "ENTER NAME"; EN$ INPUT "ENTER ADDRESS"; EA$ INPUT "ENTER PERCENTAGE"; EP WRITE #2, ER, EN$, EA$, EP FLAG = 1 END IF WEND IF FLAG = 0 THEN PRINT "DATA NOT FOUND" ELSE PRINT "NON EDITED DATA" PRINT "ROLL NUMBER= "; R PRINT "NAME= "; N$ PRINT "ADDRESS= "; A$ PRINT "PERCENTAGE= "; P PRINT "---------------" PRINT "EDITED DATA" PRINT "ROLL NUMBER: "; ER PRINT "NAME: "; EN$ PRINT "ADDRESS: "; EA$ PRINT "PERCENTAGE: "; EP END IF CLOSE KILL "D:\SALARY.DAT" NAME "D:\TEMP.DAT" AS "D:\SALARY.DAT" END File Handling 1) What is data file? What are the different types of data file? Ans: The file which contains data given by the user to the program and information provided by the user to the computer is called data file. The different types of data file are: a. Sequential Access files b. Random access files 2) What is a file? Name the two types of data file in data processing. Ans: A bunch of bytes stored on some storage device like magnetic tape, magnetic disk and optical disk is called file. The two different types of file in data processing are: a. Program file b. Data file 3) What do you mean by program file and data file? Ans) The file which contains a set of instructions that are needed for data processing is called program file. The file which contains only data that are required during data processing is called data file. 4) What is sequential access data file? Ans) A data file that stores a sequential data file containing name, address of some people in the same order or in sequential order is called sequential access data file. 5) What are the disadvantages of sequential access data file? Ans) The disadvantages of sequential access data file are: a) It takes long time to access if the data file contains a large volume of data. b) In sequential access data file we cannot change the existing entry or insert a new entry. 6) Mention the difference between program files and data files. Ans: Program files Data files A program file has set of instructions needed for data processing. A data file has collection of related data stored in a secondary storage. 7) What are the difference between PRINT# and WRITE# statements? Ans: PRINT# WRITE# It adds spaces between data items while storing data. It inserts commas between the data items. It does not enclose strings in double quotation marks. It encloses strings in double quotation marks. 8) What is a file number? Ans: The number assigned to a file in order to identify it during processing is called file number. 9) List the modes of operations for opening a sequential file. Ans: The modes of operation for opening a sequential file are: i) Output Mode: It is used to create a new data file and write data in it. ii) Input Mode: It is used to retrieve records or contents of existing data file. iii) Append Mode: It is used to add more records in existing file. 10) Differentiate between output mode and append mode. Ans: OUTPUT mode APPEND mode i) It creates a new file and prepares to write data to the file. i) It opens an existing file and prepares to add data to the file. ii) If the file already exists its current contents will be destroyed. ii) If the specified file does not exist APPEND mode creates it. 11) Write down the functions of: a) OPEN statement: It opens a sequential file for one of the three possible operations (reading, writing, appending). b) WRITE statement: It sends one or more data items to the specified file. c) CLOSE statement: It closes one or all open files. d) INPUT# statement: It reads data from the sequential data file. e) EOF() function: It detects the end of the file marker reading the data from an open sequential file. f) LINE INPUT statement: It reads the entire line or maximum 255 characters form the keyboard or the sequential file. g) INPUT$ function: It reads the specified number of characters form the data file. h) NAME statement: The NAME statement renames a file on a diskette. Only file name changes, data and program line remains intact. i) KILL statement: The KILL statement deletes the file or files from the specified drive and directory. j) MKDIR statement: It creates a subdirectory which is used to manage files. k) CHDIR statement: It allows QBASIC to change from one directory to another. l) RMDIR statement: It is used to remove or delete only the subdirectories from a disk. It can remove only empty subdirectories. m) FILES statement: The FILES statement displays the files of the current sub directory or specified sub directory. Chapter: 10 C Language 1) Define C-language. Ans: C-language is a structured programming language that divides program into many functions. 2) When and who developed C-language? Ans: Dennis Ritchie at Bell telephone laboratory developed C-language in 1972 AD. 3) Why is C called middle level language? Ans: C is called middle level language because it combines elements of high level language with some features of assembler. A high level language tries to give programmer everything through built-in language. A low level language forces programmer to define function directly from user level. 4) What are the uses of C-language? Ans: C is mostly used to write system program such as operating system, language, compiler, text editor, language interpreters, utilities, etc. 5) List the basic data types used in C with their memory consumption. Ans: The basic data types used in C are: Data Type Description Byte Range char Character 1 0-255 int Integer 2 -33767-32767 float Single precision 4 6 digits of precision double Double precision 8 12 digits of precision Data Modifiers: Data modifiers change the meaning of the basic data type to fit the various situations. The data modifiers are: Data Type Description Byte Range short int Short integer 2 -33767-32767 unsigned int Unsigned Integer 2 0 to 65535 long int Long integer 4 -4294967296 to 4294967295 6) List the characteristics of C-language. Ans: The characteristics are : i) It is a high level language with some features of low level language. ii) It is mostly used to prepare system software. iii) It is structured programming language with function procedure. iv) It supports local and global variable. v) It has only 32 characters. 7) What are operators? What are the different types of C operator? Ans: Operators are special symbols that are meant for specific tasks or operators. The different types of C operators are:- Arithmetic operators Assignment operators Unary operators Relational operators Logical operators Conditional operators 8) What are urinary operators? State the rules of logical operators. Ans: The operator that operates on one operand variable or constant is called urinary operator. The logical operator are: 1) // It connects two expression into one. 2) && operators connects two expression into one. Both expression must be true for the overall expression must be true for the overall expression to be true 3) ! operator reverses the “true” of an expression 9) Why is C language popular than QBASIC? Ans: Due to the following reasons C language is popular than QBASIC 1) It is reliable, simple and easy to use 2) Programs written in care efficient and fast 3) It occupies less memory space 4) Programs written in C can be reused 10) What do you mean by source code and object code? Ans: The instructions written using C language is known as source code. Thr machine – readable code which is obtained after translation is called object code. 11) What is structured programming ? Ans: The programming that follows a top- down approach, on which developers separate the overall program structure into different sub selection is called structured programming. 12) Write any two advantages of structured programming ? Ans: The two advantages of structured programming are: a) It is easy to design code and test the program modules independently b) It is possible to use a single module in different in different places which reduces program codes. 13) Write down the features of C- language. Ans: The features of structured language are: a) C is the structured programming language. b) C has powerful set of operators. c) C is a high level programming language. d) C contains very less number of keywords 14) Comparing C and QBASIC languages. Ans: QBASIC C It is a high level language without feature of low level language. It is a high level language with some features of low level language. It is mostly used to design application software. It is mostly used to prepare system software. It supports structure programming with sub and function procedure. It is a structured programming language with function procedure. It supports local and global variable. It also supports local and global variable. IBM PC version of BASIC has around 159 keywords. It has only 32 keywords. 15) What is top-down designing model? Ans: Dividing a complex task into many small modules into order to perform the task is called top-down design. 16) Mention the advantages of C language. Ans: Advantages of C language: a) Readability b) Maintainability c) Portability d) Reusability 17) What are different types of C language? Ans: Different types of C language are: a) Common C b) ANSI C 18) What do you mean by source code and object code? Ans: The machine readable code written which is obtained after the translation is called object code. The instructions written using C language C language is known as source code. 19) What are the advantages of C language? Ans: the advantages of C language are:- a) It is machine independent programming language b) It is easy to learn and implemented C language c) It can be implemented from mobile device to mainframe computers. d) It is the mother of all modern programming language like python, pearl 5 and PHP 20) What are the disadvantages of C language? Ans: The disadvantages of C languages are:- a) There is no runtime checking. It has poor errors detection system. b) On large programs , it is hard to find errors. c) There is no strict type checking int data type to float variables. d) It does not support modern programming methodologies oriented programming language. 21) Define counter and accumulator in terms looping. Ans: A counter is a variable which controls the loop statement and provides the track to run the loop statement in certain number times. Accumulator is a numeric variable which accumulates the values in a loop statement. Day 1 Practice Set [SLC / SEE Computer Science] 1. Define data communication. Give any two examples of it. Ans: A data communication system is the collection of hardware, software and other devices that allows to exchange data, information and voice between two or more devices through a wire or radio waves. The components of data communication are data, sender, medium, receiver and protocol. Any two examples of data communication are e-mail and chat. 2. What is internet? Ans: Internet is an interconnection of several thousands of computers of different types belonging to the various networks all over the world. 3. What is computer security? Ans: The security given to the computer for the protection of hardware, software and data from being lost or damaged due to accidental or intentional harm is known as computer security. 4. What is computer virus? Ans: Computer virus is a type of computer program which is written by the programmer with the intent of destroying or damaging the data and programs residing in the computer system. 5. What is multimedia? Name the five types of media used in multimedia technology. Ans: Multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of media, which presents information in more interesting and understandable way. The five types of media used in multimedia technology are: i) Text ii) Audio iii) Video iv) Graphics v) Animation 6. What is cyber law? Ans: The law which governs the legal issues in the cyber space regarding the internet or WWW for digital data processing and transaction is called cyber law. 7. What is database? Give two examples. Ans: Database is a collection of related and organized information that can be used for different purpose. The two examples of database are: i) Dictionary ii) Telephone Directory 8. What is Primary key? Why is it needed? Ans: Primary key is a field that uniquely identifies the record. It is needed because it neither accepts duplicate values nor permit null values. 9. Define table. Write different ways to create a table. Ans: Table is an object of Ms-Access that stores large volume of data in the form of rows and columns. The different ways to create table are: i) Design view ii) Using wizard iii) Entering data 10. What is a modular programming? Ans: Modular programming is a technique which divides the program into many small, manageable, logical and functional modules or blocks. 11. Write down the functions of: a) OPEN statement: It opens a sequential file for one of the three possible operations (reading, writing, appending). b) WRITE# statement: It sends one or store one or more data items to the specified file using either output or append mode. 12. Define C-language. Ans: C-language is a structured programming language that divides program into many functions. “To teach is to learn twice.” Joseph Joubert SLC COMPUTER: FULL FORMS 1 3D Third Dimension 2 3G Third Generation 3 3GP 3rd Generation Project 4 3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project 5 4GL Fourth Generation Language 6 ABC Atanasoff Berry Computer 7 AC Alternating Current 8 ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber line 9 AGP Accelerated Graphics Port 10 AI Artificial Intelligence 11 ALU Arithmetic Logic Unit 12 AM Amplitude Modulation 13 ANSI American National Standards Institute 14 AP Access Point 15 ARCNet Attached Resource Computer Network 16 ARP Address Resolution Protocol 17 ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency 18 ARPANet Advanced research Projects Agency Network 19 ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange 20 AT Advance Technology 21 ATM Automated Teller Machine 22 AVG Antivirus Guard 23 AVI Audio video interleave 24 B2B Business to Business 25 BASIC Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code 26 BBS Bulletin Board System 27 BCC Blind Carbon Copy 28 BCD Binary Coded Decimal 29 BCDIC Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code 30 BCR Bar Code Reader 31 BIOS Basic Input Output System 32 B-ISDN Broadband integrated Service Digital Network 33 bits Binary Digits 34 BLOG Web Log 35 BMP Bitmap 36 BNC British Naval Connector / Bayonet Naur Connector 37 BOF Beginning of File 38 bps bits per second 39 BRI Basic Rate Interface 40 BS Base Station 41 BSC Base Station Controller 42 BTS Base Transceiver Station 43 CA Certificate Authority 44 CAD Computer Aided Designing 45 CAI Computer Aided Instruction 46 CAL Computer Aided Learning 47 CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing 48 CAN Campus Area Network 49 CAT Computer Aided Training 50 CAVE Cave Automatic Virtual Environment 51 CAVT Cable Television 52 CBE Computer Based Education 53 CBT Computer Based Training 54 CCTV Closed Circuit Television 55 CD Compact Disk 56 CDFS Compact Disk File System 57 CDMA Code Division Multiple Access 58 CDP Cisco Discovery Protocol 59 CDR Compact Disk Recordable 60 CD-ROM Compact Disk - Read Only Memory 61 CD-RW Compact Disk-Rewritable 62 CGA Colour Graphics Adaptor 63 CGI Common Gateway Interface 64 CIS Computer Information System 65 CISC Complex Instruction Set Computer 66 CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor 67 COBOL Common Business Oriented Language 68 CPAV Central point Antivirus 69 CPS Characters per second 70 CPU Central Processing Unit 71 CRC Cyclic Redundancy Check 72 CRT Cathode Ray Tube 73 CSMA/CD Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection 74 CSS Cascading Style Sheet 75 CSU/DSU Channel Service Unit/Digital Service Unit 76 CUI Character user Interface 77 CVIA Computer Virus Industry Association 78 CVT Constant Voltage Transformer 79 DARPA Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 80 DBMS Database Management System 81 DCU Device Control Unit 82 DDE Dynamic Data Exchange 83 DDP Distributed Data Processing / Datagram Delivery Protocol 84 DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 85 DIMM Dual Inline Memory Module 86 DIX Digital Intel Xerox 87 DLC Data Link Control 88 DMA Direct Memory Access 89 DMV Dahila Mosiac Virus 90 DNA Digital Network Architecture 91 DNS Domain Name System 92 DoD Department Of Defense 93 DPI Dots Per Inch 94 DRAM Dynamic Random Access Memory 95 DSDD Double Sided Double Density 96 DSHD Double Sided High Density 97 DSL Digital Subscriber Line 98 DSP Digital Signal Processor 99 DSS Digital Satellite System 100 DSS Data Security Standards 101 DTH Direct To Home 102 DVD Digital Versatile Disk 103 DVD-R Digital Versatile Disk-Recordable 104 DVD-ROM Digital Versatile Disk-Read Only memory 105 DVD-RW Digital Versatile Disk-Rewritable 106 E-Commerce Electronic Commerce 107 EDCDIC Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code 108 EDGE Enhanced Data Rate for GSM Evolution. 109 EDI Electronic Data Interchange 110 EDO-ROM Extended Data Out-Random Access Memory 111 EDP Electronic Data Processing 112 EDS Electronic Data Storage 113 EDSAC Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Computer 114 EDVAC Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer 115 EEPROM Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory 116 E-Fax Electronic Fax 117 EGA Enhanced Graphic Adaptor 118 E-Mail Electronic Mail 119 EMI Electro Magnetic Interference 120 EMS Electro magetic System 121 ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integration and Calculator 122 EOF End of File 123 EPROM Erasable Programmable-Read Only Memory 124 ETDSA Electronic Transaction and Digital Signature Act 125 FAQ Frequently Asked Questions 126 FAT File Allocation Table 127 FAX Facsimile 128 FBI Federal Bureau of Investigation 129 FC Ferrule Connector 130 FCRA Fair Credit Reporting Act 131 FDD Floppy Disk Drive 132 FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface 133 FDMA Frequency Division Multiple Access 134 FIFO First In First Out 135 FILO First In Last Out 136 FLOPS Floating Point Operation Per Second 137 FM Frequency Modulation 138 FORTRAN Formula Translation 139 FTP File Transfer Protocol 140 G2C Government To Citizen 141 G2G Government To Government 142 GaAS Gallium Arsenide 143 GB Giga Byte 144 GBps Gigabits Per Second 145 GHz Giga Hertz 146 GIF Graphics Interchange Format 147 GIGO Garbage In Garbage Out 148 GIS Geographical Information System 149 GPL General Public License 150 GPRS General Packet Radio Service 151 GPS global Positioning System 152 GSM Global System for Mobile Communication 153 GUI Graphical User Interface 154 HDD Hard Disk Drive 155 HF High Frequency 156 HLCIT High Level Commission For Information and Technology 157 HP Hewlett - Packard 158 HTML Hyper Text Markup Language 159 HTTP Hyper Text Transfer Protocol 160 HTTPS Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure 161 Hz Hertz 162 I/O Input/Output 163 IAB Internet Architecture Board 164 IBM International Business Machine 165 IBT Internet Board Training 166 IC Integrated Circuit 167 ICF Internet Connection Firewall 168 ICMP Internet Control Message Protocol 169 ICT Information and Communication Technology 170 IDE Integrated Drive Electronics 171 IDS Intrusion Detection System 172 IDS Industry Detection System 173 IE Internet Explorer 174 IEEE Institute Of Electrical And Electronics Engineers 175 IEFIP Internet Federation Of Information Processing 176 IESG Internet Engineering Steering Group 177 IETF Internet Engineering Task Force 178 IGRP Interior Gateway Routing Protocol 179 IIS Internet Information Services 180 IM Instant messaging 181 IMAP Internet Message Access Protocol 182 IMS Information Management System 183 INIC Internet Network Information Centre 184 INTERNET International Network 185 IP Internet Protocol 186 IPS Intrusion Prevention System 187 IPV4 Internet Protocol version 4 188 IPV6 Internet Protocol version 6 189 IPX Internet Packet Exchange 190 IPX/SPX Internetwork Packet Exchange/Sequenced Packet Exchange 191 IRC Internet Relay Chat 192 IRTF Internet Research Task Force 193 IS Information system 194 ISA Industry Standard Architecture 195 ISAPI Internet Server Application Programming Interface 196 ISD International Subscriber Dial In 197 ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network 198 ISO International Organization for Standardization 199 ISOC Internet Society 200 ISP Internet Service Provider 201 IT Information Technology 202 ITPDC Information Technology Park Development Council 203 ITPF IT Professional forum 204 ITSP International Telephony Service Provider 205 JPEG Joint Photography Experts Group 206 KB Kilo Byte 207 Kbps Kilobits per second 208 KHz kilo Hertz 209 LAN Local Area Network 210 LASER Light Amplification By Stimulation Emission Of Radiation 211 LCD Liquid Crystal Display 212 LED Light Emitting Diode 213 LIFO Last In First Out 214 LILO Last In Last Out 215 LISP List Processing 216 LOS Line Of Sight 217 LSI Large Scale Integration 218 MAC Media Access Control 219 MAPI Message Application Programming Interface 220 MB Mega byte 221 Mbps Mega bits per second 222 MBR Master Boot Record 223 MFLOPS Millions Of Floating Point Operation Per Second 224 MIDI Musical Instrument Digital Interface 225 MILNET Military Network 226 MIME Multipurpose internet Mail Extensions 227 MIPS Million Instructions Per Second 228 MMC Multimedia Card 229 MMS Multimedia Messaging Service 230 MODEM Modulator demodulator 231 MOST Ministry of Science and Technology 232 MP3 Moving Picture Experts Group Phase 3 233 MPCD Metropolitan Police Crime Division 234 MPEG Moving Picture Experts Group 235 MPPP Multilink Point To Point Protocol 236 MSAU MultiStation Access Unit 237 MSAV Microsoft Anti-virus 238 MS-DOS Microsoft Disk Operating System 239 MSI Micro- Star International 240 MUK Multimedia Upgrade Kits 241 NAC Network access control 242 NAT Network Address Translation 243 NAV Norton Antivirus 244 NetBEUI NetBIOS Extended User Interface 245 NetBIOS Network Basic Input Output System 246 NIC Network Interface Card 247 NITC National Information Technology Center 248 NITCC National Information Technology Co-ordination Committee 249 NITDC National Information Technology Development Council 250 NOS Network Operating System 251 NSF National Science Foundation 252 NSFNet National Science Foundation Network 253 NTC Nepal Telecom 254 NTFS New Technology File System 255 OCCA Office of the Controller of Certifying Authority 256 OLE Object Linking And Embedding 257 OS Operating System 258 OSS Open- Source Software 259 P2P Peer -to -Peer 260 PAN Personal Area Network 261 PAT Post Address Translation 262 PC Personal Computer 263 PCO Public Call Office 264 PDA Personal Digital Assistant 265 PDF Portable Document Format 266 PIN Personal Identification Number 267 Pixel Picture Cell 268 PKI Public Key Infrastructure 269 PM Phase Modulation 270 PNG Portable Network Graphics 271 POP Post Office Protocol 272 POP3 Post Office Protocol Version 3 273 POST Power On Self Test 274 PPP Point-to-Point Protocol 275 PPPOE Point to Point Over Ethernet 276 PSK Pre - Shared Key 277 PSK Phase Shift Keying 278 PSTN public Switched Telephone Network 279 PSU Power Supply Unit 280 PTT Push To Talk 281 PUK Pin Unlock Key/Personal Unblocking Key 282 QOS Quality Of Service 283 R/W Read/ Write 284 RARP Reverse Address Resolution Protocol 285 RDMBS Relational Database Management System 286 RF Radio Frequency 287 RGB Red Green Blue 288 RIP Routing information Protocol 289 RJ-45 Registered Jack-45 290 RTF Rich Text Format 291 RTP Real Time Transport Protocol 292 RTS Real Time Strategy 293 SC Subscriber Connector 294 SDSL Symmetric Digital Subscriber line 295 SGML Standard Generalized Markup Language 296 SHF Super High Frequency 297 SIM subscriber identity Module 298 SIS Secret Intelligence Service 299 SMA Screw-Mounted Adaptors 300 SMPS Switched Mode Power Supply 301 SMS Short Message Service 302 SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol 303 SNA System Network Architecture 304 SQL Structured Query Language 305 ST Straight Tip Connector 306 STD Subscriber Trunk Dialing 307 STP Shielded Twisted Pair 308 SVGA Super Video Graphics Array 309 SWF Shock Wave Flash 310 TB Tera Byte 311 TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol /Internet Protocol 312 TelNet Telecommunication Network 313 TFT Thin Film Transistor 314 TFTP Trivial File Transfer Protocol 315 TLD Top Level Domain 316 UDP User Datagram Protocol 317 UHF Ultra High Frequency 318 UNCITRAL United Nation Commission On International Trade law 319 UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply 320 URL Uniform Resource Locator 321 USB Universal Serial Bus 322 Use Net User Network 323 UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair 324 VCD Video Compact Disk 325 VDT Video Display Terminal 326 VDU Video Display Unit 327 VESA Video Electronics Standards Association 328 VIRUS Vital Information Resources Under Siege 329 VLAN Virtual Local Area Network 330 VM Virtual Machine 331 VMS Voice Messaging System 332 VPN Virtual Private Network 333 VR Virtual Reality 334 VRML Virtual Reality Modeling Language 335 VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal 336 VTP VLAN Trunking Protocol 337 W3C World Wide Web Consortium 338 WAIS Wide Area Information Server 339 WAN Wide Area Network 340 WAP Wireless Access Protocol 341 WAV Waveform Audio File Format 342 WI MAX Worldwide Interoperability For Microwave Access 343 Wi-Fi Wireless Fidelity 344 Windows NT Windows Network 345 Windows XP Windows Experience 346 WLAN Wireless Local Area Network 347 WMV Windows Media Video 348 WORM Write Once, Read Many 349 WPA Wi-Fi Protected Access 350 WWW World Wide Web 351 XMF Extensible Music Format 352 XML Extensible Markup Language QUESTION COLLECITON FROM: Modular programming file handling c language theory questions collection [3 MARKS] • 1. Define Modular Programming. • 2. Write any two advantages of modular programming. • 3. Write any two disadvantages of modular programming. • 4. Define procedure. • 5. Mention the types of procedure. • 6. Write down the difference between function procedure and sub procedure. • 7. What is loop? • 8. What is variable? • 9. Differentiate between user defined function and in-built function. • 10. What do you mean by local variable and global variable? • 11. Define parameter and argument. • 12. Write the syntax and example of SUB….END SUB and FUNCTION…END FUNCTION statement. • 13. Explain accumulator with an example. • 1. List any four data types used in C language. • 2. List any two features / characteristics of C language. • 3. Write any two differences between QBasic and C language. • 4. Write any two similarities between QBasic and C language. • 5. Write any two advantages of structured programming language. • 6. Why is C called structured programming language / procedural oriented program? • 7. When and Who developed C language? • 8. Define keyword. How many keywords are there in C language? • 9. Define Unary Operator. • 1. What is meant by mode of data file? • 2. Define program file and data file. • Write the functions of: • 1. MKDIR • 2. NAME • 3. CLOSE • 4. KILL • 5. RMDIR • 6. EOF • 7. FILES • 8. CALL • 9. OPEN • 10. SHARED • 1. INPUT • 2. INPUT # • 3. LINE INPUT# • 4. SHELL • 5. WRITE # • 6. PRINT # • 7. INPUT $ • 8. COMMON SHARED • 9. VAL • 10. CINT SLC QUESTION PAPER'S SOLUTION Solved SLC Examination-2065(2009) Computer Fundamental (22 marks) 1. Answer the following questions: 2. Define star topology with figure. Ans: The topology in which all computers or the network devices are connected through a central device in the shape of star structure is called star topology. Diagram of star topology 1. List out any four services of internet. Ans: Any four services of internet are 1. i) E-mail (Electronic mail) ii) FTP (File Transfer Protocol) iii) IRC (internet Relay Chat) iv) E-commerce 2. Define computer ethics. Ans: Computer ethics is the set of moral principles or code of conducts that should be followed by computer user. 1. Write down two measures of each to protect computer hardware and software. Ans: Any two hardware security measures are: 1. ii) Insurance Policy ii) Power Regulator Device Any two software security measures are: i) Backup iv) Password 1. What is anti-virus? Write down any two examples of anti-virus software.Ans: Antivirus software is software designed to detect and remove virus from computer system to ensure virus free environment. Any two examples of antivirus software are: i) Kaspersky ii) NOD32 3. Match the following: Group A Group B a) Server i) HTTP b) Node ii) Work station c) Protocol iii) Main computer d) Coaxial cable iv)Repeater v) Communication Media Answers Group A Group B a) Server Main computer b) Node Work stationc) Protocol HTTPd) Coaxial cable Communication Media 4. Select the best answer: a)Which refers to the communication media? i) UTP cable ii) Fiber optic cable iii) Satellite iv) All of the above All of the above 1. b) Which is the correct Email ID? i) Yahoo@rameshii) iii) iv) None of the above 1. c) Route of virus transmission: i) Pen driveii) Microphone iii) Printer iv) Mouse Pen drive 1. d) Main component of multimedia is: i) Floppy disk ii) Floppy drive iii) Sound card iv) Magnetic tape Sound card 5) Give appropriate technical terms: a) A computer network limited within a room. LAN (Local Area Network) 1. b) A program that destroys other program Computer Virus 1. c) Law regarding internet (or Legal issues of Cyber Space). Cyber Law 1. d) Buying and selling products and services online. E-Commerce 6. Write the full forms: 7. a) UPS= Uninterruptible Power Supply 8. b) TCP = Transmission Control Protocol 9. c) STP= Shielded Twisted Pair 10. d) NIC= Network Interface Card Group B- Database (10 marks) 7. Answer the following question: a) What is database? Ans:Database is a collection of related and organized information that can be used for different purpose. 1. b) While designing table structure which data types are suitable to store information about teacher’s name, address, salary, and date of birth. While designing table structure the data types are suitable to store information about teacher’s name = Text Address = Memo Salary = currency Date of birth = Date / Time 1. c) Write down any two advantages of Query. Any two importance of query are: 1. It allows user to make calculations and change data in automated fashion. 2. It provides option to delete all the unwanted data matching certain criteria. 8. Select the best answer: a) …………… is not the data type of MS-Access. i) Numberii) Text iii) Memo iv) Form Form 1. b) …………… is the DBMS. i) Fox-Proii) MS-Excel iii) Lotus-123 iv) All of the above Fox-pro 1. c) Primary key does not accept …………… i) Text ii) Number iii) Null value iv) None of the above Null value 1. d) In MS-Access we enter data using …………. i) Form ii) Table iii) Report iv) Both (i) &(ii) Both (i) &(ii) 9. Match the following: Group AGroup B a) Query i)Printed format b) Form ii) Stored data c) Table iii) Allows view, edit, input data d) Report iv) Extracts the selected record for view v) DBMS Answers Group A Group B a) Query Extracts the selected record for view b) Form Allows view, edit, input data c) Table Stores data d) Report Printed format Group C-Programming (18 marks) 10. a) Write down one difference between function and sub procedure. Ans: One difference between function and sub procedure is SUB-procedure FUNCTION-procedure SUB-procedure does not return value. FUNCTION-procedure must return a value. 1. b) List any two data type used in C language. Ans: Any two data type used in C language are char and int 1. c) Write down the functions of: i) RMDIR Ans: It is used to remove or delete only the subdirectories from a disk. It can remove only empty subdirectories. 1. ii) NAME Ans: The NAME statement renames a file on a disk. 11.Write the output of: DECLARE SUB RESULT(A$) A$ = “EDUCATION” CALL RESULT(A$) END SUB RESULT (A$) FOR C = 1 TO LEN(A$) STEP 2 X$ = MID$(A$, C, 1) PRINT X$ NEXT C END SUB 12. Re-write the following program after correcting:DECLARE FUNCTION SUM(a,b) REM Program to sum given two numbers Input ”Enter first number”; x Input “Enter second number; y PRINT SUM(a,b) END FUNCTION SUM(x,y) SUM=a+b END Debuged Program DECLARE FUNCTION SUM (a,b) REM Program to sum given two numbers Input ”Enter first number”; x Input “Enter second number”; y PRINT SUM (x, y) END FUNCTION SUM(a, b) SUM=a+b END FUNCTION 13. Study the following program and answer the following question: DECLARE FUNCTION xyz(N) FOR I = 1 TO 5 READ N Z=xyz(N) S=S+Z NEXT I PRINT S DATA 10,13,15,4,6 END FUNCTION xyz(N) IF N MOD 2=0 THEN xyz=N END FUNCTION a) What is the name of the function used in the above program? Ans: The name of the function used in the above program is xyz. 1. b) How many times the function will be called in the above program? Ans: The function will be called five times in the above program. 14. a) Write a program to store records regarding the information of Book number, Book’s name and Writer’s name in a sequential data file called “Library.dat”. OPEN “Library.dat” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO CLS INPUT “ENTER BOOK’S NUMBER”; BN INPUT “ENTER BOOK’S NAME”; B$ INPUT “ENTER WRITER’S NAME”; N$ WRITE #1, BN, B$, N$ INPUT “DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE”; CH$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(CH$) = “Y” CLOSE #1 END 1. b) Using FUNCTION……END FUNCTION, write a program to calculate distance travelled by a body. (Hint: s=ut+ (1/2) at2) DECLARE FUNCTION DISTANCE (U,T, A) CLS INPUT “ENTER INITIAL VELOCITY, TIME AND ACCELERATION”; U, T, A PRINT “DISTANCE TRAVELLED BY BODY”; DISTANCE (U, T, A) END FUNCTION DISTANCE (U, T, A) DISTANCE = U*T+1/2*A*T^2 END FUNCTION 1. c) Using SUB……….END sub, write a program to print the following serial 9, 7, 5,……1 DECLARE SUB SERIES ( ) CLS CALL SERIES END SUB SERIES ( ) FOR I = 9 TO 1 STEP-2 PRINT I NEXT I END SUB *** Solved SLC Examination-2066(2010) Computer Fundamental (22 marks) 1. Answer the following question: a) What is computer network? Ans: computer network means two or more computers connected with each other to share data, hardware, software and other resources. 1. b) What is internet?Ans: Internet is an interconnection of several thousands of computers of different types belonging to the various networks all over the world. 1. c) Write any four preventive measures to protect computer system from virus infection.Ans: Any four preventive measures to protect computer system from virus infection are: i) Write protect your floppy disks when using them on other computers. ii) Scan the mail or unknown files of internet before opening in your computers. iii) Use a good antivirus program to scan floppy disk, CD, etc. before copying. iv) Don’t install pirated software, especially computer games. 1. d) Write any two software used for multimedia.Ans: Any two software used for multimedia are: 2. i) Windows Media Player 3. ii) VLC Media Player 1. e) What is hardware security? Ans: The security given to the various hardware tools or equipment from being lost or damaged due to accidental or intentional harm is hardware security. 3. Match the following: Group AGroup B a) T-connector i)Network b) Bridge ii) Power protection c) CD-ROM iii) Coaxial cable d) Spike Guard iv)Multimedia component v)Virus scanning Answers Group A Group B a) T-connector Coaxial cable b) Bridge Networkc) CD-ROM Multimedia componentd) Spike Guard Power protection 4. Select the best answer: a) Which one is not a network topology? i) Starii) Ring iii) Client / Server iv) Bus Client/Server 1. b) When was cyber law introduced in Nepal? i) 2061 B.S.ii) 2062 B.S. iii) 2007 B.S. iv) 2016 B.S. 2061 B.S. 1. c) Multimedia technology is used in ……… i) Educationii) Business iii) Health care iv) All of the above All of the above 1. d) Boot sector virus infects …….. i) System fileii) Master boot record iii) Application software iv) Document file Master boot record 2. Give appropriate technical terms: a) Rules and format to accept and transfer data in the computer network. Protocol b) Moral rules to be followed by computer and other professionals. Computer ethics c) Making an extra copy of data and software. Backup d) A virus that corrupts system files of operating system. File Infector virus 6. Write the full forms: a)WWW = World Wide Web b)MAN = Metropolitan Area Network c)OS = Operating System d)NIC = Network Interface Card Group B-Database (10 marks) 7. Answer the following question: 8. a) What is DBMS? Write any two examples of DBMS software. Ans: DBMS is a software which is used to manage data, manipulate them and provide the information. Examples of DBMS are MS-Access and Oracle. 1. b) List any four data types used in MS-Access.Ans: Any four data types used in Ms-Access are: 2. i) Text 3. ii) Memo iii) Number 1. iv) Yes/No 1. c) What is form? Write any two advantages of using form.Ans: Form is an object of MS-Access which provides a user friendly interface to enter data in a table or multiple linked tables. Any two advantages of using form are: 1. It helps to display data in more presentable form than a datasheet can. 2. It provides an interactive platform for input of data into the database. 3. Select the best answer: a) Date/Time occupies ……….bytes of memory. i) 4 ii) 2 iii) 8 iv) 16 8 1. b) The extension of database file in MS-Access is………. i) DBFii) DBM iii) MDB iv)DMB MDB 1. c) The object of MS-Access that is used to generate hard copy of records. i) Queryii) Table iii) Form iv) Report Report 1. d) A ………….. Key uniquely identifies a record. i) Primaryii) Foreign iii) Composite iv) None Primary 2. Match the following: Group AGroup B a) Default value i) 255 Characters b) Fox Pro ii) Column Name c) Text iii) DBMS d) Field iv)Field Properties v) Search fast Answers Group A Group B a) Default value Field Properties b) Fox Pro DBMSc) Text 255 Characters d) Field Column Name Group C-Programming 10. a) What is modular program?Modular program is a technique used to divide program into many small, manageable, logical and functional modules or blocks. 11. b) Write any two advantages of Structured programming.Ans: Any two advantages of Structured programming 12. i) It is a high level language with some features of low level language. ii) It is mostly used to prepare system software. 13. c) Write the function of following statement: 14. i) Files Ans: The FILES statement displays the files of the current sub directory or specified sub directory. 1. ii) KILL Ans: The KILL statement deletes the file or files from the specified drive and directory. 2. Debug the given program: DECLARE SUB Fibonic() REM *Fibonic series* CALL SUB Fibonic END SUB Fibonic a=1 b=1 FOR x=1 to 10 DISPLAY a; a=a+b b=a+b END Fibonic Debugged program DECLARE SUB Fibonic( ) REM *Fibonic series* CALL FibonicEND SUB Fibonic a=1 b=1 FOR x=1 to 10 PRINT a; a=a+b b=a+b NEXT x END SUB 12. Write the output of the following program. DECLARE SUB Series() CALL Series END SUB Series X=1 Y=1 FOR Z=1 TO 4 PRINT X; Y=Y+1 X=X*10+Y NEXT Z END SUB 13. Read the given program and answer the following questions: DECLARE FUNCTION Num(N) INPUT N S=Num(N) PRINT S END FUNCTION Num(N) X=Int(17/N) Y=15 MOD N Num=X +Y END FUNCTION 14. i) Write the name of the function used in the above program. Ans: The name of the function used in the above program is Num. 1. ii) List out the mathematical function (Library function) used in the above program. Ans: The mathematical function (Library function) used in the above program is INT ( ). 14. i) Write a program using Function Module to calculate and print the volume of a box. DECLARE FUNCTION VOLUME(L, B, H) CLS INPUT “ENTER LENGTH, BREADTH AND HEIGHT”; L, B, H PRINT “VOLUME OF BOX”; VOLUME(L, B, H) END FUNCTION VOLUME (L, B, H) VOLUME = L*B*H END FUNCTION 1. ii) Write a program to declare SUB procedure to print only the vowels from a given word. DECLARE SUB DISPV (S$) CLS INPUT “ENTER ANY WORD”; S$ CALL DISPV(S$) END SUB DISPV(S$) FOR I = 1 TO LEN(S$) B$ = MID$(S$, I, 1) C$ = UCASE$(B$) IF C$ = “A” OR C$ = “E” OR C$ = “I” OR C$ = “O” OR C$ = “U” THEN PRINT B$ END IF NEXT I END SUB iii) Write a program to create a sequential data file “Employee.Dat” to store employees’ name, address, age, gender and salary. OPEN “Employee.dat” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO CLS INPUT “ENTER EMPLOYEE’S NAME”; N$ INPUT “ENTER ADDRESS”; A$ INPUT “ENTER AGE”; A INPUT “ENTER GENDER”; G$ INPUT”ENTER SALARY”; S WRITE #1, N$, A$, A, G$, S INPUT “DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE”; CH$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(CH$) = “Y” CLOSE #1 END *** SLC EXAMINATION 2069 SOLVED Full Marks: 50 Pass Marks:20 Attempt all the questions. Computer Fundamental (22 marks) 1. Answer the following questions: a) Write any four advantages of computer network. Ans: Any 4 advantages of computer network are as follows: i) Computer in a network can access network connected hardware devices like printer, disk drives, etc. ii) Information can be exchanged rapidly in computer network. iii) Computers in a network environment can be updated from any computer. iv) Software packages can be shared between network connected computers. b) What is internet? Write the name of any two E-commerce sites. Ans: Internet is an interconnection of several thousands of computers of different types belonging to the various networks all over the world. c) What is computer ethic? Ans: Computer ethics is the set of moral principles or code of conducts that should be followed by computer user. d) What is hardware security? Write any two software security measures. Ans: The security given to the various hardware tools or equipment from being lost or damaged due to accidental or intentional harm is hardware security. Any two software security measures are: i) password ii) backup e) What is computer virus? Ans: Computer virus is a program written by the programmer with the intention of destroying and damaging the data and programs residing in the computer system. Match the following: Group A Group B a) RJ-45 a) Multimedia b) WAN b) Duplicate copy c) Back up c) Fiber optic cable d) microphone d) Twisted pair cable e) Internet Answers Group A Group B a) RJ-45 a) Twisted pair cable b) WAN b) Internet c) Back up c) Duplicate copy d) microphone d) Multimedia Select the best answer: a) Which is not unguided media? i) Fiber optics ii) Microwave iii) Infrared iv) Radio wave Ans: Fiber optics b) Which is the internet service? i) IRC ii) Telnet iii) E-mail iv) All of the above Ans: All of the above c) Which is not related to multimedia? i) Printer ii) Sound card iii) Microphone iv) CD-ROM Ans: Printer d) Which virus infects boot sector files? i) Macro virus ii) Multipartite virus iii) Boot sector virus iv) Program virus Ans: Boot sector virus 5. Give appropriate technical terms: a) Business through internet. Ans: E-commerce b) The software that protects computer virus. Ans: Antivirus Software c) Physical layout of LAN. Ans: Topology d) A sector word that gives user access to a particular program or computer system. Ans: Password 6. Write the full forms of: a) VOIP = Voice Over Internet Protocol b) MAN = Metropolitan Area Network c) UTP = Unshielded Twisted Pair d) WWW = World Wide Web Group B Database(10 marks) Answer the following questions: a) What is database? Give two examples. Ans: Database is a collection of related and organized information that can be used for different purpose. Two examples of database are: i) Dictionary ii) Telephone Directory b) Write any two types of primary key. Ans: The uses of Primary key are: i) To reduce and control duplication of record in a table. ii) To set the relationship between tables. c) What is query? Ans: Query is an object of Ms-Access which extracts and arranges information from a table. Choose the best answer: a) Which of the following is not a database application? i) Oracle ii) Foxpro iii) MS-Access iv) MS-Excel Ans: MS-Excel b) Memory space consumed by a currency data type maximally is ………… i) 2 bytes ii) 4 bytes iii) 8 bytes iv) 1 GB Ans: 8 bytes c) The default data type of MS-Access is: i) Number ii)Text iii) Memo iv) Auto number Ans: Text d) Row is also called ………… i) Record ii) Field iii) Database iv) Table Ans: Record Match the following: Group A Group B i) OLE a) Data Entry ii) Hyperlink b) Formatted Hardcopy iii) Report c) 1 GB iv) Form d) Up to 255 characters e) Up to 2048 characters Answers Group A Group B i) OLE 1 GB ii) Hyperlink Up to 2048 characters iii) Report Formatted Hardcopy iv) Form Data Entry Group-C Programming(18 marks) a) What is meant by mode of data file? Ans: Mode of data file means opening a sequential file for one of the three modes of operation like output mode, input mode and append mode. b) Write any two characteristics of ‘C’ language. Ans: The characteristics are : i) It is a high level language with some features of low level language. ii) It is mostly used to prepare system software. c) Write the function of the following statements: i) NAME Ans: The NAME statement renames a file on a disk. ii) KILL Ans: The KILL statement deletes the file or files from the specified drive and directory. Write the output of the following program DELARE SUB NUMBER() CLS CALL NUMBER END SUB NUMBER N=3 C=1 WHILE C<=5 PRINT N N=N*10+3 C=C+1 WEND END SUB ANS: 3 33 333 3333 33333 Rewrite the given program after correcting the bugs: REM display Records of students From Data File OPEN “STDREC.DAT” FOR INP AS #1 PRINT “ROLL”,”NAME”,”ADDRESS”,”CLASS”,”SECTION” DO WHILE NOT EOF INPUT #1,RN,N$,AD$,CL,S$ PRINT RN,N$,AD$,CL,S$ NEXT CLOSE #1 END Debugged Program REM display Records of students From Data File OPEN “STDREC.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #1 PRINT “ROLL”, ”NAME”, ”ADDRESS”, ”CLASS”, ”SECTION” DO WHILE NOT EOF (1) INPUT #1, RN, N$, AD$, CL, S$ PRINT RN, N$, AD$, CL, S$ LOOP CLOSE #1 END Study the following program and answer the given questions:DECLARE SUB EXAM(N$) CLS INPUT “Enter word”;WO$ CALL EXAM(WO$) END SUB EXAM (N$) FOR I = 1 TO LEN (N$) PRINT RIGHT$(N$,I) NEXT I END SUB a) Write the names of two built-in functions used in the above program. Ans: The names of two built-in functions used in above program are LEN( ) and RIGHT$( ) . b) List the real parameter in the program. Ans: The real parameter used in the above program is WO$. a) Write a program to find the numbers of vowels in an input string using ‘FUNCTION…..END FUNCTION’. DECLARE FUNCTION COUNT (S$) CLS INPUT “ENTER ANY STRING”; S$ PRINT “TOTAL NO. OF VOWELS= “; COUNT(S$) END FUNCTION COUNT (S$) VC = 0 FOR I = 1 TO LEN(S$) B$ = MID$(S$, I, 1) C$ = UCASE$(B$) IF C$ = “A” OR C$ = “E” OR C$ = “I” OR C$ = “O” OR C$ = “U” THEN VC = VC + 1 END IF NEXT I COUNT = VC END FUNCTION b) Write a program using sub procedure module to print the series 1,1,2,3,5,8.. up to ten terms. DECLARE SUB SERIES ( ) CLS CALL SERIES END SUB SERIES ( ) A = 1 B = 1 FOR I = 1 TO 10 PRINT A; C = A + B A = B B = C NEXT I END SUB c) Write a program to create a data file ‘teldir.dat’ to store Name, Address and Telephone number of employees according to the need of the user. OPEN “teldir.dat” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO CLS INPUT “ENTER NAME”; N$ INPUT “ENTER ADDRESS”; A$ INPUT “ENTER TELEPHONE NUMBER”; T# WRITE #1, N$, A$, T# INPUT “DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE(Y/N)”; CH$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(CH$) = ”Y” CLOSE #1 END SOLVED SLC 2071 COMPUTER SCIENCE SLC 2071 1. Answer the following questions: a. Give two-two difference between peer-to-peer and client/server network architecture. Ans: The difference between peer-to-peer and client/server network architecture are as follows: Peer-to-peer network Client/server network A group of computers that acts both as client and server in order to share hardware, software and other resources on the network is known as peer-to-peer network. The network architecture which consist of at least one server and one or more client are known as client/server network. Resource sharing, processing and communication control are centralized upon the server. Resource sharing, processing and communication control are completely decentralized. b. What is the function of file transfer protocol (FTP)? Ans: The functions of FTP are: • Enables to transfer files between two or more than two computers. • Makes communication possible between computers on the internet. c. What is cybercrime? Give any two examples. Ans: Cybercrime refers to any illegal act involved in computer, computer system or over all computer networks like internet. Any two examples of cybercrime are: • Cyber stalking • Phishing d. Write any four preventive measures for computer hardware security. Ans: Any four preventive measures for computer hardware security are: • Regular maintenance • Insurance policy • Power protection device • Protection from theft e. Write any two medium for transmission of computer virus. Ans: Any two medium for transmission of computer virus are: • Sharing infected internal portable disk like floppy disk, pen drive, CDs, etc. • Exchanging data and information over a network. 2. a. Convert as indicated: i. (108)10 into binary Ans: ii. (765)8 into decimal Ans: b. Perform the following binary calculations: i. 111*11 Ans: ii. Divide 1101 by 11 Ans: 3. Match the following: a. E-commerce Power protection device b. Volt guard Online shopping c. Satellite link WAN d. Sound card Optical fiber Multimedia Ans: a. E-commerce Online shopping b. Volt guard Power protection device c. Satellite link WAN d. Sound card Multimedia 4. Choose the best answer: a. Which of the following is remote login service? i. Video conferencing ii. FTP iii. Telnet iv. TCP/IP Ans: Telnet b. Process of arranging the scattered parts of file into a contiguous manner is _______. i. debugging ii. Backup iii.Defragmentation iv. Scandisk Ans: Defragmentation c. Which of the following is an audio input device? i. Printer ii. Microphone iii. Head phone iv. Speaker Ans: Microphone d. Virus is a type of ___________. i. System program ii.Package program iii.Destructive program iv. Web program Ans: destructive program 5. Technical terms: a. The data carrying capacity of communication channel. Ans: Bandwidth b. The moral principles that control cybercrime. Ans: Computer ethics c. Buying and selling product and services online. Ans: E-commerce d. An integration of text, audio, graphics and video. Ans: Multimedia 6. Write down the full forms: a. LAN : Local Area Network b. VOIP : Voice Over Internet Protocol c. Gbps : Giga bits per second d. DVD : Digital Versatile Disk 7. Answer the following question: a. Write any two advantages of computerized database. Ans: The two advantages of computerized database are: • It can store large volume of data for longer period of time. • Searching of data is easier as it stores data in ascending or descending order. b. Name any four objects of MS-Access database. Ans: The four object of MS-Access are: • Table • Form • Query • Report c. What is data sorting? Ans: Data sorting refers to grouping all the records either in ascending or descending order based on a key field of a record. 8. State whether the following are true or false: a. Graphics can also be stored in MS-Access database. True b. Maximum field size of memo field is 256 characters. False c. A form is an object of MS-Access used for entering data. True d. An action query makes changes in a table. True 9. Match the following: a. Indexing data Final output b. Report View data c. Yes/No Searching fast d. Select query Picture Data type Ans: a. Indexing data Searching fast b. Report Final output c. Yes/No Data type d. Select query View data 10. Answer the following: a. Mention the types of procedures used in QBasic. Ans: The types of procedure used in QBasic are: • Sub procedure • Function procedure b. Write two characteristics of C language. Ans: The two characteristics of C language are: • It has got rich and powerful set of operators. • It is used to prepare system software. c. Write down the function of: i. SHARED Ans: The function of SHARED is to declare a variable globally. ii. CALL Ans: The function of CALL statement is to call sub procedure for performing specific task. 11. Re-write the following correcting the bugs: DECLARE SUB CUBE(N) CLS FOR I = 1 TO 5 READ CALL CUBE(No) NEXT X DATA 3, 5, 2, 6, 4 END SUB CUBE( ) DISPLAY N^3 END SUB Ans: DECLARE SUB CUBE(N) CLS FOR I = 1 TO 5 READ No CALL CUBE(No) NEXT I DATA 3, 5, 2, 6, 4 END SUB CUBE(N) PRINT N^3 END SUB 12. Write down the output: DECLARE FUNCTION AVGE(A,B,C) X=10 Y=5 Z=15 AV= AVGE(X,Y,Z) RPINT “Average of three numbers”; AV END FUNCTION AVGE(A, B, C) S=A+B+C AVGE = S/3 END FUNCTION Ans: The output will be: Average of three numbers 10 13. Study the following program and answer the following: DECLARE SUB Stde(N$U) FOR Loop = 1 TO 5 READ NM$(Loop) NEXT Loop DATA RAMA, PRATIMA, PRASANT DATA NISHA, RUDHRA CALL Stde(NM$U) END SUB Stde(N$U) PRINT “Name starting from P” FOR J = 1 TO 5 C$=MID$(N$,(J),1,1) IF C$=”P” THEN PRINT N$(J) END IF NEXT J END SUB a. List the library function used in the above program. Ans: The library function used in the above program is MID$. b. List the conditional statement used in the above program. Ans: The conditional statement used in the above program is: IF C$=”P” THEN 14. a. Write a program using FUNCTION….END FUNCTION to input a string and count the total number of consonants. Ans: DECLARE FUNCTION COUNT(N$) CLS INPUT "Enter a string"; N$ PRINT "The total numebr of consonant is"; COUNT(N$) END FUNCTION COUNT (N$) C = 0 FOR I = 1 TO LEN(N$) B$ = MID$(N$, I, 1) C$ = UCASE$(B$) IF C$ <> "A" AND C$ <> "E" AND C$ <> "I" AND C$ <> "O" AND C$ <> "U" THEN C = C + 1 NEXT I COUNT = C END FUNCTION b. Write a program using SUB……END SUB to find the area of circle. Ans: DECLARE SUB AREA(R) CLS INPUT “Enter radius”; R CONST PI=3.14 CALL AREA(R) END SUB AREA(A) A=PI*R^2 PRINT “The area of circle=”; A END SUB c. A data file “Salary.Dat” contains the information of employee regarding their name, post and salary. Write a program to display all the information of employee whose salary is greater than 15000 and less than 40000. Ans: OPEN “Salary.Dat” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, P$, S IF S>15000 AND S<40000 -101="" -11101="" -="" 001="1" 011="3" 0="" 1.="" 10.="" 100001="" 100010="" 100011="" 10110="" 1011="" 1011x="" 101="" 11.="" 1101="" 110="" 11="" 12.="" 13.="" 14.="" 2.="" 2072="" 255="" 3.="" 3="" 4.="" 4="" 5.="" 6.="" 7.="" 76="" 8.="" 8="" 9.="" a.="" a="" about="" above="" access="" activate="" add="" adding="" advanced="" advantages.="" advantages:="" advantages="" affect="" affected="" age="" agency="" all="" also="" among="" an="" and="" ans:="" answer:="" answer="" any="" aperture="" appears="" appropriate="" are:="" are="" area="" arrangement="" artificial="" as="" aspects="" at="" b.="" b="LEN(B$)" be="" because="" being="" binary="" boot="" both="" box.="" box="”;A" breadth="" break="" browser="" bugs:="" by="" c.="" c="LEN(C$)" cable="" calculation:="" calculation="" call="" called="" can="" capability="" card="" central="" characters.false="" chat="" choose="" close="" cls="" collection="" column.="" columns="" combination="" communication="" component="" components="" composite="" computer="" consent.="" contains="" contents="" convert="" converting="" copy="" correct="" correcting="" corrupting="" costlier.="" created="" customizable="" cyber="" d.="" d="" darpa-defence="" data.="" data.true="" data="" database="" decimal="9*162+10*161+11*160" declare="" declared="" deleted="" demerits="" designed="" destructive="" detect="" detector="" developed="" device="" different="" disk.="" disk="" display="" displays="" dividing="" do="" doctors.="" does="" double="" down="" duplex="" e-governance="" e-mail="" e.="" easy="" edit="" electronically="" employee="" encouraging="" end="" engine="" enhance="" enter="" entire="" entity="" environment="" eof-it="" eof.="" eof="" equipment="" errors="" etc.="" ethics="" even="" examination="" example="" expose="" failure="" false:="" field="" file.="""" file="" files-it="" files="" filter="" find="" fire="" firefox="" first="" flles="" floppy="" folder="" following:="" following="" for="" form="" forms="" four="" frequency="" from="" full="" function.="" function="" functions="" game="" generated:="" generic="" gives="" global="" governance="" group="" grouping="" h="" hardware="" height="" help="" hexadecimal="" high="" hospital="" how="" i.="" i="1" if="" ii.="" ii="" iii.="" in="" including="" indicated:="" infection="" information="" input="" inside="" insurance="" intellectual="" interference="" internet.="" is:="" is="" it="" its="" iv.="" kathmandu="" key.true="" key="" knowledge="" l="" language.="" language="" large="" law="" legal="" length="" list="" load="" local="" locator="" long="" longer="" longest="" look="" loop="" magnetic="" main="" maintenance="" many="" marks.dat="" marks="" mask="" match="" maximum="" may="" mean="" measures="" memo="" message="" michelangelo="" military="" mod="" mode="" more="" most="" ms-access="" multimedia="" multiplying="" n="62" name="" names="" nd="" network.="" next="" none="" not="" number="" object="" objects="" obtains="" octal="" of="" one="" open="" opera="" or="" other="" out.but="" outer="" output="" outside="" p="" parameters="" particular="" password="" passwords="" people="" perform="" person.="" phase="" piracy.="" policy.="" policy="" polymorphic="" power="" prefer="" preparation="" presented="" primary="" print="" pro="" procedure="" program.="" program="" programmer.="" programmer.some="" programming="" projects="" properly="" property="" protect="" protects="" protocol="" provide="" providing="" purposes.="" q="110" qbasic="" query="" questions:="" r="X" radio="" read="" real.="" reality="" reasons:="" records="" refer="" regular="" regulator="" regulatory="" relevant="" rem="" renaming="" report.false="" report="" requires="" research="" resource="" respectively="" rewrite="" right="" rite="" row="" rows="" rules="" s="" same="" script="" search="" secret="" sector="" security="" self-replicating="" sent="" sequential="" series="" services="" set="" similarities="" single="" size="" slc="" small="" so="" software="" sorting="" sound="" space="" spread="" spx="" star="" state="" stoned="" stop="" storing="" strong="" structured="" sub="" subtracting="" such="" summarize="" supplies.="" supplies="" support="" surface="" system.="" system="" systems="" table.="" table="" taking="" technical="" technique="" term:="" term="" terminal="" terms="" that="" the="" them="" then="" there="" they="" things="" three="" through="" time.="" time="" to="" topology.="" topology="" total="" training="" true="" two="" type="" unauthorized="" unbounded="" uniform="" until="" up="" updated="" url-="" use="" used="" user="" using="" variable.="" variable="" variables="" various="" very="" vhf-very="" view="" virtual="" virus="" viruses="" volume="" vsat-="" wap="" wave="" way="" ways="" web="" wend="" what="" when="" which="" while="" why="" will="" with="" without="" wizard="" word="”;LONG$(A$,B$,C$)" words="" works="" write="" x11="" x="" you="" z="">B AND A>C THEN LONG$=A$ ELSEIF B>A AND B>C THEN LONG$=B$ ELSE LONG$=C$ END IF END FUNCTION C)Write a program to create data file”address.inf” where field name are serial no,name ,address and telephone number.The program should terminate according to the user choice. OPEN”ADDRESS.INF” FOR OUTPUT AS#1 DO CLS INPUT”ENTER SERIAL NUMBER”;R INPUT”ENTER NAME”;N$ INPUT”ENTER ADDRESS”;A$ INPUT”ENTER TELEPHONE NUMBER”;T# WRITE #1,N$,R,A$,T# INPUT”DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE(Y/N)”;CH$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(CH$)=”Y” CLOSE #1 END SOLVED SLC Computer Science 2072 Regular (Computer fundamentals) 1. Answer the following questions. a) Define LAN topology. Draw star topology. Ans: The arrangement or connection pattern of nodes or computers and other devices of the network is called LAN topology. Star Topology b) Give any two symptoms of virus attacks. Ans: The symptoms of virus attacks are: i) Program takes a long time to load. ii) Corrupting the system’s data. c) Write one advantage and one disadvantage of multimedia. Ans: The advantage of multimedia is: i) It makes teaching learning easier in the classroom. The disadvantage of multimedia is: i) Acquisition or rental of equipments to produce multimedia can be costly. d) Write any two ways of protecting computer software. Ans: The two ways of protecting computer software are: i)Password ii)Backup e) Write any two services of internet. Ans: The two services of internet are: i)E-mail ii)IRC 2. a)Convert as indicated: i)(208)10 into Binary Converting decimal to binary, 2 208 2 104 0 2 52 0 2 26 0 2 13 0 2 6 1 2 3 0 1 1 (208)10=(11010000)2 ii)(104)8 into decimal Converting octal to decimal, =1*82+0*81+4*80 =1*64+0*8+4*1 =64+0+4 =68 (104)8=(68)10 b) Perform the binary calculations: i)1011+1101 1011 + 1101 11000 1011+1101=11000 ii)110*11 110 *11 110 + 110X 10010 110*11=10010 3. Match the following: Answers: a) Microwave : Unguided media b) UTP : Guided media c) UPS : Power protection device d) SMTP : Protocol 4. State whether the following statements are true or false: a) Walky-talky is an example of full duplex mode. Ans: False b) Data transfer rate is higher in optical fiber cable than in co-axial cable. Ans: True c) The computer security refers to hardware security only. Ans: False d) Sound Card is one of the components of multimedia. Ans:True 5. Write the appropriate technical terms of the following: a) A program that can disinfect a file from virus. Ans: Antivirus software b) A person who steals or destroys other’s data, information, files and program. Ans: Hacker c) A company which provides the internet facilities. Ans: ISP d) A computer which provides services to other computers in a network. Ans: Server 6. Write the full forms of: i)URL :Uniform Resource Locator ii)HTTP :Hyper Text Transfer Protocol iii)LAN :Local Area Network iv)MODEM :Modulator-Demodulator (Database) 7. Answer the following questions: a) Write any four data types used in Ms-ACCESS. Ans: Four data types used in Ms-ACCESS are: i) Text ii) Memo iii) Currency iv) OLE b) Define database with example. Ans: The collection of organized and related information that can be used for different purposes is called database. For example: dictionary and telephone directory. c) What is query? Ans: The object of MS-ACCESS that extracts and arranges information from a table is called query. 8. State whether the following statements are true or false: a) A query is used to select fields and records from only one table. Ans: False b) MS-ACCESS is DBMS software. Ans: True c) Index decreases the speed of query and sort operations. Ans: False d) Data in primary key has to be unique and not null. Ans: True 9. Match the following: a) OLE : Data type b) Validation Rule : Limits the value c) Form : Data Entry d) Indexing : Easy to search ( Programming) 10. a) What is procedure? Ans: The separate block of statements used by the module level code and called by any number of times is called procedure. b) Write any two data types used in ‘c’ language. Ans: The two data types used in the ‘c” language are: i) char ii) int c) Write down the functions of the following statements: i) OPEN: It opens a sequential file for one of the three possible operations i.e. reading, writing or appending. ii) MKDIR: It makes or creates a new directory on the specified disk. 11. Re-write the following program after correcting the bugs: FUNCTION SUM(m,n) Rem to print sum of two numbers a=6 b=7 DISPLAY SUM(a,b) END FUNCTION SUM(m,n) S=m+n S=SUM END SUM Debugged program: DECLARE FUNCTION SUM(m,n) Rem to print sum of two numbers a=6 b=7 PRINT SUM(a,b) END FUNCTION SUM(m,n) S=m+n SUM=S END FUNCTION 12. Write the output of the following program: DECLARE FUNCTION Interest(p,t,r) CLS LET p=100 LET t=2 LET r=5 LET d=Interest(p,t,r) PRINT “The simple interest=”;d END FUNCTION Interest (p,t,r) Interest=(p*t*r)/100 End FUNCTION OUTPUT The simple interest=10 (Error message will be displayed if the sub program is missing.) 13. Study the following program and answer the following questions: DECLARE FUNCTION Prod(N) INPUT “Any number”;N X=Prod(N) PRINT X END FUNCTION Prod(N) F=1 FOR K=1 TO N F=F*K NEXT K Prod=F END FUNCTION a) Write the name of the user defined function used in the above program. Ans: The name of the user defined function used in the above program is Prod. b) Name the loop in the above program. Ans: The loop in the program is FOR…NEXT. 14. a) Write a program using SUB…..END SUB to display reverse of input-string. DECLARE SUB REV(A$) CLS INPUT “ENTER ANY STRING”;A$ CALL REV(A$) END SUB REV(A$) FOR I= LEN(A$) TO 1 STEP -1 B$=MID$(A$,I,1) W$=W$+B$ NEXT I PRINT “REVERSED STRING=”W$ END SUB b) Write a program using FUNCTION…END FUNCTION to find area of the triangle. DECLARE FUNCTION AREA(B,H) CLS INPUT “ENTER BASE”;B INPUT “ENTER HEIGHT”;H PRINT “AREA OF TRIANGLE”;AREA(B,H) END FUNCTION AREA(B,H) AREA=(1/2)*B*H END FUNCTION c) A sequential data file called “Marks.dat” contains NAME, AGE, CITY, and TELEPHONE fields. Write a program to display all the contents of the data file. OPEN “Marks.dat” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, A, C$, T# PRINT N$, A, C$, T# WEND CLOSE #1 END Solved SLC Examination-2073 SEE 2073 Computer Science 1. Answer the following questions. a) Write any two advantages of BUS topology. Ans: The advantages of bus topology are: It is easy to set up computers and other devices in bus topology, because all the devices are connected through a single wire. It requires fewer cable media, so it is cheaper than other topologies. b) Define computer security. Ans: The security given to the computer for the protection of hardware, software and data from being lost or damaged due to accidental or intentional harm is known as computer security. c) Write any two preventive measures to protect computer system from computer virus. Ans: Any two preventive measures are: i) Do not install pirated software, especially computer games ii) Scan the mail or unknown files of internet before opening in your computers. d) What is multimedia? Ans: Multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of media, which presents information in more interesting and understandable way. e) Write the use/function of File Transfer Protocol. Ans: The use of File Transfer Protocol is to transfer the file from one computer to another computer. It helps to upload and download the files. 2. a) Perform the conversion as per the direction: i) (BAD)16 into binary Soln: Converting Hexadecimal to Binary B = 1011 A = 1010 D = 1101 (BAD)16 = (101110101101)2 ii) (1111001)2 into octal Soln: Converting Binary to octal 001 = 1 111 = 7 001 = 1 (1111001)2 = (171)8 b) Perform the binary calculations: i) 11 × 10 + 11 1 1 × 1 0 0 0 1 1 × 1 1 0 Now, Adding with 11 1 0 + 1 1 1 0 0 1 11 × 10 + 11 = 1001 ii) 110  10 10) 110 ( 11 -10 10 10 00 Quotient = 11 Remainder = 00 3. Match the following: a) Malicious software i) UPS b) Primary storage device ii) virus c) Power protection Device iii) copyright d) Intellectual property law iv) RAM v) CD-ROM Answer a) Malicious software virus b) Primary storage device RAM c) Power protection Device UPS d) Intellectual property law copyright 4. State whether the following statements are true or false: a) Computer Network reduces the cost. True b) WWW is an organization which controls Internet. False c) Microwave transmission is an example of bound media. False d) The parts of the computer which can be seen and touched are called hardware. True 5. Write the appropriate technical terms of the following: a) A type of network in which every computer works as both client and server. Ans: Peer-to-peer network b) Protocol used to receive email from the mail server. Ans: POP( post office protocol) c) The moving graphics images. Ans: Animation d) The law that controls cyber crimes. Ans: Cyber Law 6. Write the full forms: a) LAN: Local Area Network. b)ROM: Read Only Memory. c) SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. d)NOS: Network Operating System. 7. Answer the following questions. a) Define data and database. Ans: Data can be numbers, letters or symbols representing facts and figures which may or may not give any sense. Database is a collection of related and organized information that can be used for different purpose. b) What is primary key? Write its importance. Ans: Primary key is a field that uniquely identifies the record. It is needed because it neither accepts duplicate values nor permit null values. The importance of Primary key are: i) To reduce and control duplication of record in a table. ii) To set the relationship between tables. c) Name any four data types used in MS-Access. Ans: Any four data types of MS-Access are: i) Text ii) Number iii) Memo iv) Currency 8. Select the correct answer: a) The columns in a database table are called……………………… Ans: Field b) Which is the suitable data type to store video? Ans: OLE object c) …………… object of MS-Access is used to print formatted data. Ans: Report d) Which is not a type of query? Ans: Search 9. Match the following: a) Query i) Printed format b) Form ii) Stores data c) Table iii) Allows view, edit, input data d) Report iv) Extracts selected record for view v) DBMS Answer a) Query Extracts selected record for view b) Form Allows view, edit, input data c) Table Stores data d) Report Printed format 10. a) What is a loop? Ans: Loop can de defined as repeating the statement of statement blocks for a number of times. b) Write the functions of NAME and CLOSE statements. Ans: The function of NAME statement is to renames a file on a diskette. The function of CLOSE statement is to close one or all open files. c) What is variable? Ans: The data item whose value changes during the execution of a program is called variable. 11. Re-write the given program after correcting the bugs: DECLARE SUB SUM(N) INPUT “Any Number”; N PRINT SUM(N) END SUB SUM (N) S=0 WHILE N=0 R= R MOD 10 S=S+R N=N/10 WEND PRINT “Sum of digits”;S END Debugged Program DECLARE SUB SUM(N) INPUT “Any Number”; N CALL SUM(N) END SUB SUM (N) S=0 WHILE N< >0 R= N MOD 10 S=S + R N=N \ 10 WEND PRINT “Sum of digits”;S END 12. Write the output of the following program. DECLARE FUNCTION AREA (L, B) CLS LET L = 50 LET B = 10 LET ans = “; ans PRINT “The area=”; ans END FUNCTION AREA (L, B) Ar=L*B AREA=ar END FUNCTION Output The area = 500 13. State the following program and answer the given questions: DECLARE FUNCTION Diff(A, B) CLS INPUT “Enter first number”; A INPUT “Enter second number”; B PRINT “The difference”; Diff(A, B) END FUNCTION Diff(A, B) Difference= A – B Diff = difference END FUNCTION List all the numeric variables used in the above program. Ans: The numeric variables used in the above program are A, B and Difference List the local variables used in the above program. Ans: The local variables used in the above program is A, B and Difference 14 a) Write a program to calculate the area of four walls using Sub….End Sub. [Hint: Area=2H(L+B) DECLARE SUB AREA (L, B, H) CLS INPUT “ENTER LENGTH”; L INPUT “ENTER BREADTH”; B INPUT “ENTER HEIGHT”; H CALL AREA (L, B, H) END SUB AREA (L, B, H) A = 2 * H * (L + B) PRINT “AREA OF FOUR WALLS”; A END SUB b) Write a program to input a word in the main module and count the total number of vowel characters present in the word using FUNCTION…END FUNCTION. DECLARE FUNCTION COUNT (S$) CLS INPUT "ENTER ANY STRING"; S$ PRINT "TOTAL NO. OF VOWELS= "; COUNT(S$) END FUNCTION COUNT (S$) VC = 0 FOR I = 1 TO LEN(S$) B$ = MID$(S$, I, 1) C$ = UCASE$(B$) IF C$ = "A" OR C$ = "E" OR C$ = "I" OR C$ = "O" OR C$ = "U" THEN VC = VC + 1 END IF NEXT I COUNT = VC END FUNCTION c) Create a data file to store the records of few employees having Name, Address, Post, Gender and Salary fields. OPEN “std.rec” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO CLS INPUT “Enter Name”; N$ INPUT “Enter Address”; A$ INPUT “Enter Post”; P$ INPUT “Enter gender”; G$ INPUT “Enter Salary”; S WRITE #1, N$, A$, P$, G$, S INPUT “Do you want to continue”; CH$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(CH$)=”Y” CLOSE #1 END Solved SLC Examination-2074 Group A Computer Fundamentals (22 Marks) 1. Answer the following questions: [5×2=10] a. Define computer network. Ans: Computer network can be defined as a connection between computers and other electronic devices to share the resources and information. b. Define Internet. Ans: A global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities is called internet. c. Write the importance of power protection device to protect computer system. Ans: The importance of power protection device to protect computer system are: i) To protect the hardware against damage from unexpected power failures. ii) To protect files and programs being corrupted due to sudden power failure. d. What is computer virus? Mention any two symptoms that can be seen when a computer is infected by computer virus. Ans: A computer program which is capable of copying itself and typically has a detrimental effect, such as corrupting the system or destroying data. Or any other suitable answer. Two symptoms of computer virus in a computer are: i) Unexpected computer behavior ii) Computer becomes slower e. What is cyber crime? Give any two examples. Ans: The criminal activities involving the information technology with the help of computer is known as cyber crime. Any two examples of cyber crimes are: software piracy and hacking 3. Match the following: [4×0.5=2] Group 'A' Group 'B' a) RJ 45 connector i) Duplicate copy b) Backup ii) Multimedia c) Microphone iii) Twisted pair cable d) Hub / switch iv) Ring Topology v) Star Topology Answers: Group 'A' Group 'B' a) RJ 45 connector i) Twisted pair cable b) Backup ii) Duplicate copy c) Microphone iii) Multimedia d) Hub / switch iv) Star Topology 4. Select the best answer of the following: [4×0.5=2] a) Which of the following is not a network protocol? i) POP ii) FTP iii) TCP/IP iv) NOS Ans: NOS b) Which of these software is used for photo editing? i) Ms-Excel ii) Photoshop iii) Power-Point iv) MS-Word Ans: Photoshop c) Which device is used to connect multiple networks that use the same protocol i) Bridge ii) NIC iii) Switch iv) Gateway Ans: Bridge d) Process of arranging the scattered files into a contiguous manner. i) Scandisk ii) Backup iii) Defragmentation iv) Debugging Ans: Defragmentation 5. Write the appropriate technical terms of the following: [4×0.5=2] a) The physical layout of local area network. Ans: Topology b) The business conducted through internet. Ans: E-commerce c) The law which controls the crime which is done with the help of computer and Internet. Ans: Cyber law d) A computer or device which provides different services to other computers connected to the network. Ans: Server 6. Write the full form: [4×0.5=2] a) SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol b) WAN : Wide Area Network c) URL : Uniform Resource Locator d) VOIP : Voice Over Internet Protocol Group B Database (10 Marks) 7. Answer the following questions: [3×2=6] a) Define database. Ans: Database can be defined as an organized collection of data which can be easily accessed, managed and updated. b) What is data redundancy? How can it be reduced in database? Ans: The repetition of same piece of data in a database in more than one location is called data redundancy. Data redundancy can be minimized by normalization of database. c) Mention any four data types that can be used in Ms-Access. Ans: Any four data types that can be used in Ms-Access are i) Text ii) Memo iii) Currency iv) Number 8. Select the correct answer: [4×0.5=2] a) Which if the following is not accepted by primary key? i) Number ii) Text iii) Null value iv) None Ans: Null value b) Which is called rows in database table? i) Field ii) Record iii) Form iv) None Ans: Record c) Which data type consumes the least storage space? i) Text ii) Yes/No iii) OLE object iv) Memo Ans: Yes/No d) Which is the default data type of Ms-Access? i) Memo ii) Number iii) Text iv) Auto number Ans: Text 9. Match the following: [4×0.5=2] Group 'A' Group 'B' a) Data i) Input, view, edit data b) Form ii) Formatted output c) Report iii) Collection of raw facts d) Table iv) Questions to the database v) Stores data in database Answers: Group 'A' Group 'B' a) Data i) Collection of raw facts b) Form ii) Input, view, edit data c) Report iii) Formatted output d) Table iv) Stores data in database Group C Programming (18 Marks) 10. a) What is formal parameter? [1] Ans: The variable which is used in the function definition is called formal parameter. b) List any two data types used in C programming language. [1] Ans: Any two data types used in C programming language are i) char ii) int c) Write the function of KILL and CLOSE statements. [1] Ans: The function of KILL is to delete the file The function of CLOSE is to close any opened file 11. Re-write the given program after correcting the bugs: [4×0.5=2] REM TO find the factorial of a given number. DECLARE FUNCTION FACTO (N$) CLS INPUT "Enter a number"; X PRINT "The Factorial is: ", FACTO (N) END FUNCTION FACTO (N) F = 1 WHILE N = 0 F = F * N N = N - 1 WEND F = FACTO END FUNCTION Debugged Program: REM To find the factorial of a given number DECLARE FUNCTION FACTO (N) CLS INPUT "Enter a number", X PRINT "The Factorial is :", FACTO (X) END FUNCTION FACTO (N) F = 1 WHILE N > 0 F = F * N N = N – 1 WEND FACTO = F END FUNCTION 12. Write the output of the following program: [2] DECLARE SUB Display (T$) CLS T$ = "COMPUTER" CALL Display (T$) END SUB Display (T$) FOR C = 1 to LEN (T$) STEP 2 D$ = MID$(T$, C, 1) PRINT D$; NEXT C END SUB Output: CMUE 13. Study the following program and answer the given questions: [2×1=2] DECLARE FUNCTION SUM (N) CLS INPUT "Enter any number"; N S = SUM (N) PRINT "The Sum of individual digit is"; S END FUNCTION SUM (N) WHILE N > 0 R = N MOD 10 T = T + R N = N \ 10 WEND SUM = T END FUNCTION a) State the purpose of suing variable S in line 4 in above program. Ans: Variable S is used to store the value returned by the function Sum. b) Write the use of MOD in the above program. Ans: MOD is used to get the remainder of the division. 14. a) Write a program to calculate area of a circle using Sub......End Sub. [3] DECLARE SUB Area (r) CLS INPUT "Enter radius of circle", r CALL Area (r) END SUB Area (r) A = 3.14*r*r PRINT "Area of circle :" ; A END SUB b) Write a program using FUNCTION.....END FUNCTION to count the number of words in a sentence. [3] DECLARE FUNCTION WCount (S$) CLS INPUT "Enter a sentence", S$ C = WCount (S$) PRINT "The number of words is :" ; C END FUNCTION WCount (S$) W = 1 FOR I = 1 To LEN (S$) C$ = MID $ (S$, I,1) IF C$ = " " THEN W = W + 1 NEXT I WCount = W END FUNCTION c) Write a program to store Roll no., Name, Class and Address of any five students. [3] OPEN "Student.dat" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 FOR I = 1 TO 5 INPUT "Enter Roll No.", r INPUT "Enter Name", n$ INPUT "Enter Class", c INPUT "Enter Address", a$ WRITE #1, r, n$, c, a$ NEXT I CLOSE #1 END *** PABSON, Kathmandu MID TERMINAL EXAM-2075 Opt II. Computer Group A Computer Fundamental (22 marks) 1. Answer the following questions: (5×2=10) a. What is network operating system? Give examples. Ans: Network Operating System is a software program that controls other software and hardware that runs on a network. Examples of network operating systems include UNIX, Windows 2000 server, and Netware. b. What is internet? Why is it called network of networks? Ans: The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that uses the standard Internet protocol suite (often called TCP/IP, although not all applications use TCP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is called network of networks because it consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. c. State two advantages of multimedia technology. Ans: The two advantages of multimedia technology are listed below: a. The use of multimedia can enhance every area in a presentation. b. Multimedia enhances standard education techniques and makes learning process easier. d. What is cyber law? Why is it important? Ans: Cyber law refers to all the legal and regulatory aspects of Internet and the World Wide Web. Cyber law is important because it touches almost all aspects of transactions and activities on and concerning the Internet, the World Wide Web and Cyberspace. e. What is antivirus software? Name some popular antivirus software. Ans: Antivirus software is a program designed to detect and remove viruses from the computer system. Some popular antivirus software available are: Avast, AVG antivirus and Norton Antivirus. 2. a. Convert as indicated. (2×1=2) i. (105)8 into binary Soln: Converting Octal into Binary 1 = 001 0 = 000 5 = 101 (105)8 = (1000101)2 ii. (357)16 into octal Soln: Converting hexadecimal into Binary, 3 = 0011 5 = 0101 7 = 0111 =(1 101 010 111)2 Now, Converting Binary into Octal, 001 = 1 101 = 5 010 = 2 111 = 7 (357)16 = (1527)8 b. Perform the binary operation. (2×1=2) i. (111  11) – 111 Soln: 1 1 1  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 Now, Subtracting 1 0 1 0 1 - 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 (111  11) – 111 = 1110 ii. 1101 + 101  110 Soln: 1 1 0 1 + 1 0 1 10010 Now, Dividing 110) 10010 ( 11 -110 110 -110 000 Quotient = 11 Remainder = 0 3. Match the following. (4 x 0.5 = 2) Group A Group B a. Microwave i. Multimedia b. Web browser ii. Protocol c. Sound Card iii. Unguided Media d. TCP/IP iv. Microsoft Edge v. Guided Media Ans: Group A Group B a. Microwave i. Unguided media b. Web browser ii. Microsoft Edge c. Sound card iii. Multimedia d. TCP/IP iv. Protocol 4. Choose correct answer. (4 x 0.5 = 2 ) a. In which topology are network devices connected through hub? i. Ring topology ii. Bus topology iii. Star topology iv. None of the above b. Which is not related to internet? i. ISP ii. TCP/IP iii. WWW iv. UPS c. ______ is a device that protects your PC from computer virus. i. UPS ii. Voltage regulator iii. NAV iv. None of them d. The route of virus transmission is ___________. i. Pen drive ii. Microphone iii. Printer iv. Mouse 5. Give the appropriate technical terms of the following: 2 (4×0.5=2) a. A virus that damages documents created in Ms-Word and Ms-Excel. Ans: Macro Virus b. A technology that will enhance multimedia by supporting real time, interactive, three-dimensional graphics. Ans: Virtual Reality c. Protocol used by e-mail client to download e-mails from e-mail server. Ans: POP d. Requires less media than others topology. Ans: Bus Topology 6. Write the full forms of the followings. (4X 0. 5 = 2) SPX : Sequenced Packet Exchange CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access SIM : Subscriber Identification Module MUK : Multimedia Upgraded Kits Group ‘B’ [Database Management System - 10 Marks] 7. Answer the following questions: (3×2=6) a. What is primary key? What is the purpose of primary key? Ans: A primary key is a field that uniquely identifies each record. A primary key prevents duplicate records from being entered in the table and is used to control the order in which records display in the table. This makes it faster for databases to locate records in the table and to process other operations. The primary key is also used to create a link between tables in a database. b. What is a data type? What are the different data types that can be stores on Access data field? Ans: A data type is an attribute for a field that determines what type of data it can contain. The different data types that can be stored on Access data field are: numeric, text, currency, date/time, AutoNumber, Yes/No, OLE object, Hyperlink and Lookup Wizard. c. What is a query? What is the purpose of the query in MS-Access? Ans: A query is a database object that creates a datasheet of selected fields and records from one or more tables. You use queries to view data in different ways, analyze data, and even to change existing data. 8. Choose the correct answer: (4×0.5=2) a. A database is the collection of __________. i. Hardware ii. Software iii. Record iv. None of these b. Which of the following is not a Microsoft Access database object? i. Tables ii. Queries iii. Forms iv. Sorting c. The storage size of date and time is ___________. i. 4 Bytes ii. 6 Bytes iii. 8 Bytes iv. 10 Bytes d. A collection of record for a single subject, such as all of the customer records. i. Field ii. Record iii. Table iv. Data 9. Match the following. (4 x 0.5 = 2) Group A Group B Data type Field property Format Relationship Form Referential Integrity One-to-one Database object Memo Group A Group B Data type Memo Format Field property Form Database object One-to-one Relationship Group C [Programming-18 marks] 10. Answer the following questions. a. What is procedure? What are the two types of procedure used in QBASIC? Ans: Procedure is a small, logical and manageable functional part of the program. There are two types of procedure: SUB procedure and FUNCTION procedure. b. What is a modular programming? Ans: A modular programming is the process of breaking down a problem into smaller tasks. These tasks can then be broken down into sub modules. c. Write the function of the following statements. i. CALL: Used to transfer control to another procedure, a BASIC SUB program. ii. PRINT: Display result on the screen, 11. Find the output of the given program. 2 DECLARE SUB SER (P) P = 15 CALL SER (P) END SUB SER (P) M = 3 WHILE M < 10 PR = M * P PRINT PR, M = M + 2 WEND END SUB Ans: Output is: 45 75 105 135 12. Rewrite the given program after correcting the bugs. 2 DECLARE FUNCTION REV$ (ST$) CLS INPUT “Enter string”, S$ LET R$= REV$(st$) PRINT "The reverse string is :"; R$ END =========================== FUNCTION REV$(ST$) FOR I = LEN(ST$) TO 1 RV$= RV$+ MID$(ST$, 1, I) NEXT I RV$=REV$ END FUNCTION Debugged program: DECLARE FUNCTION REV$ (ST$) CLS INPUT “Enter string”, S$ LET R$= REV$(S$) PRINT "The reverse string is :"; R$ END =========================== FUNCTION REV$(ST$) FOR I = LEN(ST$) TO 1 STEP - 1 RV$= RV$+ MID$(ST$, I, 1) NEXT I REV$=RV$ END FUNCTION 13. Study the following program and answer the following questions that follow: 2 DECLARE SUB OT (N$) N$ = "Computer Science" CALL OT(N$) END ========= SUB OT (N$) B = LEN(N$) c = 1 WHILE c <= B m$ = MID$(N$, c, 1) PRINT m$; c = c + 2 WEND END SUB a. What is the value of B in the above program? Ans: The value of B is 16 in the above program. b. How many parameters are used in the above sub proevdure? Ans: Only one parameter is used in the above program. 14. a. Write a program to create a procedure using SUB...END SUB to input the value of length, breadth and height of a box. The program should calculate the area and volume of the box. 3 Solution: DECLARE SUB area (l!, b!) DECLARE SUB vol (l!, b!, h!) INPUT “Enter a length of a box”; l INPUT “Enter a breadth of a box”; b INPUT “Enter a height of a box”; h CALL area(l, b) CALL vol(l, b, h) END SUB area (l, b) a = l * b PRINT “Area of a box:::”; a END SUB SUB vol (l, b, h) v = l * b * h PRINT “Volume of a box:::”; v END SUB b. Write a function procedure to count the number of words in an input string. 3 Solution: DECLARE FUNCTION count! (s$) INPUT “Enter a string:::”; s$ PRINT “No. of words in a sentence:::”; count(s$) END FUNCTION count (s$) c = 1 FOR i = 1 TO LEN(s$) a$ = MID$(s$, i, 1) IF a$ = “ “ THEN c = c + 1 NEXT i count = c END FUNCTION c. Write a program by SUB procedure to display following series. 3 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21…… up to 10th terms. DECLARE SUB PAT( ) CLS CALL PAT END SUB PAT A= 1 B= 2 FOR I = 1 TO 10 PRINT A C= A+B A=B B=C NEXT I END SUB  PABSON, Kathmandu SEE QUALIFYING EXAM-2075 Answer Solved Opt II. Computer Group A Computer Fundamental (22 marks) 1. Answer the following questions: (5×2=10) a. What is network interface card? Write down the advantage of it in a network. Ans: It is a card that connects computer within a network. The advantage is to present the platform for a communication between the computers within a network. b. What is search engine? For what it is used? Ans: Search engine is the website that allows the user to search the information based on keywords on combination of keywords. They are used to locate specific sites and information. c. What is the role of multimedia in an advertisement? Ans: The role of multimedia in advertisement is to promote any items and approach new user to use it perfectly. d. Why do the computer systems need regular maintenance? Ans: Computer system need regular maintenance to keep the computer hardware in good working condition and it also helps to find out problems in hardware and correct the problems before they cause several damages. e. List any two points to protect your computer from the virus. Ans: Any two points to protect your computer from the virus are i) Install a good antivirus program and update its virus definition file frequently. ii) Do not use pirated software. 2. a. Perform the binary operation. (2×1=2) i. (1111  1101) – (1001) Soln: 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 - 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 (1111  1101) – (1001) = 10011 ii. 1101  11  101 Soln: 1 1 0 1  1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1  1 0 0 1 1 1 Now, Dividing 101) 100111 ( 111 -101 1001 -101 1001 -101 100 Quotient = 111 Remainder = 100 b. Convert as indicated. (2×1=2) i. (235)8 into decimal Soln: Converting Octal into Decimal =2 82 + 3  81 + 5  8 =264 + 38 + 51 =128 + 24 + 5 =157 (235)8 = (157)10 ii. (BA5)16 into binary Soln: Converting hexadecimal into Binary, B = 1011 A = 1010 5 = 0101 =(101110100101)2 (BA5)16 = (101110100101)8 3. Match the following. (4 x 0.5 = 2) Group A Group B a. Animation i. The creation and manipulation of picture images in the computer b. Graphics ii. A system that enables one or more users to move and react with computer graphics c. Multimedia iii. The moving graphic images d. VR iv. The combination of different media Ans: Group A Group B a. Animation i. The moving graphic images b. Graphics ii. The creation and manipulation of picture images in the computer graphics c. Multimedia iii. The combination of different media d. VR iv. A system that enables one or more users to move and react with computer graphics 4. Give the appropriate technical terms of the following: 2 (4×0.5=2) a. A mode of transmission in which data flows in the both directions, but only one at a time. Ans: Half Duplex Mode b. Message sent electronically through computer network. Ans: E-mail c. A class of program that searches your hard drive and floppy disks for any known or potential virus. Ans: Antivirus Software d. The technique used to provide medical information and services through the internet. Ans: E-medicine 6. Write the full forms of the followings. (4X 0. 5 = 2) POP : Post Office Protocol DVD : Digital Versatile Disk MBR : Master Boot Record VHF : Very High Frequency 4. Choose correct answer. (4 x 0.5 = 2 ) a. Opera and Firefox is a/an................. i. chat program ii. Web browser iii. search engine iv. None of the above b. The temperature in the computer system should be maintained between ..... to .... i. 210 C to 240 C ii. 220 C to 250 C iii. 230 C to 260 C iv. None of above c. Main component of multimedia i. Floppy disk ii. Magnetic disk iii. Sound card iv. All of the above d. Some of the methods of hardware protection are i. Password Policy ii. Security Lighting iii. Scan disk iv. All of the above Group ‘B’ [Database Management System - 10 Marks] 7. Answer the following questions: (3×2=6) a. What is an electronic database? List any two advantages of it. Ans: An electronic database refers to an organized collection of data stored in a computer in such a way that its content can be easily accessed. Any two advantages are: i) We can search data very easily. ii) Modification is very easy in comparison of manual database. b. What is DBMS? What are the applications of DBMS? Ans: DBMS is a software that helps to extract, view, and manipulate data in an organized way. MS-Access and FoxPro are the applications of DBMS. c. What is a form and what are the uses of form in MS-Access? Ans: Form is an object of MS-Access that helps to view, add and modify the content of a file. It gives a separate platform to handle data. 8. Choose the correct answer: (4×0.5=2) a. A field name can be upto 255 characters long. False b. OLE is the data type of MS-Access. True. c. Collecting multiple related fields is called report. True d. Validation rule specifies the expression that checks the invalid data. True 9. Match the following. (4 x 0.5 = 2) Group A Group B Query - view data Report - Relationship One to One - Action query Delete Query - Extract selected data - Database software Group A Group B Query - Extract selected data Report - view data One to One - Relationship Delete Query - Action query Group C [Programming-18 marks] 10. Answer the following questions. a. What is procedure? Ans: Procedure is a section of code which performs one or more specific tasks and can be accessed from remote location. b. Write down the name of different types of operators used by C language? Ans: The name of different types of operators used by C language are Arithmetic, Relational, Logical, Unary, Conditional and Assignment operator. c. Write the function of the following statements. i. NAME...AS: Rename the data file. ii. LINE INPUT#: Read data assuming a single value. 11. Rewrite the given program after correcting the bugs. 2 REM to copy from old file to new file OPEN "info.dat" for INPUT AS #1 OPEN "temp.dat" for OUTPUT AS #2 DO UNTIL EOF(1) INPUT #2, n$, p$, d$, s WRITE #1, n$, p$, d$, s WEND CLOSE #2, #2 END Debugged program: REM to copy from old file to new file OPEN "info.dat" for INPUT AS #1 OPEN "temp.dat" for OUTPUT AS #2 DO UNTIL EOF(1) INPUT #1, n$, p$, d$, s WRITE #2, n$, p$, d$, s LOOP CLOSE #1, #2 END 12. Find the output of the given program. 2 DECLARE FUNCTION RESULT (N) N = 4 PRINT RESULT (N) END FUNCTION RESULT (N) FOR I = 1 TO N T = I + 2 D = D + T NEXT I RESULT = D END FUNCTION Ans: Output is: 18 13. Study the following program and answer the following questions that follow: 2 DECLARE SUB SERIES(A, R, N) CLS INPUT "ENTER FIRST TERM"; X INPUT "NUMBER OF TERMS TO BE GENERATED:"; Z CALL SERIES (X,Y,Z) END SUB SERIES (A, R, N) FOR I = 1 TO N PRINT A A=A*R NEXT END SUB a. What will be the output if the user input 3, 2 and 4 for variables X, Y and Z variables? Ans: The output will be 3 6 12 24 b. What type of parameter X, Y and Z are? Ans: X, Y and Z are actual parameters. 14. a. WAP to convert Celcius temperature in Fahrenheit using FUNCTION.....END FUNCTION. 3 Solution: DECLARE FUNCTION TEMP(C) CLS INPUT "ENTER THE TEMPERATURE IN CELCIUS:"; C PRINT "TEMPERATURE IN FAHRENHEIT="; TEMP(C) END FUNCTION TEMP(C) TEMP = C*5/9+32 END FUNCTION b. WAP to check whether the input number is palindrome or not using SUB.....END SUB. 3 Solution: DECLARE FUNCTION CHECK(N) CLS INPUT "ENTER ANY NUMBER"; N CALL CHECK(N) END SUB CHECK(N) A=N REV=0 WHILE N < > 0 R = N MOD 10 REV=REV*10+R N=INT(N/10) WEND IF REV = A THEN PRINT "IT IS PALINDROME" ELSE PRINT "IT IS NOT PALINDROME" END IF END SUB c. Create a sequential data file "std.dat" to store names and marks obtained in English, Math Science subjects for few students. 3 OPEN "std.dat" FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO CLS INPUT"Enter your name"; N$ INPUT "Enter marks in English"; E INPUT "Enter marks in Math"; M INPUT "Enter marks in Science"; S WRITE #1, N$, E, M, S INPUT "Do you want to continue or not(y/n)"; ch$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(ch$)="Y" CLOSE #1 END  PRACTICE QUESTIONS TO FIND OUTPUT (QBASIC) - Find output -List real & formal parameters - List user defined function, operators with types - What will happen if c=c+1 is removed in 1& 3. - What will happen if N>0 is replaced by N<0 -="" 10="" 1="" 2="" 3="" 5="" a="5555" c="C" call="" declare="" do="" end="" in="" n="" no.="" print="" q.="""" re-write="" result="" sub="" until="" using="" wend="" while=""> 0 PRINT N N = INT(N/10) WEND END SUB 3) DECLARE SUB CHECK() CALL CHECK END SUB CHECK A=3 C=1 WHILE C <= 5 V=A^C PRINT V; C=C+1 WEND END SUB 4) DECLARE FUNCTION SUM() PRINT SUM END FUNCTION SUM FOR N=1 TO 7 STEP 2 LET S = S+N NEXT N SUM = S END FUNCTION 5) DECLARE SUB RESULT(Z) CLS Y=2 CALL RESULT(Y) END SUB RESULT FOR A=1 TO 4 PRINT Z*(A^2) NEXT A END SUB 6) DECLARE SUB CHECK(T$) A$=”*****” CALL CHECK(A$) END SUB CHECK(T$) FOR K=1 TO LEN(T$) PRINT LEFT$(T$,K) NEXT K END SUB 7) DECLARE FUNCTION EXAM(N) FOR K=1 TO 5 READ A PRINT EXAM(A) NEXT K DATA 2,4,5,8,3 END FUNCTION EXAM(N) IF N MOD 2=0 THEN EXAM=N^2 ELSE EXAM=0 END IF END FUNCTION 8) DECLARE SUB RESULT(A$) B$ =”education” CALL RESULT(B$) END SUB RESULT(A$) FOR I=LEN(A$) TO 1 STEP-2 X$=MID$(A$,I,1) PRINT X$ NEXT I END SUB 9) DECLARE SUB SUM() CALL SUM END SUB SUM a=2 b=2 FOR N=1 TO 3 PRINT a PRINT b a=a+b b=a+b NEXT N END SUB 10) DECLARE SUB RESULT(N) A=12345 CALL RESULT(A) END SUB RESULT(N) DO UNTIL N <> 0 PRINT N N = N\10 LOOP END SUB 11) DECLARE FUNCTION RESULT(A$) B$ =”NEPAL” PRINT RESULT$(B$) END FUNCTION RESULT$(A$) K=LEN(A$) DO UNTIL K<1 -2="" -="" 1.="" 10.="" 11.="" 11="" 12.="" 13.="" 14.="" 15.="" 16.="" 17.="" 1="" 2.="" 2="" 3.="" 3="" 4.="" 4="" 5.="" 5="" 6.="" 7.="" 7="" 8.="" 8="" 9.="" :="" a="" ab="" above="" activated="" ada="" all="" alter="" analytical="" and="" as="" b="" be="" by="" c="" cabbage="" call="" chk="" cls="" col="COL+1" count="COUNT" d="" data="" declare="" digits="" display="" do="" each="" end="" english="" eve="" execute="" find="" first="" for="" funcition="" funciton="" function="" game.="" h="H-2" here="" i.list="" i="" if="""" iii.are="" in="" input="" integer="" iv.="" j="" k="" l="L-2" left="" len="" let="" list="" loop="" looping="" m="" many="" mid="" mod="" module.="" n="" nd="" next="" nter="" numeric="" o="" of="" oop="" output="" p="" patan="" patt="" pattern="" picture="" pray="" print="" pro="" program.="" program="" programs="" q="" qbasic="" questions="" r="" read="" result="" returned="" s="" same="" samsung="" see="" show="" st="" step-1="" step="" str="" string="" strings="" structure="" sub="" t="" tab="" test="" the="" this="" time="" times="" to="" um="" until="" usb="" used="" v="" values="" variable="" variables="" w="" wend="" what="" while="" will="" word="" write="" x="0" y="" z=""> 0 R = N MOD 10 C = C+R N = INT(N/10) WEND B = C END FNCITON i.Write the variables used in the program with their type. ii.List out the different types of operators with their type used in the program. 5. DECLARE SUB WORD(N$) CLS N$=”SCIENCE” CALL WORD(N$) END SUB WORD(N$) B=LEN(N$) C=1 WHILE C<=B M$=MID$(N$, C,1) PRINT M$; C=C+2 WEND END SUB i.For how many times will the loop execute? ii.List out the numeric and string variables used in the above program. 6. DECLARE SUB WORD (N$) CLS N$="PABSON” CALL WORD (N$) END SUB WORD (N$) B=LEN (N$) C=1 WHILE C < B M$=MID$(N$, C, 1) PRINT M$ C=C+2 WEND END SUB i) List the string and numeric variables used in the program. ii) What is the value of B in the above program? 7. DECLARE SUB check (N$) n$ = “MNMB FIRST TERM EXAMINATION 2072” CALL check (n$) END SUB check (n$) b = LEN (n$) count = 0 WHILE count <= b X$ = X$ + MID$(n$, count, 1) count = count + 2 WEND PRINT X$ END SUB i.What will be the value of ‘b’ in above program? ii.List the numeric and string variables used in above program. 8. DECLARE SUB RE(A$) CLS INPUT “ENTER A STRING”;A$ CALL RE(A$) END SUB RE(A$) FOR I=LEN(A$) TO 1 STEP -1 C$ = C$ + MID$(A$, I, 1) NEXT I PRINT C$ END SUB i.Write the variables used in the program with their type. ii.List out the different types of operators with their type used in the program. 9. DECLARE SUB TEST(A$) COMMON SHARED X CLS INPUT "ENTER A STRING";B$ CALL TEST(B$) PRINT X END SUB TEST(C$) X=0 FOR I=1 TO LEN(C$) D$=MID$(C$,I,1) E=ASC(D$) IF E MOD 2=0 THEN X=X+1 NEXT I END SUB i.Write different variable used in the program with their types. ii.How many parameters are used in above SUB procedure? iii.List out the operators used in the program with their types. iv.What will be the output if user supplies "ABCD"? 10. DECLARE SUB Strin(X$) X$= “Computer” END SUB Strin(X$) L=LEN(X$) FOR I = L to 1 step-2 PRINT MID$(X$,I,1); NEXT I END SUB i)What statement should be added in main module to execute program? ii) What will be the output of the program? iii) What will be the value of L if X$=”Nepal” iv) List out numeric and string variables used in the program. 11. DECLARE SUB Exam() CLS CALL Exam END SUB Exam LET X=567 LET Y= X MOD 10 LET X1= INT(X/10) LET Y1=X1 MOD 10 LET X2 = INT(X/10) LET A =X2+Y1+Y PRINT “The result is:”;A END SUB i.List the mathematical operators used in the above program. ii.Write the value of variable A. 12. DECLARE FUNCTION CUBE(T,R) CLS N=15 S=CUBE (2,4) PRINT “CUBE=”; S END FUNCTION CUBE(P, M) CUBE = P^3 N = 5 * 2 END FUNCTION i.How many parameters are used in above program? ii.List two mathematical operators used in the above program. 13. DECLARE FUNCTION AB(n) CLS INPUT “Enter any number”;x PRINT “Result =”;AB(x) END FUNCTION AB (n) WHILE n<>0 r = n mod 10 s=s*10 + r n = n\ 10 WEND AB = s END FUNCTION i.What output displayed by computer if you enter 54. ii.List the arithmetic operators used in above program. 14. DECLARE FUNCTION XYZ$ (N$) X$=XYZ$(“SENDUP”) PRINT X$ END FUNCTION XYZ$(M$) FOR K=LEN(M$) TO 1 STEP -1 C$ =MID$(M$, K, 1) T$ = T$ + C$ NEXT I XYZ$ = T$ END FUNCTION i.Write the function of “XYZ$ = T$” in the above program. ii.List the operators with their types used in the above program. 15. DECLARE SUB TEST(A$) CLS INPUT “Enter a String”; B$ CALL TEST(B$) END SUB TEST(C$) FOR I=1 TO LEN(C$) D$ = MID$(C$,I,1) E = ASC(D$) IF E MOD 2 = 0 THEN W$ = W$ + UCASE$(D$) ELSE W$ = W$ + LCASE$(D$) ENDIF NEXT I PRINT W$ END SUB i.List out the different parameters used in the program and mention its types. ii.Write the different operators used in the program and mention its types. iii.What is the function of CALL TEST(B$) statements? iv.What will be the output if users entered NEPAL? 16. DECALRE FUNTION MIN(X, Y) CLS A= 4: B=20 PRINT “Minimum Value is”; MIN (A, B) PRINT MIN (100,200) PRINT MIN (100, 200) END FUNTION MIN(X, Y) IF X0 R=T MOD P T=P P=R Wend Highest=T End Function i.What is the value the function returns in this program? ii.What will happen if R=T Mod P is replaced by R=P MOD T? 21. DECLARE FUNCTION B (N) INPUT “ENTER A NUMBER”; N PRINT “THE EQUIVALENT NUMBER IS = “; B(N) END FUNCTION B (N) WHILE N<>0 r = N MOD 2 j$ = STR$(r) SUM$ = j$ + SUM$ N = N\2 WEND B = VAL(SUM$) END FUNCTION i. What will be the output of the program, if the value is 9? ii. What is the use of VAL function in the above program? 22. DECLARE FUNCTION RESULT(N) PRINT RESULT(16) END FUNCTION RESULT(N) WHILE N<>0 A=N MOD 2 N=N\2 E$=STR$(A) F$=E$+F$ WEND RT= VAL(F$) RESULT=RT END FUNCTION i.Write the output of the above program. ii.What happens if we write the statement F$=E$+F$ as F$=F$+E$ 23. DECLARE FUNCTION SUM(N) CLS FOR I=1 TO 3 READ N DATA 15,25,67 PRINT SUM (N) NEXT END FUNCTION SUM(N) S=0 WHILE N<>0 R=N MOD 10 S=S+R N=INT(N/10) WEND SUM=S END FUNCTION i.What will be the output of the program? ii.How many times the main function will be called in this program? 24. DECLARE FUNCTION HIGHEST (M, N) CLS M=5 N=10 PRINT HIGHEST(M,N) END FUNCTION HIGHEST(T,P) WHILE P<>0 R=T MOD P T=P P=R WEND HIGHEST =35 END FUNCITON a) Write down the use of MOD in the above program. b) What is the value the function returns in this program? 25. DECLARE FUNCTION CELLS$(W$) W$=”CYBER” PRINT CELL$(W$) END FUNCTION CELL$ K=LEN(W$) FOR I = K TO 1 STEP -2 M$=M$+MID$(W$,I,1) NEXT I CELLS$=M$ END FUNCTION a) Why is $(dollar) sign followed in the function name? b) What will be the output of the program when it is executed? c) What will be the output of the program when FOR loop is changed as FOR I= 1 TO K STEP 2? d) What is the name of sign “+” used in the program and what operation does it perform? SOLVED QBASIC SET A AND B Set A 1. What is a variable? Mention its types. 2. Read the above program and answer the following questions: DECLARE FUNCTION check(a) CLS FOR i=1 TO 4 READ n IF check(n) = 1 THEN PRINT n NEXT i DATA 256, 432, 125, 361 FUNCTION check(n) s=SQR(n) IF s=INT(s) THEN check = 1 ELSE check = 0 END IF END FUNCTION a. What is the output of the above program? b. Does the program give the same output if INT() function is replaced by FIX() function? c. If FOR I = 1 to 4 is changed as FOR i=1 to 5, then will the program run? Why? d. Replace the FOR…NEXT loop with WHILE….WEND loop. 3. Write down the output of the following program. FOR I = 1 TO 10 READ N B=N MOD 5 IF B=0 THEN C=C+1 NEXT I DATA 7, 15, 6, 10, 15, 32, 8, 22, 25, 5 PRINT C END 4. Re-write the following program correcting the bugs: REM to print given name 20 times LET c=1 INPUT “Enter Name;n$ WHILE c less or equal to 20 Print n$ c+1=c END 5. Write a program that allows entering a number and check whether the supplied number is positive, negative or zero. 6. Write a program to calculate the area of a triangle whose three sides a, b, c is given from the keyboard using FUNCTION….END FUNCTION. Answers: 1. The data item whose value changes during the program execution is known as variable. Its types are: i. Numeric variable ii. String variable 2. a. Output: 256 361 b. Yes, the program gives same output if INT() function is replaced by FIX(). c. No, the program will not run if FOR I=1 to 4 is changed as for I= 1 to 5 because during the fifth loop it searches for the value of “n” and “n” will not get any value as only four data values are given. And displays the error message as “Out of DATA” d.CLS I=1 WHILE I<=4 READ n IF CHECK(n) = 1 THEN PRINT n I=I+1 WEND DATA 256, 432, 125, 361 3. Output 5 4. REM to print given name 20 times LET c=1 INPUT “Enter Name”;n$ WHILE c <= 20 Print n$ c=c+1 WEND END 5. DECLARE SUB CHECK(N) CLS INPUT “Enter a number” ;N CALL CHECK(N) END SUB CHECK(N) IF N>0 THEN PRINT N; ”is positive” ELSEIF N<0 -1="" 1.="" 10="" 13="" 144="" 15="" 1="" 2.="" 20="" 21="" 25="" 275="" 2="" 3.="" 30="" 34="" 35="" 3="" 4.="" 40="" 45="" 5.="" 50="" 55="" 5="" 6.="" 89="" 8="" a="" and="" another="" ans="" answers:="" ar="(S*(S-A)*(S-B)*(S-C))^(1/2)" area="" as="" b="" bugs:="" c="" cal="AR" calculate="" cls="" condition="" correcting="" data="" dd="" declare="" dim="" do="" down="" downloaded="" else="" end="" false="" following="" for="" from="" function="" generate="" given="" he="" i="" if="" input="" interest.="" interest="" is="" j="" loop="" n="" negative="" next="" nter="" of="" open="" operator.="" operator:="" operator="" output="" principle="" print="" program:="" program="" r="" rate="" re-write="" read="" record="" result="" s="" series:="" set="" sides="" simple="" statement="" step="" sub="""" table="" the="" then="" three="" time="" to="" triangle="”;" true="" truth="" ucase="" until="" using="" while="" write="" x="I^2" zero="">”Y” CLOSE #1 END 4. S=0 I=1 WHILE I<=10 X=I^2 S=S+X I=I+1 WEND PRINT S END 5. DECLARE SUB SERIES() CLS CALL SERIES END SUB SERIES A=1 B=1 FOR I = 1 TO 6 PRINT A; B; A=A+B B=A+B NEXT I END SUB 6. DECLARE FUNCTION INTEREST(P,T,R) CLS INPUT “Enter principle, time and rate”; P, T, R PRINT “The simple interest=”;INTEREST(P,T,R) END FUNCTION INTEREST(P,T,R) I=(P*T*R)/100 INTEREST=I END FUNCTION SOLVED QBASIC SET C AND D Set C 1. What is the use of immediate window in QBASIC’s editor? 2. Write down the output of the following program: CLS X=7 FOR C= 1 TO 10 PRINT X; IF X MOD 2=0 THEN X=X/2 ELSE S=3*X+1 END IF NEXT C END 3. Re-write the following program correcting the bugs: CLS INPUT “ENTER A NAME”,N PRINT LEFT$(N$,1); FOR I = 1 TO LEN$(N$) IF MID$(N$,1 1)=SPACE$(1) THEN PRINT MIND$(N$,I+1,1); NEXT N END 4. Re-write the following program using FOR….NEXT: SUN#=0 COUNT%=0 DO INPUT NUM IF NUM<>0 THEN SUM#=SUM#+NUM END IF COUNT%=COUNT%+1 LOOP UNTIL COUNT%>10 PRINT SUM# END 5. Write a program to generate the following series: 2, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11, 18, ….Up to 10th terms. 6. A sequential file ABC.REC contains the name and marks secured by students in 3 different subjects. Assuming the mark for each subject is 32, write a BASIC program to count the number of passed students. Answers: 1. The use of immediate window in QBASIC’s editor is that it execute statements as soon as enter key is pressed. 2. OUTPUT 7 22 11 34 17 52 26 13 40 20 3. CLS INPUT “ENTER A NAME”,N$ PRINT LEFT$(N$,1); FOR I = 1 TO LEN(N$) IF MID$(N$,I, 1)=SPACE$(1) THEN PRINT MID$(N$,I+1,1); END IF NEXT I END 4. SUM#=0 FOR COUNT%=0 TO 10 INPUT NUM IF NUM<>0 THEN SUM#=SUM#+NUM END IF NEXT COUNT% PRINT SUM# END 5. DECLARE SUB SERIES() CLS CALL SERIES END SUB SERIES A=2 B=1 FOR I = 1 TO 5 PRINT A; B; A=A+B B=A+B NEXT I END SUB 6. OPEN “ABC.REC” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, M1, M2, M3 IF M1>=32 AND M2>=32 AND M3>=32 THEN C=C+1 END IF WEND PRINT “Total number of pass students=”; C CLOSE #1 END DOWNLOADED FROM SUSHILUPRETI.COM.NP Set D 1. What is the use and syntax of LET statement? 2. Write the output of the following program: CLS ST$=”PLNMPBENPLA” FOR I = 1 TO 5 READ N PRINT MID$(ST$,N,1) NEXT I DATA 3, 7, 9, 11, 2 END 3. Re-write the following program correcting the bugs: Rem Find the sun of ASCII codes of characters st$=”COMPUTER” C=1 S=0 DO WHILE C<=LENGTH(ST$) AC=ASC(MID(ST,C,I) S=S+AC C=C+1 NEXT PRINT “SUM:”;S END 4. Re-write the following program using DO-LOOP WHILE condition. CLS FOR X=20 TO 2 STEP -2 LET Z=X^2 PRINT Z NEXT X END 5. Write a program to declare a user-defined function to reverse a given string using FUNCTION-END FUNCTION statement. The program should input string in the main module and reverse same using defined function. 6. Write a program to open a data file “INFO.DAT” in output mode and store information of employees. Data file should store information such as employees name, post, department and salary. The program should allow user to input records as needed. Answer: 1. The use of LET statement is that it assigns the value of an expression to a variable. The syntax of LET statement is: [LET]variable=statement 2. OUTPUT N E P A L 3. Rem Find the sun of ASCII codes of characters ST$=”COMPUTER” C=1 S=0 DO WHILE C<=LEN(ST$) AC=ASC(MID$(ST$,C,1)) S=S+AC C=C+1 LOOP PRINT “SUM:”;S END 4. CLS X=20 DO LET Z=X^2 PRINT Z X=X-2 LOOP WHILE X>=2 END 5. DECLARE FUNCTION REV$(S$) CLS INPUT ”Enter a string”; S$ PRINT “The reverse string=”; REV$(S$) END FUNCTION REV$(S$) FOR I = LEN(S$) TO 1 STEP -1 B$=MID$(S$,I,1) W$=W$+B$ NEXT I REV$=W$ END FUNCTION 6. OPEN “INFO.DAT” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO CLS INPUT “Enter employees’ name”; N$ INPUT “Enter employees’ post”; P$ INPUT “Enter employees’ department”; D$ INPUT “Enter employees’ salary”; S WRITE #1, N$, P$, D$, S INPUT “Do you want to continue(Y/N)”;CH$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(CH$)=”Y” CLOSE #1 END SOLVED QBASIC SET E AND F Set E 1. Define counter with example. 2. Read the following program and answer the following questions: DECLARE SUB take(x,y) CLS FOR I= 1 TO 5 READ c, d CALL take(c,d) NEXT I DATA 13, 15, 16, 12, 31, 12, 16, 17, 21, 22 END SUB take(a,b) STATIC s IF a>b THEN s=s+a ELSE s=s+b END IF PRINT s END SUB a. What is the output of the above program? b. If the statement STATIC s is removed, then what will be the change in its output? c. If the statement PRINT s is places in main module just below the statement CALL take(a,b), then what will be the output? d. List out the formal arguments and actual arguments from the above program. 3. Write down the output of the following program: CLS FOR I = 1 TO 5 READ A$,A PRINT MID$(A$,A,1) NEXT I DATA COMPUTER, 4, ORACLE, 1, WINDOW, 6 DATA KEYBOARD, 2, FORTRAN, 5 END 4. Re-write the following program correcting the bugs: REM to find product of the even numbers from 10 to supplied nos. P=0 FOR C=1 TO TEN INPUT N IF N MOD 2>0 THEN P=P*N END IF NEXT DISPLAY P END 5. Write a program to find the greatest number among the 10 numbers given by the users. 6. A sequential data file “STUDENT.DAT” has fields name, roll and address. Write a program to display those records. Answers: 1. Counter is a variable that counts the iterations of a loop. Example: I=1 to 10, I is a counter variable. 2. a. OUTPUT 15 31 62 79 101 b. OUTPUT 15 16 31 17 22 c. OUTPUT 0 0 0 0 0 d. The formal arguments are: a and b and actual arguments are: c and d 3. OUTPUT P O W E R 4. REM to find product of the even numbers from 10 to supplied nos. P=1 FOR C=1 TO 10 INPUT N IF N MOD 2=0 THEN P=P*N END IF NEXT PRINT P END 5. DECLARE SUB GREAT (N) CLS INPUT “Enter first number”; N CALL GREAT(N) END SUB GREAT(N) FOR I = 2 TO 10 INPUT “Enter next number”; G IF G>N THEN N=G NEXT I PRINT “The greatest number is”; N END SUB 6. OPEN “STUDENT.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, R, A$ PRINT N$, R, A$ WEND CLOSE #1 END DOWNLOADED FROM SUSHILUPRETI.COM.NP 1a) What command is used to do following tasks in QBASIC? i) To list files from current directory. ii) To create a directory b) Write down the output of the following program. CLS C = 1 FOR I = 2 TO 8 STEP 2 PRINT C; SWAP B, C C = B + 1 NEXT I END c) Re-write the following program correcting the bugs: REM To find the sum of square upto ten natural nos. CLS X = 1 DO WHILE X >= 10 A = X2 S = S + A LOOP PRINT "Sum of Square:"; SUM END d) Re-write the following program using WHILE……..WEND. CLS FOR I = 1 TO 5 FOR J = 1 TO I PRINT J; NEXT J PRINT NEXT I END e) Write a program to declare a user defined function to check whether the supplied string is palindrome or not using FUNCTION….END FUNCTION statement. The program should input string and uses the above function to check whether it is palindrome or not. f) WAP to open a data file “LIBRARY.DAT” in output mode and store information of books. Data file should store information such as book title, author price, date of purchase and publisher. The program should allow user to input records as needed Answers SET F 1a) i) To list files from current directory. Ans: FILES ii) To create a directory ANs: MKDIR b) Output: 1 2 3 4 c) Debugged Program REM To find the sum of square upto ten natural nos. CLS X = 1 DO WHILE X <= 10 A = X ^ 2 S = S + A X = X + 1 LOOP PRINT "Sum of Square:"; S END d) program using WHILE….WEND CLS I = 1 WHILE I <= 5 J = 1 WHILE J <= I PRINT J; J = J + 1 WEND PRINT I = I + 1 WEND END e) Write a program to declare a user defined function to check whether the supplied string is palindrome or not using FUNCTION….END FUNCTION statement. The program should input string and uses the above function to check whether it is palindrome or not. DECLARE FUNCTION REV$ (S$) CLS INPUT "ENTER ANY STRING"; S$ C$ = REV$(S$) IF S$ = C$ THEN PRINT S$; “IS PALINDROME” ELSE PRINT S$; “IS NOT PALINDROME” END IF END FUNCTION REV$ (S$) FOR I = LEN(S$) TO 1 STEP -1 B$ = MID$(S$, I, 1) W$ = W$ + B$ NEXT I REV$ = W$ END FUNCTION f) WAP to open a data file “LIBRARY.DAT” in output mode and store information of books. Data file should store information such as book title, author price, date of purchase and publisher. The program should allow user to input records as needed OPEN “LIBRARY.DAT” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO CLS INPUT “ENTER BOOK TITLE”; B$ INPUT “ENTER PRICE”; P INPUT “ENTER DATE OF PURCHASE”; D$ INPUT “ENTER NAME OF PUBLISHER”; P$ WRITE #1, B$, P, D$, P$ INPUT “DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE”; CH$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(CH$)=”Y” CLOSE #1 END SOLVED QBASIC SET G AND H 1a) Define loop and nested loop. b) Write down the output of the following program. CLS FOR B = 1 TO 5 READ N$ M$ = M$ + MID$(N$, B, 1) NEXT B PRINT M$ DATA NATURE, TECHNO, HAPPY, GOPAL, PUPILS END c) Re-write the following program correcting the bugs: REM to check if a word is palindrome INPUT N$ FOR K = LEN(N$) TO 1 W$ = S$ + MID$(N$, K, 1) NEXT K IF N$ = W$ THEN PRINT "Palindrome" OTHERWISE PRINT "Not Palindrome" END d) Re-write the following program using DO……..LOOP UNTIL CLS FOR J = 20 TO 2 STEP -2 S = S + J NEXT J PRINT "Sum of even numbers"; S END e) Write a program using FUNCTION….END FUNCTION statement to display the longest string among three input strings. f) A sequential data file “EXAM.DAT” contains name, address, phone number and age of some people. Write a program to display only those records which contains age above 18 and address is ‘Lumbini’. Answers SET G 1a) Repeating statements or statement blocks for certain number of times depending upon the condition is called loop. A loop that lies within another loop is called nested loop. b) Output: NEPAL c) Debugged Program REM to check if a word is palindeome INPUT N$ FOR K = LEN(N$) TO 1 STEP -1 W$ = W$ + MID$(N$, K, 1) NEXT K IF N$ = W$ THEN PRINT "Palindrome" ELSE PRINT "Not Palindrome" END IF END d) program using DO……..LOOP UNTIL CLS J = 20 DO S = S + J J = J - 2 LOOP UNTIL J < 2 PRINT "Sum of even numbers"; S END e) Write a program using FUNCTION….END FUNCTION statement to display the longest string among three input strings. DECLARE FUNCTION LON$( A$, B$, C$) CLS INPUT "ENTER FIRST STRING"; A$ INPUT "ENTER SECOND STRING"; B$ INPUT "ENTER THIRD STRING"; C$ PRINT "LONGEST STRING="; LON$( A$, B$, C$) END FUNCTION LON$( A$, B$, C$) IF LEN(A$) > LEN(B$) AND LEN(A$) > LEN(C$) THEN G$ = A$ IF LEN(B$) > LEN(A$) AND LEN(B$) > LEN(C$) THEN G$ = B$ ELSE G$ = C$ END IF LON$ = S$ END FUNCTION f) A sequential data file “EXAM.DAT” contains name, address, phone number and age of some people. Write a program to display only those records which contains age above 18 and address is ‘Lumbini’. OPEN “EXAM.DAT” FOR INPUT AS #1 CLS WHILE NOT EOF(1) INPUT #1, N$, A$, P#, A IF UCASE$(A$) = ”LUMBINI” AND A>18 THEN PRINT N$, A$, P#, A END IF WEND CLOSE#1 END *** DOWNLOADED FROM SUSHILUPRETI.COM.NP 1a) What is variable? List the types of numeric data. b) Study the following program and answer the following questions: OPEN “detail.dat” FOR INPUT AS #1 OPEN “temp.dat” FOR OUTPUT AS #2 CLS INPUT “Name of the students “; s$ FOR i = 1 to 10 INPUT #1, n$, c, a IF s$ <> n$ THEN WRITE #2, n$, c, a END IF NEXT i CLOSE #1, #2 KILL “detail.dat” NAME “temp.dat” AS “detail.dat” END Questions: i) What is the main objective of the above program? ii) Will the program run if the statement KILL “detail.dat” is removed? Why? iii) If the data file “detail.dat” contains only 8 records, then the program will run? Why? iv) Why the file “temp.dat” is necessary in this program? c) Write down the output of the following program. CLS FOR X = 2 TO 15 STEP 2 IF X >= 11 THEN EXIT FOR PRINT X ^ 2 + 1 NEXT X PRINT "Done" END d) Re-write the following program correcting the bugs: CLS REM TO PRINT THE LONGEST STRING DATA TOURISM, TRANSPORT, SERVICE, AGRICULTURE, TRADE READ L$ FOR C = 1 TO 5 READ X$ IF LEN(X$) >LEN(L$) THEN X$ = L$ NEXT C PRINT "LONGEST STRING IS: L$" END e) Re-write the following program using FOR…NEXT CLS N = 1 X = 1 BACK: PRINT N, N ^ 2 N = N + 2 X = X + 1 IF X <= 8 THEN GOTO BACK END f) Write a program to print alternate characters (starting from the first character of the user given string. g) Write a program to ask student’s name, class and marks secured in three subjects. Store the data in a sequential data file ‘SCHOOL.DAT’ along with total marks. Make a provision to ask the user to enter another record. Answers SET H 1a) A variable is an identifier or reference or name for the memory address that holds data and can change its value during the execution of a program. The types of numeric data are: i) Integer data ii) Long integer data iii) Single precision data iv) Double precision data b) Questions: i) What is the main objective of the above program? Ans: The main objective of the above program is to delete the records of students according to the supplied name of the students. ii) Will the program run if the statement KILL “detail.dat” is removed? Why? Ans: No, the program will not run because if detail.dat file is not removed then the next statement while renaming the file of temp.dat to detail.dat, it displays the error message as “File already exists” because detail.dat file is already existed and it cannot rename temp.dat file to detail.dat. iii) If the data file “detail.dat” contains only 8 records, then the program will run? Why? Ans: No, the program will not run and it displays the error message as “Input past end of file” iv) Why the file “temp.dat” is necessary in this program? Ans: The file temp.dat is necessary in this program to store the non deleted records. c) Output: 5 17 37 65 101 Done d) Debugged Program CLS REM TO PRINT THE LONGEST STRING DATA TOURISM, TRANSPORT, SERVICE, AGRICULTURE, TRADE READ L$ FOR C = 2 TO 5 READ X$ IF LEN(X$) >LEN(L$) THEN L$ = X$ NEXT C PRINT "LONGEST STRING IS:"; L$ END e) program using FOR…NEXT CLS N = 1 FOR X = 1 TO 8 PRINT N, N ^ 2 N = N + 2 NEXT X END f) Write a program to print alternate characters (starting from the first character) of the user given string. DECLARE SUB ALT(S$) CLS INPUT "ENTER ANY STRING"; S$ CALL ALT(S$) END SUB ALT(S$) FOR I = 1 TO LEN(S$) STEP 2 PRINT MID$(S$, I, 1); NEXT I END SUB g) Write a program to ask student’s name, class and marks secured in three subjects. Store the data in a sequential data file ‘SCHOOL.DAT’ along with total marks. Make a provision to ask the user to enter another record. OPEN “STUDENT.DATA” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 DO CLS INPUT “ENTER STUDENT’S NAME”; N$ INPUT “ENTER CLASS”; C INPUT “ENTER MARKS SECURED IN THREE SUBJECTS”; M1. M2, M3 INPUT “ENTER ROLL NUMBER”; R T = M1 + M2 + M3 WRITE #1, N$, C, M1, M2, M3, T INPUT “DO YOU WANT TO CONTINUE”; CH$ LOOP WHILE UCASE$(CH$)=”Y” CLOSE #1 END Sunrise Publication SOLUTION OF FUNDAMENTAL UNITS + DBMS OF SUNRISE PUBLICATION Chapter -1 Computer Network and Telecommunication 1. State true or false: a) Communication is the process of sharing message from one point to another. True b) In half duplex mode of communication, data can be transmitted in both directions simultaneously. False c) Metropolitan Area Network connects two or more LAN together with in a large city or state. False d) Computer network allows sharing of software only. False e) Coaxial cable has much greater bandwidth than fiber optic cable. False f) A gateway is a network device which connects two dissimilar networks together. True g) Each computer or device in a network is called node. True h) Peer-to-peer is a network model which has more security than client server. False 2. Choose the correct answer: a. Which of the following acts as the central authority in the network? i. protocol ii.client iii.server iv.none of the above Server b. which of the following is not Media connector? i.BNC ii. terminator iii.RJ-45 iv.NIC NIC c. In which of the following network model all the computers have equal access? i. Peer-to-peer network ii. apple talk network iii. Client/server network iv. None of the above Peer-to-peer network d. Which is an inter networking device that connects two dissimilar networks? i. Bridge ii. Gateway iii. Switch iv. Router Gateway e. Which of the following device is multi ports repeater? i. Hub ii. router iii. bridge iv. Gateway Hub f. Which of the following is not a protocol? i.TCP/IP ii.IPX/SPX iii.NETBIOS/NETBUI iv. Client Client g. Which of the following is not the network operating system? i. windows ii.MS-DOS iii. Linux iv. None of the above MS-DOS h. The speed of Modems is measured in terms of i. mbps ii.bps iii. kbps iv. Bits bps i. Which of the following is guided communication media? i. radio wave ii. fiber optic cable iii.satellite iv.Infrared fiber optic cable j. Which of the following topology uses hub as compulsory device i. star topology ii. Bus topology iii. Ring topology iv. None of the above star topology k. Which is not network hardware component? i.HUB ii. Repeater iii. Router iv. Windows NT Windows NT l. In which communication media does light travel in the form of light signal? i. Telephone wire ii. Fiber optic iii. Coaxial cable iv. Twisted pair cable Fiber optic 3. Match the following points: a. Column A Column B i. Computer network Windows NT ii) ii. Network OS HTTP iv) iii. Transmission channel Resource Sharing i) iv. Protocol UTP iii) Bit b. Column A Column B i. Wi-Fi Network within a building ii. Linear Bus Software component iv) iii. BNC Topology ii) iv. Device Driver Transmission Media i) Media connector iii) 5. Write technical terms for the following statements: a) The modes of transmission in which communication takes place from both the sides simultaneously. Full duplex mode b) A computer network limited within a room. LAN c) The interconnection between two or more computers through physical and logical components to share resources. Computer network d) The set of rules and procedures that makes the communication possible among different computers in a network. Protocol e) The computer that acts as the central authority on a network. Server f) The computer on which users run applications. Workstation g) The amount of data that can be transmitted through communication channels in a fixed time period. Bandwidth h) A network which is extended beyond the boundary of countries. WAN i) A device with multiple ports that joins multiple computer together. Hub j) The software which controls and manages all the operation in computer network. NOS k) The computer that controls and coordinates all the activities of the entire computer in a network. Server l) The physical interface between cabling and network places. Topology m) The topology in which all the computers are connected by a common distribution channel. Bus Topology n) The device which accepts weak signals regenerates them and sends them back on their way. Repeater o) The topology on which all the computers are connected to each other in a closed circular loop. Ring Topology p) A communication media which use light to carry a data signal through the cable. Fiber optics q) The physical layout or cabling structure of computers on Local area network. Topology r) The device that connects communication media with network devices. Connectors s) An intelligent device that connects two different networks by setting best network traffics. Router t) The device which connects similar networks having same protocols. Bridge 6. Write the full forms of the following: LAN, MAN, WAN, Wi-Fi, NIC, VOIP, UTP, Modem, NOS, PPP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, NNTP, NetBEUI, NCP, BNC, GPS, MAC Chapter – 2 E-Mail and Internet 1. Fill in the blanks: a. Internet is also known as network of networks . b. Mozilla Firefox is web browser program. c. IRC is an online textual communication with each other in real time. d. FTP is a protocol used to upload and download information. e. The process of copying and storing data, files, programs, etc. from internet server to user’s computer is known as downloading. 2. Choose the correct answer: a) The unique address of a web page on the internet is called i.URL ii. Browser iii. Protocol iv.HTTP URL b) Which is the protocol used in internet? i. TCP/IP ii.FTPiii.ICP iv.ISP TCP/IP c) Which one of the following is internet service? i. Chat ii. e-commerce iii. e-mail iv. all of the above all of above d) Which of the following allows the user to surf and interact with the web-page? ii.browser iii.web page iv.web server browser e) The ARPAnet was developed by i.ANSI ii.DARPA iii.POPA iv.None of them None of them f) Which is the correct email ID? i.Yahoo@ramesh iv.None of the above g) Which device is necessary to operate the internet? i.CD-ROM ii. ISPiii. Modem iv.All of above ISP Which is web browser software? i.Windows 2007 ii.Internet explorer iii.Windows NT iv.All of the above Internet explorer h) Which is not related to Internet? i.ISP ii.TCP/IP iii.WWW iv.UPS UPS 3. Match the following: Column A Column B a) Usenet Instant Chatting b) b) MSN Remote Login c) c) Telnet Internet component d) d) Modem Newsgroup a) e) Website 6. Write technical term for the following: a) The process of sending and receiving messages electronically through the internet. E-mail b) The very first page of every web site. Homepage c) c.A company that provides internet services to the users. ISP d) Software or programs that search the website for us. Search engine e) Software that is used for surfing information through the internet. Web browser f) The process of copying files,documents, programs,etc from users computer to the web server. Uploading g) An internet tool that helps to download /upload the file. FTP h) Buying and selling products and services online. E-commerce i) The private network within an organization that utilizes the internet services. Intranet 7. Write full forms of the following: TCP/IP, HTTP, NTC, FTP, WWW, IRC, NSFNet, URL, ISP, DARPA, ISDN, HTML, MIIS.DNS Chapter – 3 Computer Security 1. State true or false: a) Computer security is concerned with hardware security only. False b) Backup is used for scanning and protecting computer from viruses. False c) The use of ID card prevents unauthorized person from being entered in computer room. True d) The lost data and information can be easily recovered in computer. False e) The required voltage for computer system is 220 to 240. True f) Scan disk is a disk tool that allows checking files, folders, bad sectors, lost clusters, lost chains and any errors of the specific disk. True 2. Select the best answer: a) Which of the following is not hardware security method? i.Insurance ii.Maintenance iii.Closed-circuit cameras iv.Hard lock key Hard lock key b) Which of the following measure allows to protect computers being opened from unauthorized user? i.Antivirus program ii.Password iii.Debug iv.program Password c) The computer security is purely concerned with the following i.Hardware security security iii.Hardware and software security iv.Data security Hardware and software security d) Which of the following is not power supply decide? i.Volt guard ii.UPS iii.Constant Voltage Transformer iv.Power Plug Power plug e) Which of the following is not software security measure? i.Virus Scanning ii. Scan disk iii. Password iv. Security Guard Security Guard 3.Match the following: Column A Column B a) Hard Lock Key Hardware Security c) b) Spike guard Software security a) c) Insurance Power protection device d) d) Burlar alarm Computer Security b) Prevents unauthorized entrance 5. Write technical term for the following: a) The method applied to increase the life of computers and its assets. Regular maintenance b) The secret word or phrase of authorized users to open computer and access programs. Password c) The scattering of the parts of the same disk file over different locations. Fragmentation d) The process of re-writing parts of a file to contiguous sector on a hard disk to increase the speed of access and retrieval. Defragmentation e) The process of making a reserve copy of file,which can be restored in case of original file is corrupted. Backup f) The power regulating device this supplies constant power to the computer from its backup system. UPS g) The software used to scan,locate and detect the disk for viruses. Antivirus h) An utility program used to detect and repair lost clusters and bad sectors of hard disk. Scan disk 6.Write the full forms of the following: CPU, UPS, CCTV, CVT, AC, DC, DVD, RAM Chapter – 4 Computer Virus 1. Fill in the blanks: a) Computer virus replicates itself. b) Antivirus is used to remove virus from computer. c) File infector viruses corrupt only executable files form the computer. d) The first person who introduced the concept of replicating program was John Von Neumann. e) Polymorphic viruses are very difficult to identify and detect by anti-virus. f) We should install Latest and updated antivirus in our computer. 2. Match the following: Column A Column B a) CPAV Propagating virus c) b) Software piracy Antivirus software a) c) Worm Virus transfer d) Password Purpose of virus development b) Virus safety measure d) 3. Select the correct answer: a) Computer virus are known as programs ii.biological problems iii.hardware components iv. None of the above Computer programs b) Which of the following is not anti-virus i.AVG ii.NAV iii,Kaspersky iv.I Love you I Love You c) Which of the following virus infects the various parts of operating system? i.boot sector ii. Worm iii.Macro iv.system infector System infector d) Which is the source for virus transfer? i.Mouse ii.Pen drive iii.Printer iv.None of the above Pendrive e) Which software protects from computer virus? i.Antivirus software ii.Word processing software iii.Spreadsheet software iv.Backup software Antivirus Software f) Computer virus can destroy i.Hardware ii.Software iii.Data iv.All Data g) Boot sector virus infects i.System files ii.Master boot record iii.Application software iv.Document file Master boot record 5. Write technical terms: a) A program that destroys other program. Computer virus b) The software used to scan computer memory and disk to detect viruses. Antivirus c) The viruses which have combination features of boot sector viruses and program viruses. Multipartite Virus d) A type of computer virus that infects the document or template of word processing or spreadsheet. Macro virus e) The Program which is used to detect and eliminate computer virus. Antivirus program 6. Write full forms of the following: MCP, MBR, NAV, CPAV, PAV, KAV, USB Chapter – 5 Cyber Law and Computer Ethics 1. State true or false: a) Cyber law of Nepal was introduced in 2060 B.S. False b) Cyber law covers those areas including ICTS. True c) Internet pornography is a type of cyber crime. True d) The term ‘cyberspace’ was used by William Gibson for the first time. True e) Cyber ethics are moral principles that make aware to the computer users. True 2. Match the following: Column A Column B a) Digital Signature Cyber crime b) b) Forgery Electronic security system a) c) Encryptions Cyber law d) d) Copy right Locking message c) Computer crime 3. Choose the correct answer: a) Which of the following is computer crime? i.piracy ii.pornography iii.harassment iv.All of above All of above b) When did cyber law introduced in Nepal. i.2002 A.D. ii.2003 A.D. iii.2004 A.D. iv.2005 A.D. 2004 A.D c) Which of the following is not computer crime? i.Plagiarism ii.Password guessing iii.Internet iv.virus transferring Internet d) Which of the following is included in cyber law? i.Trademark right ii.Copyright iii.Data privacy iv.All of the above All of the above e) Which of the following is not computer ethics? i.Not to steal data ii.Not to bear false message iii.Not to use Internet iv.Not to harm the society Not to use internet 5.Write technical terms for the following: a) The process of unauthorized access to an information system intentionally. Hacking b) The rules and procedures relates to the internet and cyberspace. Cyber law c) Moral rules to be followed by computer and other professionals. Computer ethics d) A security mechanism used on the internet that relies on two keys, one public and one private. Digital signature e) Virtual space created by computer networks, internet to make communication. Cyber space f) A person who uses a computer to gain an unauthorized access. Hacker g) A computer user who attempts to break into copyright protected software or an information system. Cracker h) The rules and regulation to systematize the computer related technology. Cyber law 6. Write full forms of the following: ICT, IT, ATM, NITC, CCA, ETDSA, NITDC, MOST, HLCIT Chapter – 6 Multimedia and Its Application 1. Match the following: Column A Column B a) TOEFL Multimedia software b) b) PowerPoint Multimedia component c) c) Speaker Interactive multimedia a) d) Advertisement Virtual reality Multimedia application d) 2. Select the best answer: a) Which of the following media are used in Multimedia system? i.Text-audio ii.Text-visual iii.Text, graphic, audio and visual iv.Text, graphic and sound Text, graphic, audio and visual b) Which of the following is multimedia application? i. Education ii.Entertainment iii.virtual reality iv.All of above All of above c) Which of the following is software used in multimedia technology. i.Office XP ii.Adope Photoshop iii.Basic iv.None of the above Adobe Photoshop d) Which of the following is note multimedia software? i. Windows media player ii.Windows XP iii.Adobe illustrator iv.Macromedia flash Windows XP e) Which of the following are components of multimedia? i.Computer ii.Software iii.Projector iv.All of above All of above f) Which is a technology that allows people to enter and interact with three dimensional computer graphics world? i.Virtual system ii.Virtual reality iii.Graphics system iv.All of the above Virtual reality g) Which of the following is main component of multimedia? i.Floppy disk ii.Hard disk iii.Sound card iv.Magnetic tap Sound card 4. Write technical term for the following: a) The process of displaying alphanumeric characters on the screen to present information. Text b) An integration of audio,video,graphics and text. Multimedia c) It is simulation movement created by displaying a series of particular frames or pictures. Animation d) The artificial environment created by computer technology to entertain user. Virtual reality e) A high capacity storage device that can read and write data into storage media. DVD f) The computer having capability to integrate two or more types of media for information presentation. Multimedia computer g) The program used to create and present multimedia system. Multimedia Authority software 5. Write full forms of the following: CBE, CAL, CAI, CBT, BMP, GIF, JPEG, LCD, CD-ROM, DVD Chapter – 8 DBMS [Database Management System] 1. State true or false: a) MS-Access is spreadsheet software. False b) The default extension of MS-Access file is .DBF. False c) Primary key field cannot be left blank. True d) We cannot change data type of a field. False e) Memo field is used to store long information beyond of the text. True f) Yes/No Logical field stores one bit of data. True g) More than one table can be created in MS-Access. True h) Query can be used to apply mathematical calculations in the table. True i) We can make the form as the source of table. False j) * is a wild card that represents any one character in an expression. False k) A form allows displaying one complete information at once. True l) A query is used to select records from many tables. True m) Index decreases the speed of the query and short operations. False n) Report is used to prepare database for final printing. True o) Field name can be up to the 98 characters long. False 2. Select the best answer: a) Which of the following is not MS-Access database object? i. Table ii. Form iii. Query iv. Print b) Which of the following data type is appropriate to store gender of person in terms M or F? i. Memo ii. Currency iii. Yes no iv. Auto number Yes no c) Form is designed for i. filters data ii. Sort data iii. Sort data iv. Modify data Modify data d) Query is used to i. retrieves data from database ii. Create table in database iii. Print database iv. All of above retrieves data from database e) Report is used for i. Printing database ii. Process database iii. Filter database iv. None of the above Printing database f) Which of the following is not a data type? i. Picture iii.text iv.number Picture g) What is the maximum length of text field? i.512 characters ii.50 characters iii. 255 characters iv.No limit 255 characters h) Which of the following is not field property? i. indexed ii. Field size iii.color iv.format color i) What field type is used to store picture in a table? i.memo ii.OLE iii.hyperlink iv.None OLE j) Which of the following uniquely identifies any field. i.Index ii.Memo iii.Primary key iv.Query Primary key k) The object of MS-Access that stores the data is known as i.Query ii.Table iii.Form Table l) Which is the example of Relational Database Management System? i.Oracle ii.FoxBASE iii.Sybase iv.FoxPro Oracle m) The datatype which is used for only integer value. i.text ii.currency iii.number iv.OLE number n) What kind of data are kept in memo field? i.Name of Student ii.Students phone number iii.Students Bio data iv.Students picture Students’ Bio data o) Which of the following is not the datatype of MS-Access? i.yes/no ii.true/false iii.on/off iv.All Yes/no p) A field is also known as i.records ii.column iii.Database iv.entity column q) Which of the following field property limits from wrong data entry. i.Input mask ii.caption iii.required iv.validation rule validation rule 3.Match the following: a) Column A Column B Index database Data redundancy software d) Record easy to search a) DBMS repetition of data b) Tuple c) b) Column A Column B Form database Primary key data type d) Advance Filter text control a) Hyperlink unique identification of record b) Query c) c) Column A Column B Sort mass change d) Single precision DBMS c) FoxPro memo field Update query sub type of number b) Arranging data a) d) Column A Column B Mark ledger Predefined formats c) Wild cards database a) Wizard primary key d) Relationship * and? b) Report SUBHARAMBA PUBLICATION CHAPTER – 1 Networking and Telecommunication 1. Fill in the blanks: a. Computer Networkis a communication system connecting two or more computer that work together to exchange information and share resources. b. Telecommunicationis a transmission of data and information between computers using a communication link such as a standard telephone line. c. A Peer is a self-reliant computer that acts both as a server and a client to other similar computer on the network. d. A Centralizednetwork is a network in which a central host computer performs data processing and storage on behalf of clients. e. A Peer to Peer network is a group of computer that functions both as a client/server. f. LANis a self-content network that spans a small area such as a single building, floor or a room. g. A Network Topology refers to the shape of the network in which all the computers are connected together. h. A physical Ring topology is a network topology in which network nodes are connected in a continuous circle. i. Simplexmode communication is a mode of transmission in which data flows in one direction only. j. Gatewayis a device software or a system that converts data between dissimilar network with different protocols. 2. True or false: a. Computer network increases worker productivity and offers tremendous convenience.True b. A server is a network computer that utilizes the resources of other network computers, including other clients.False c. Local Area Network is a network that spans multiple geographical locations.False d. A physical ring topology is a network topology in which network nodes are connected in a continuous circle.True e. Router is a network device used to regenerate or replicate a signal.False 3. Select the best answers: a. A _______ is a self-sufficient computer that acts both as a server and a client to other similar computers on the network. i. Node ii. Client iii. Peer b. The communication protocol usedto connect to web servers on the internet or on a local network(intranet). i. TCP/IP ii. HTTP iii. Apple Talk c. A network in which a central host computer performs data processing and storage on behalf of clients. i. Centralized computing network ii. Client/Server network iii. Peer-to-peer network d. A network of computers spread over a city or town located in the same geographical area. i. Local Area Network ii. Metropolitan Area Network iii. Wide Area Network e. A form of wireless transmission in which signals are sent via pulses of infrared light. i. Radio networking ii. Infrared transmission iii. Microwave transmission 4. Technical terms: a. A computer circuit board or card designed top allow computers to communicate over a computer network.(NIC) b. A set of rules or procedures for transmitting data between electronic devices, such as computers.(Protocol) c. A group of computers that functions both as a client and a server.(Peer to peer network) d. A self-contained network that spans a small area, such as a single building, floor or a room.(LAN) e. A device, software or a system that converts data between dissimilar networks with different protocols.(Gateway) 5. Match the following: a. Node a network computer that utilizes the resources of other computer(B) b. Client a set of rules by which computers communicate with each other over a Network(E) c. Host a self-sufficient computer that acts both as a server and a client(shares and uses resources (D) d. Peer any network device that can connect to the network and can generate, process or transfer network data(A) e. Protocol the most powerful type of computer on the network, that does all the(C) processing for the user Chapter 2 The internet and its services Fill in the blanks: a.InternetIs a collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various networks all over the globe. b. The internet originated from an experimental network called ARPANet created in 1969. c. WWWis the leading information exchanged service of the internet. d. The process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote computer to the requesting computer is calledDownloading True/False a) The internet allows to play the interactive multimedia games, listen to music and watch digital movies.(True) b) TCP/IP is responsible for ensuring that the packets are sent to the right destination. (True) c) Electronic mail contains a large collection of linked text , image, sound and video files.(False) d) The method of locating information on the internet involves the use of search engine. (True) e) Fire wall programs allow workgroups to use the internet to see each others face in small window on the computer screen and to hear their voice through speakers.(False) Match the following: a. E-mail a global collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various networks worldwide(B) b. Internet an online communication mechanism that lets people to make a real time discussion with one or more people through the internet(D) c. newsgroup electronic message sent from one computer to another(A) d. Web Chat a world wide discussion group in which people share information and ideas on a particular area of interest.(C) Select the best answer: a. a collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various networks all over the globe i. Internet ii. Intranet iii. Extranet b. Websites that alow the users to search information based on keywords or a combination of keywords. i. world wide web ii. electronic mail iii. search engine c. Yahoo! Is a …….. i. browser ii .home page iii. search engines d. An online interactive communication mechanism that les people to make a real time discussions with one or more people through the internet i. web chat ii. Newsgroup iii. video conferencing e. the process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote computer to the requesting computer . i. downloading ii. Uploading iii.FTP Technical terms: A collection of millions of computers of different types belonging to various networks all over the globe . (Internet) Websites that allow the users to search information based on keywords or a combination of keywords. (Search Engine) An online interactive communication mechanism that lets people to make a real time discussions with one or more people through the internet. (Web Chat) The process of transferring a copy of a file from a remote computer to the requesting computer. (Downloading) A worldwide discussion group in which people share information and ideas on a particular area of interest.(Newsgroup) Full forms a. Arpanet b. FTP c. NSFNET d. TCP/IP Telnet f. WWW Chapter 3 Computer security system 1.Fill in the blanks: 1. Hardware security protects the machine and peripheral hardware from theft, electronic intrusions, and damage. 2. Ups is a device which provides continuous power and protects the computer equipments from power surges and voltage fluctuations 3. Voltage regulatoris an electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level. 4. Scan disk is one of the tools used to maintain performance and error free file management. 2.True/False 1. The loss of information can cause serious damage to the organization .(True) 2. The routine servicing of hardware is a must to keep equipment tin good operating condition an to find and correct problems before they develop into serious malfunctions.(True) 3. Computer equipment should be used and stored at a relative humidity of 5 percent with 50 percent variation.(False) 4. Defragmentation is one of the tools used to maintain performance and error free file management. (False) 3.Terms match a. Surge supressor The destructive increase in the amount of Voltage delivered through a power line(B) b. Spike an electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level(D) c. UPS A device that protects your PC against power surges and spikes(A) d. Voltage regulator A device which provides continuous power to the computer equipment and protects them from power surges and voltage fluctuations (C) 4.Select the best answer: a. …….protects the machine and peripheral hardware from theft,electronic intrusion and damage. i. information security ii. Hardware security iii. Software security b. The temperature in the computer system should be maintained between …. to …. i.21 to 24 ii.22 to 25 ii.23 to 26 c. A device that protects your PC against power surges and spikes. i. Uninterruptible Power Supply ii.Voltage regulatoriii.Surge suppressor d. The type of security that provides barriers and other cyber tools that protects program, files, and the information flow to and from a computer i. computer security ii.Hardware security iii.Software security e. The ………. Process optimize the read/write process by realigning the speed posiyion of related file clusters to speed up the overall operation of the drive i.Fragmentation ii.Defragmentation iii.Scan disk 5.Select the best answer: 1. A device which provides continuous power to the computer equipment and protects them from power surges and voltage fluctuation .(UPS) 2. an electrical regulator designed to automatically maintain a constant voltage level. (Voltage Regulator) 3. A device that protects your PC against power surges and spikes.(Surge Suppressor) 4. A program designed to infect and potentially damage files on a computer that receives it.(Computer Virus) 5. The tool that is used to maintain performance and error free file management.(Scan Disk) 6.Full Forms a. CVT UPS AC DC Chapter 4 Computer viruses 1.Fill in the blanks: a. Computer Virusis a program containing code that can generate multiple copies of itself . b. Boot Sectorvirus infects or substitutes its own code for either the DOS boot sector or the master boot record(MBR) c. Programviruses infect executable program files having an extension .exe,.com,or.dll. d. Polymorphiccode is a code that mutates while keeping the original algorithm intact. e. Frodo is an example of aStealthvirus. 2.True/False 1. Viruses can easily hide within a system by attaching themselves to other files or program because they are small in size.(True) 2. Boot sector virus infects or substitutes it’s own code for either the DOS boot sector or the Master boot record(MBR). (True) 3.The examples if script viruses are W97M.Melissa and WM.NiceDay.(False) 4.A virus that can change it’s appearance with every infection is called macro virus. (False) 5.Freeware software is a program designed to detect and remove viruses from the computer system.(True) 3.Match the following: a. Boot virus a computer virus that infects files and boot records. (E) b.File virus a computer virus that infects the DOS boot sector or the master boot record (MBR)(A) c. polymorphic virus a computer virus that infects program written in scripting language(D) d. Script viruses a computer virus that infects executable program files having an extension .exe,.com,or.dll(B) e.stealth virus a computer virus that can change its appearance with every infection (C) 4. Select the best answer: 1. Boot sector virus infects or substitutes its own code for either the DOS boot sector or the master boot record.(MBR) i. Boot sector virus ii. file infecting virus iii. polymorphic virus 2.Disk killer, stoned, Michelangelo are the examples of ……….. i. Boot sector virus ii.File infecting virus iii. polymorphic virus 3.The type of virus that is designed to infect executable program files having extensions .exe,.com,.dll i.Boot sector virus ii.File virus iii.Script virus 4. A virus that can change its appearance with every infection is called….. i. . polymorphic virus ii. Macro virus iii. Script virus 5. A program designed to detect and remove virus from the computer system i. shareware ii.Freeware iii. Antivirus 6. Norton antivirus, when loaded onto a computer system , checks the following areas for viruses i. boot record programs at the time you use them both 5.Technical terms a. A program containing code that can generate multiple copies of itself. (Computer Virus) b. A virus infects or substitutes its own code for either the DOS boot sector or the master boot record (MBR). (Boot Sector Virus) c. A small program that runs every time the computer starts up. (MBR) d. A series of commands and actions that help to automate some task. (Macro Virus) e. A code that mutates while keeping the original algorithm intact. (Polymorphic Virus) CHAPTER 5 CYBER LAW AND ETHICAL ISSUES 1.Fill in the blanks. a.Cyber Lawis a generic term, which refers to all the legal and regulatory aspects of internet and the world wide web b.Cyber law of Nepal was enacted in Nepal in2061 BS. c.Fair Act Reportingact is a federal law enacted in 1970 to insure confidentiality of consumer credit information held by lenders and credit reporting agencies. d.Video Privacy Protection act limits the disclosure of personally identifiable information regarding video rentals. 2.TRUE/FALSE a. Data protection law provides a legal framework to facilitate and safeguard electronic transaction in the electronic medium.(True) b.Intellectual property describes a wide variety of property created by musicians ,authors , artist, and inventors.(False) c.Cyber law of nepal was enacted in nepal in 2062 B.S(2005). (False) d.Fare credit reporting act is a federal law enacted in 1970 to ensure confidentiality of consumer credit information held by lenders and credit reporting agencies. (True) e. The copyright act of 1992 imposed on entirely new body ofrequrements on the federal government handling of information concerning individuals. (False) 3.Match the following a. Computer ethics (A)The block of data at the end of an electronic message that attests the authenticity of the said message(C) b. Cyberspace (B) A method of making the data or message transmitted through the internet unreadable by everyone except the receiver.(D) c. Digital signature (C)The world-wide network of computers.(B) d. Encryption (D)A branch of applied ethics which studies and analyzes social and ethical impacts of information technology.(A) 4.MULTIPLE CHOICE: a. The law that provides a legal framework to facilitate and safeguard electronic transaction in the electronic medium. i. Digital signature law ii. Intellectual property law iii. Telecommunication law b. A criminal activity involving the information technology infrastructure. i. Digital crime ii. intellectual property iii. Cyber crime c. Cyber law of Nepal was enacted in Nepal in ___________ B.S. i.2062 ii.2000 iii.2061 d. A federal law enacted in 1970 to ensure confidentiality of consumer credit information held by lenders and credit reporting agencies. i. Fair credit reporting act ii.Federal privacy act iii.Copyright act CHAPTER 6 MULTIMEDIA AND ITS APPLICATION 1.FILL IN THE BLANKS a.Multimediais a computer-delivered electronic system that allows the user to control , combine and manipulate different types of media. b.Graphics deal with the generations,representations,manipulation and display of pictures with the aid of computer. c. Videodeal with recording and displaying of a sequence of mages at a reasonable speed to create an impression of movement. d. Virtual Realityis a technology that allows people to enter and interact with three dimensional computer graphics world. 2.TRUE/FALSE a.Monomedia enhance standard education techniques and make the process of learning easier.(False) b.Graphics is a series of image that are displayed in rapid succcession giving, the illusion of movement.(False) c.Interactive multimedia programs bring concept to life and helps students integrate critical-thinking and problem-solving skills . (True) d.Multimedia provides a medium to promote,sell,teach and communicate in new interactive ways .(True) e.Virtual reality is technology that allows people to ebter and interact with three dimensional computer graphics world. (True) 3.Match a.Animation A. The creation and manipulation of pictures images in the computer.(B) b. Graphics B. A system that enables one or more users to move and react with computer graphics world(E) c.Multimedia C. The moving graphic images(A) d.Resolution D. The combination of multiple media such as text,images,video,animation and audio. (C) e.Virtual reality E. The sharpness of the image on the monitor screen,determined by the number of pixels that make up the image.(D) 4. MULTIPLE CHOICE a. A computer-delivered electronic system that allows the user to control ,combine,and manipulate different types of media, such as text,sound,video,computer graphics and animation. i.monomedia ii.multimedia iii.None of the above b.___________deal with the recording and display of a sequence of images at a raesonable speed to create an impression of movement. iii.animatioin c.In order to work with multimedia, personal computer typically requires the following hardware components. i.powerful microprocessor ii.large main memory iii.both UNIQUE PUBLICATION Chapter 1: Networking and Telecommunication 1. Write full form of the followings. a) FTP SMTP TCP/IP ISP POP MODEM b) UTP STP NetBEUI DARPA HTTP WLAN 2. Fill in the blanks. a) The interconnection of computer with or without wire is known ascomputer network. b) The servercomputer acts as the storehouse and distributor for the data, information and programs. c) A computer on a network that uses resources of the network is workstation. d) The network if computer within the room, building or campus isLAN e) The computer network of any two countries isWAN. f) The example of WAN is Internet. 3. State True or False. a) Computer network only allows us to share computer hardware. False b) A workstation is a computer that uses the service of the network.True c) A computer network that covers small local area is MAN. False d) Internet is an example of WAN.True e) A server computer acts as the storehouse and distributer for the program data and information.True f) You can send message from one computer to another computer on the network.True g) Modem can convert digital signal into analog signal and vice versa.True h) A hub is also known as multi-port repeater.True 4. Write technical term for the following statement. a) A group of interconnected network b) A computer on a network.node c) The physical path through which data and information flow on the network.Transmissionmedia d) The data handling capacity of communication system. bandwidth e) The amount of data transmitted per second through the communication channel.bandwidth f) A computer which provides resources to other computer on the network.server g) A computer which uses services of a network.workstation h) An operating system of a server operating system i) A computer on the network that provides resource and allows a client to use it as a workstation.Nondedicated software j) A computer on the network that provides resources but does not allows a client to use it as a workstation.Dedicated software k) A network which uses bounded media. Wired network l) A transmission media through which data are transmitted in the form of light.Fiber optics cable m) A network that uses unbounded transmission media. Wireless network n) A network model having at least one server and more than one client computer.Client server network o) A network model where all nodes have equal right.Peer-to-peer network p) A network of computer within a room.LAN q) A computer network that is spread within a city of neighboring city.MAN r) A device that convert digital signal into analog signal and vice versa.MODEM s) A card that connect a computer within a networking cable.NIC t) A network of computer that cover whole world.WAN u) The physical layout of cabling for connecting computer on the network.Topology v) A network structure where all computer on the network are connected through a centrally located device.Star topology w) A set of rules that each computer on the network has to follow.Protocol x) A multiple port repeater.hub y) A network device that join segments of a computer.bridge z) A network device that regenerates or amplifies signals.repeater aa) A network device that makes communication between two different network having different protocols.gateway Chapter 2: Internet and Its Services 1. Write the full form of the following a) WWW URL ISP FTP Email b) ISDN VOIP Telnet IRC c) PSTN 2. Fill in the blanks. a) Internet is the largest network of computer in the world. b) Dial-up internet access requiresmodem and telephone c) In the internet you can send and receive message using email facility. d) World Wide Web is also known as internet e) A ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬website is the collection of web pages. f) Each page of information is known as webpage g) Each web sites is identified by the URL. h) Windows Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator are two popular web browsers 3. State whether the following statement are True or False. a) A person can reverse the room in a hotel and even purchase goods by using his computer.True b) Internet is the Network.True c) You can send mail through internet but cannot receive the mail. False d) A web page can have only textual information. False e) A search engine allows you to search web sites on the net as specified.True f) Downloader makes downloading files from web sites easy.True 4. Write the technical term for the following: a) Selling and buying goods on the Internet.E-commerce b) A private internet.intranet c) A service of the internet that allows a user to post question for discussion.Newsgroup d) A service of the internet that allows a user to connect a remote computer.Telnet e) Internet services that helps us to send and receive instant messages.Email f) A company that provides internet facility.ISP Chapter 3 : Computer Virus 1. State whether Trueor False. a) A virus is a useful program that help a user to perform some specific task. False b) Computer virus can hide themselves in other files.True c) Multi-partite virus can infect both the boot sector of the disk and executable file.True d) An anti-virus program having old virus definition file can effectively detect the latest virus. False e) All anti-virus program can detect and eliminate all types of viruses.True 2. Fill in the blanks. a) An antivirus software uses to detect and remove viruses from the computer system. b) Boot sector Virus resides in the boot sector of a storage disk. c) File infector virus affect executable file. d) A malicious program that pretends to be something useful program is known as Trojan horse e) A program that is not a virus but behave like virus and can replicate is known as worm f) Macro virus infect files of MS-Word,MS-Excel and MS-Excess Chapter 4: Cyber Law and Ethics 1. Write the technical term for the following: a) The crime committed with the help of computer and internet.Cyber crime b) A law that deals with the criminal activities like on line fraud, hacking, etc.Cyber law c) A law that deals with cyber-crime.Cyber law d) The moral principles or the code of conduct that regulate the proper use of computer.Cyber ethics Chapter 5: Computer Security 1. State whether the following statement are True or False. a) When a hard disk of a computer system get damaged or lost, we don’t lose any data and information. False b) Some time by mistake a user can delete important files.True c) Hardware securing means securing hard disk from being damaged only. False d) Dust, fluctuation of electricity and over heat can damage hardware of computer system.True e) The regular check of computer system helps us to keep computer system in good working condition. False f) Volt guard and stabilizer can supply back up electric power tom a computer system when there is power cut off.False g) A UPS supplies steady voltage and provides electric power for short period of time.True h) When we set a password to file, and unauthorized person can delete the file.True i) Scan disk is a application program like MS-Word. False j) Defragmentation rearrange the fragmented files in the contiguous spaces on the disk.True 2. Write the technical term for the following statement: a. An electric device that supply steady voltage to the appliance.Volt guard b. An electric device that supply electric power when the electric is cut off.UPS c. A secret word that gives a user access to a particular file, program or system.password d. A program that disinfects a file from a virus.antivirus e. A copy of file or program that is used when a original file is corrupted.backup f. A program that checks and keeps hard disk in good condition.scandisk g. A program that rearranges the fragmented files.defragmentation Chapter 6: Multimedia 1. Fill in the blanks. a. “Multimedia” word is made of multi and media words. b. Media means the way through which one can convey information. c. Text is the primary component of multimedia. d. Video refers to pictures in motion. e. Virtua lreality is an artificial environment created with the computer hardware and software. f. MS-Power Point Software is used in creating presentation. 2. State weather the following statement are True or False. a. Multimedia is the combination of more than one media.True b. Information can be presented more effective and understandable way by using more than one medium.True c. All the computer are capable of handling multimedia. False d. A computer that can handle only text and audio is multimedia computer. False e. Multimedia products are stored in pen drive. False f. Sound card is one of the hardware required in multimedia computer.True g. Most of the information is conveyed through the text medium.True h. Animation refers to simulation of movement created by displaying a series of picture one after another.True i. Video increase the retention of information for long time in the memory of people.True j. Multimedia is used in movies to add special effects.True 3. Write a technical terms for the following statements. a. The combination of more than media such as text, picture, sound, movies clips, etc.multimedia b. The computer system that is capable to handle more than one media simultaneously.Multimedia computer c. A simulation of movement created by displaying a series of pictures one after the other.Animation d. The artificial environment created by computer technology that seems to be real.Virtual reality e. A technology that mixes text, pictures, sound, movies clips in a digital format.Multimedia technology Chapter 8: Microsoft Access 1. Fill in the blanks. a. A collection of related data of a person or anything is known as database. b. A field which uniquely identifies a record of a table is primary key. c. A column in a table is called field and row in a table is calledrecord. d. Primary key value must not benull. e. The default value size of text field is50. f. dBase is the example of DBMS. g. Memo is the field types used to store text that is more than 255 character. h. Auto number field type automatically enters number in a field which increase by one for every new record. i. We can change data type of field in table design view. j. Validation rule is used to make sure that the data entered in a field is within the criteria set by the user. k. Action query is used to change record in a table at a single operation. l. Delete query is used to delete records from the table. 2. State whether the following statement are True or False. a. A database file of MS-Access can have only one table. False b. The extension of MS-Access database file is MDB.True c. A field name can have maximum of 64 character.True d. New field cannot be added in access after designation of table.False e. Picture can be stored I the Access Database.True f. A field can’t be declared with data type.True g. Query is used for printing record. False h. The table of MS-Access has .tbl extension. False i. A text data type can store maximum of 155 characters per field record. False j. Record is the collection of information.True k. Logical value can also be stored in database.True l. Hyperlink field type in used to store photographs. False m. A query cannot be the source for a form. False n. Primary key field may contain the same value in two records. False o. A report can be used to delete record from a table. False p. Index accelerates the query and sort operation.True 3. Choose the correct answer. a. The default field size value of text field is 50 i. 40 50 256 64 b. Which component of MS-Access is used to enter data?Form i. Query Forms Report Both (i) and (ii) c. All of above is a Database Management System. i. DBase MSAV EXCEL All of above d. A column in MS-Access Table is field i. Field Query Database Record e. MS-Access is a RDBMS i. DBMS RDBMS Database Metabase f. A row in a table is known as Record i. Field Content Record Text table g. Which is the database? Data of SLC Exam i. Data of SLC Exam Oracle MS-Access Excel h. A key which uniquely identifies each record of a table is primary key. i. Primary key Foreign key Both (i) and (ii) None of above i. Field size of logical field is 1 bit in Access. i. 1 bit 1 byte 8 byte 0 bit j. Which component of MS-Access is used to print data?report i. Query Form Report None k. MS-Access is used to create database. i. Database DBMS Record Table l. A caption can have maximum of 2048 character. i. 2062 2048 64000 2006 m. The logical data type of Access is Yes/No i. Yes/No True/False On/Off All n. What is the extension of Access database?MDB i. MBD MDB DBF ADB o. Number field is used for storing only Number i. Number Text and Number Number and Time Number and Year p. Paint is not DBMS. i. Oracle dBase FoxPro Paint q. MS-Access is a kind of Application software. i. System Software Operating System Application Software Utility Software r. Which is an example of database?telephone directory i. DBase MS-Access Telephone Directory All s. Report is the printed output we generate from Both (i) and (ii) i. Table Query Forms Both (i) and (ii) t. Which of them is not a data type?caption i. Memo Yes/No Time/Date Caption u. Which is the subtypes for the number data type?Integer i. Hyperlink Bit Index Integer v. The maximum size of the text field is 255 i. 253 255 256 254 S.E.E MODEL SET QUESTIONS S.E.E MODEL SET Time: 1:30 hrs. Full Marks: 50 Pass Marks: 16 ________________________________________ (Group 'A') Computer Fundamental (22 marks) 1. Answer the following questions: (5x2=10) a. What is Transmission Media? List any two differences between Star and Bus topology. b. What is Internet ? List the services provided by the Internet. c. What is multimedia technology? List any four application areas of multimedia. d. Define Software Piracy. List out any four measures to protect computer software. e. Define boot sector virus. How can we protect computer from computer virus? 2. a. Convert as instructed: (2x1=2) (i) (305)8 into decimal (ii) (CAB)16 into binary b. Perform binary operation. ( 2x1=2) (i) 101*11+101 (ii) Divide 101101 by 101 3. Match the following pairs: (4x0.5=2) Group A Group B Microwave Network Protocol UPS Unguided transmission media AppleTalk Power protection device Cyber ethics Android OS Code of conduct for computer users 4. Select the correct answer: (4x0.5=2) a. Which is not the network hardware component? (i) Switch (ii) Repeater (iii) Router (iv) Windows NT b. In which communication media does data travel in the form of light signal? (i) Telephone wire (ii) Fiber optic (iii) Coaxial Cable (iv)Twisted pair cable c. Which is not the protocol? (i) POP (ii) IPX/SPX (iii) NETBIOS/NETBUI (iv) Client/Server d. Which is the Anti-virus program? (i) DNS (ii) NAV (iii) Windows 10 (iv) MS-Excel 5. Give appropriate technical terms of the following: (4x0.5=2) a. The process of buying and selling products and services online b. The cabling structure of LAN c. Group of computers that can share resource. d. One way communication mode. 6. Write full forms: (4x0.5=2) a) UPS (b) VOIP (c) WLAN (d) VRML (Group 'B') Database (10 marks) 7. Answer the following questions. (3x2=6) a. What is a database and DBMS? b. What is data type? List any four types of data used in Microsoft Access? c. Define Query. List any two uses of form. 8. Select the correct answer: (4x0.5=2) (a) The maximum text field size in Access is ………. (i) 50 (ii) 10 (iii) 256 (iv) 255 (b) The extension of database file in Access is …….. (i) .DBF (ii) .MDB (iii) .DMB (iv) .DBM (c) …...... uniquely identifies any field. (i) Indexing (ii) Memo Field (iii) Primary Key (iv) Query (d) The objects of Access that stores the data is known as ……… (i) Query (ii) Table (iii) Form (iv) Report 9. Match the following pairs: (4x0.5=2) Group A Group B MySql iOS Indexing data To store picture and video OLE Object RDBMS Caption Searching fast 2048 characters (Group 'C') programming (18 marks) 10. a. What is a local and global variable? 1 b. Define C Language.List any two data types used in C language. 1 c. Write down the function of the following statements: 1 (i)NAME (ii) EOF() 11.Write the output of the given program: 2 DECLARE SUB Series ( ) CALL Series END SUB Series ( ) N=2 C=1 WHILE C<=10 PRINT N N=N+C C=C+1 WEND END SUB 12.Re-write the given program after correcting the bugs: 2 REM To display all the records from emp.dat file OPEN "emp.dat" FOR APPEND AS#1 WHILE NOT FOE() INPUT"Enter name ";N INPUT"Enter Address";A WRITE 1,N$,A PRINT N$,A$ LOOP CLOSE #1 END 13. Study the following program and answer the given questions: (2x1=2) DECLARE FUNCTION Result(X,Y) CLS X=10 Y=15 Z=Result(X,Y) PRINT Z END FUNCTION Result(X,Y) FOR i= 1 TO Y IF X MOD i=0 AND Y MOD i=0 THEN H=i NEXT i Result=H END FUNCTION (a) How many arguments and parameters are used in the above program? (b) What is the output of the above program? 14. a. Write a program to calculate and display area of a triangle using FUNCTION..END FUNCTION. (Hints: Area =1/2*base*height) (3) b. Write a program to check whether the given word is ‘palindrome or not’ using SUB….END SUB. (3) c. Write a program to create a sequential data file "marks.dat" to store Name and Mark obtained in Computer, Math and Science subjects for some student. (3) S.E.E MODEL SET 1 Subject: Computer Science F.M.: 50 Time: 1 hr. 30 min. P.M.: 16 Students are encouraged to answer in their own words as far as practicable. Priority is given to the creativity and clarity but not to rote learning. Group A [Fundamental – 22] 1.Answer the following questions.(5x2=10) a.What are the different data transmission modes? Write any two differences between hub and switch. b.What is computer network? Write any two advantages of it. c.List any four differences between client server and peer to peer network model. d.What is the internet? List any two advantages and disadvantages of the email. e.Define computer virus. List any four destructive activities of computer viruses. 2)a. Convert the given number system as indicated.(2x1=2) i. (654)8 =(?)10 ii. (10101110)2 = (?)16 b. Perform the binary calculations as indicated.(2x1=2) i. 11111-1101+101 ii. 101111/110 3.Select the correct answer from the given options.(4x0.5=2) a.The internet is a good example of …………network. i. client/server ii. Peer to peer iii. Both i & ii iv. None of the above b.Which is the transmission medium? i. Satellite ii. Infrared iii. Radio wave iii. All of the above c.…….is software program or hardware device designed to keep computers safe from hackers. i. Antivirus ii. Firewall iii. malicious iv. multimedia d.An example of a network navigation device is …. i. Ring ii. Bus iii. Bridge iv. Road 4.Write the technical terms for the following. (4x0.5=2) a.A device that connects all the nodes of a single network. b.A protocol that is used for downloading emails from email server. c.An unique address through which web pages of web site are accessed. d.Messages sent/received electronically on computer network. 5.Give full form of the following abbreviations.(4x0.5=2) a. IRC b. ISDN c. VOIP d. MODEM 6.Match the followings: (4x0.5=2) Group A Group B a. Duplex b. E-commerce c. Router d. Virus i. Online business ii. A network component iii. Two way communication iv. Destructive program v. One way communication Group B (MS-Access – 10) 7.Answer the following questions.(3x2=6) What is RDBMS? Write two features of DBMS. Define query? Write any two importance of primary key. What is indexed property of a field? What is the indexed value of a primary key. 8.Fill in the blanks(4x0.5=2) A column in MS-Access table is …… The Date/Time field data type occupies …. bytes of memory. ------- data type is used to store remarks or comments in MS -Access. An ….. query makes global changes to a group of records in one or more tables. 9. Match the following:(4x0.5=2) a. SQL i. Upto 1GB b. Yes/No ii. Structure Query Language c. OLE field iii. Standard Query Language d. Caption iv. field property v. used for logical operation Group C (Programming – 18) 10. a. Define local and global variables. (1) b. Write down any two features of C Language. (1) c. Write the functions of i) Kill statement and ii) EOF function.(1) 11. Write output of the following program. (2) DECLARE FUNCION NUM(X) P=11001 PRINT “The result is “; NUM(P) END FUNCTION NUM(X) WHILE X<> 0 R=X MOD 10 SUM=R* 2 ^ A+ SUM X=X10 A=A+1 WEND NUM=SUM END FUNCTION 12 . Rewrite the following program correcting bugs. (2) CLS REM to delete the record of specified students from student.dat file OPEN “student.dat” FOR OUTPUT AS #1 OPEN “dupli.dat” FOR OUTPUT AS #2 INPUT “Enter student name whose record is to be deleted “;N$ DO WHILE EOF(1) INPUT #1, stdname$, add$, age IF UCASE$(N$)=UCASE$(stdname$) THEN WRITE #2, stdname$, add$, age END IF CLOSE #1,#2 LOOP KILL “student.dat” NAME “dupli.dat” AS “student.dat” END 13.Study the following program and answer the questions.(2x1=2) DECLARE SUB TEST (A,B,C) LET X=5 LET Y=10 LET Z=20 CALL TEST(X, (Y), (Z)) PRINT X,Y, Z END SUB TEST (A,B,C) A= A-5 B= B+5 SUM=A+B+C/5 PRINT SUM END SUB a)What will be the output of the above program? b)List the arguments and parameters used in the above program. 14a. Write a program to define a function procedure which returns number of factors of the given number and use this function to check whether input integer is prime or composite. (3) b. Writee a program using SUB .. END SUB to calculate volume of a cylinder.[Hint: V=p* r^2* h]. (3) c. A sequential data file “result.rec” contains the name, marks secured by students in three subjects. Assume pass marks for each subject is 40. Write a program to display the records of passed students and total number of failed students. (3) S.E.E MODEL SET 2 Subject: Computer Science F.M.: 50 Time: 1 hr. 30 min. P.M.: 16 Students are encouraged to answer in their own words as far as practicable. Priority is given to the creativity and clarity but not to rote learning. Group A Computer Fundamental (22 Marks) 1. Answers the following questions: (5x2=10) a.What is computer network? Write its types on the basis of geographical area. b.Write any four differences between client server and peer to peer network model. c.Define cyber crime with examples. d.What is antivirus program? Write any two examples. e.Write advantages of multimedia in education sector. 2.a. Convert the following as indicated: (2x1= 2) i. (110100)2 into Decimal ii. (2A5)16 into Octal b. Perform the following binary operations. (2x1=2) i. (1110-1101)*101 ii. 100111/111 3.Match the following: (4x0.5=2) Group A Group B Hub Connect different types of networks having same protocol Router Twisted Pair cable BNC terminator Transmission channel for WLAN RJ 45 Connecting device within a network Coaxial cable 4.Select the correct option for the following: (4x0.5=2) a.Which of the following is the basic internet protocol? HTTP ii. POP TCP/IP iv. None of the above b.Which of the following computer program is harmful? i. Antivirus ii. Virus iii. Word processor iv. All of the above c.A unique address to identify the computers on the network is : i.Primary key ii. Host name iii. Domain name iv. IP Address d.Which of the following is not cyber crime? i.Should not use computer to harm people ii.Should not use computer to steal data and information. iii.Should destroy data of other people. iv.All of the above 5.Write appropriate technical term for the following: (4x0.5=2) a.Real time visual communication service of internet. b.A hardware device that converts digital signal to analog and vice versa. c.A type of harmful computer program that infects the master boot record (MBR) of a disk. d.A system program installed in server for managing resources and clients. 6.Give the full form. (4x0.5=2) VOIP ii. FTP iii. PSTN iv. USB Group B MS-Access (10 Marks) 7. Answers the following questions: (3x1=3) a. What is database? List any two DBMS. b. Define primary key field wits its application in database management. c. Differentiate between form and report. 8.Select the correct option for the following: (4x0.5=2) a. Which of the following is DBMS? i. MS-Excel ii. MS-Access iii. Word Perfect iv. All of the above b. What is the suitable data type to store Email ID? i. Text ii. OLE object iii. Hyperlink iv. Memo c. Which of the following is not Action query? i. Append query ii. Delete query iii. Select query iv. Update query d. Which of the following is not MS Access data type? i. Text ii. Hyperlink iii. Number iv. Picture 9. Fill in the blanks. (4x0.5=2) The maximum field size of text field is ………… characters. Byte is a number format which can contain positive numbers up to ……… ………. is the default data type of MS Access A caption of field can have maximum...... characters. Group C QBASIC Programming (18 Marks) 10. Answers the following questions: (3x1= 3) a. Write any two advantage of modular programming structure? b. Write two basic data types of C language. c. Write the functions of following commands: i. WRITE # ii. KILL 11. Write output of the following program. (2) DECLARE FUNCTION NUM(X) p=1011 R= NUM(p) PRINT “THE RESULT IS:”; R END FUNCTION NUM(X) WHILE X<>0 R= X MOD 10 S= R*2^q+S X= X10 q=q+1 WEND NUM=S END FUNCTION 12. Rewrite the following program correcting the bugs. (2) REM to add 10 records in the data file “product.inf” OPEN “product.inf” FOR OUTPUT AS #2 PRINT “enter product name, cost and quantity” FOR i= 1 TO 10 INPUT # nam$, cost, qty NEXT i WRITE nam$, cost, qty END 13.Study the following program and answer the following question. (2) DECLATE SUB SER (A, B) X=2 Y=3 CALL SER(X, Y) END SUB SER (A, B) FOR I= 1 TO 5 PRINT A; B; A=A+B B=A+B NEXT I END SUB List parameter and arguments used in this program. What is the output of this program? 14. a. Write a program to display the series 4,4,8,12,20........10th terms using SUB procedure. (3) b. Write a program to define a user defined function to display total number of consonants present in a word entered by a user in the main module. (3) c. Write a program that creates a data file for a departmental store and allows a user to store variable numbers of records, where each record contains name of product, quantity in stock, net weight and price per unit. (3) SEE External Practical Examination Model Set Set – A_SEE Computer Science F.M: 25 Time: 1 hour P.M: 10 Group ‘A’ Microsoft Access (10 Marks) 1.a) Create a database and table named ‘Employee’ having following structure: (2) Field name Data type Description EmployeeID Number Set as Primary Key. First Name Text First name of employee. Last Name Text Last name of employee. Male Yes/No Yes is for male. Date of join Date/Time Monthly Salary Currency b) Add 5 records in the ‘Employee’ table by using Form View. (2) c) Create a query to display all the records of male employee having first name starting with ‘P’. (2) d) Create an update query to increase monthly salary by 20% for all the female employee. (2) e) Create a report on the basis of above table. (2) Group ‘B’ QBASIC Programming (15 Marks) 2. a.Write a program using a function procedure to calculate and display total amount required for paving a rectangular ground having dimensions 15 m x 8 m respectively with bricks having dimensions 30 cm x 10 cm if the cost per brick is Rs. 12.00. (3) b.Write a program to define a sub procedure to generate the following number series: 3, 12, 27, 48, ….. up to 10 terms. (3) c. Write a program to define function procedure to display the reverse a word input by a user in the main module. (3) d. Write a program to create a sequential data file "Tele.dat" to store full name, address and phone number of some subscribers. (3) e. Write a program that reads records of "Tele.dat" file and displays records subscribers of ‘Jamal’ area. (3) External Practical Examination Model Set Set – B_SEE Computer Science F.M: 25 Time: 1 hour P.M: 10 Group ‘A’ Microsoft Access (10 Marks) 1.a) Create a database and table having following structure: (2) Field name Data type Description ClientID AutoNumber Set as Primary key. ClientName Text Address Text Occupation Lookup Wizard Service/Business/Agri/Others MonthlyIncome Currency Monthly Income of a client b) Add 5 records in the table. (2) c) Create a query to display records of persons whose occupation is Business including ClientID, ClientName and Annual Income. (2) d) Create a query to display records including ClientName, Occupation, Annual Income and Annual Tax (15% of Annual Income) of persons (2) e) Create a report on the basis of Q. 1 d). (2) Group ‘B’ QBASIC Programming (15 Marks) 2. a. Write a program to define a sub procedure to display the 15th term of the following arithmetic series: 5, 10, 15, 20, … [Hint: tn=a + (n-1) d ] (3) b.Write a program to define a function procedure to display the H.C.F. of the two numbers entered by the user in the main module. (3) c. Write a program to define function procedure to display the consonants word present in a word input by a user in the main module. (3) d. Write a program to create a sequential data file "stock.rec" to store Item Code, Item Name, Rate and Quantity of some items. (3) e. Write a program that reads records of "stock.rec" file and displays records of items including amount of each item. (3) SEE Practical model questions-II S.E.E PRACTICAL MODEL QUESTIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Model Practical Question issued by CDC External Practical Examination F.M: 25 P.M: 10 TIME: 1hr Group A MS-Access (10 Marks) 1.(a) Create a table of student having following structure (2) Field Name Data type Regnum Number (PK) Name Text Address Text DOB Date/Time Tel-number Text (b) Add five records. (2) (c) Make a query show1 that displays all the records whose address is Patan. (2) (d) Make a query show2 that displays DOB greater than or equal to 10/08/1990. (2) (e) Prepare a Form Wizard using above table. (2) Group B QBasic (15 Marks) 2. (a) Write a program to calculate the perimeter of a rectangle using SUB….END SUB. (3) (b) Write a program to find out the average of given two numbers by using keyboard FUNCTION…END FUNCTION. (3) (c) Write a program to find the sum of natural number from 1 to 100 using SUB …END SUB. (3) (d) Write a program to store students name, age and address in a sequential data file person.dat. (3) (e) Display all the records of person.dat stored in 2 (d). (3) S.E.E PRACTICAL MODEL QUESTIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Set- B F.M: 25 P.M: 10 TIME: 1hr. Group A MS-Access (10 Marks) Q. 1. a. Create a data file Employee.MDB and create a table Emp1 under the database with the following structure: (2) Field Name Data type Name Text Address Text Ph-no Text Marital Status Yes/No Salary Number b) Add five records in the Emp1 table. (2) c) Prepare a query to display all the married staffs. (2) d) Prepare a query to display all the employees whose salary is more than 5000. (2) e) Prepare the report of 1(c). (2) Group B QBASIC Programming (15 Marks) 2. a) Write a program using SUB..END SUB to calculate the volume of cuboids. [Hint: V= L3] (3) b) Write a program using SUB.. END SUB to display the following series 1, 4, 9, 16 up to 10th terms. (3) c) Write a program using FUNCTION.. END FUNCTION to check a number whether it is prime or composite. (3) d) Write a program to create a data file Stu.dat to store the Name, Roll, Address and Email of the students. (3) e) Write a program to display all the records whose name starts with A from the data file created in question 2 (d). (3) S.E.E PRACTICAL MODEL QUESTIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Set- C F.M: 25 P.M: 10 TIME: 1hr. Group A MS-Access (10 Marks) Q. 1. a. Create a database Emprec.mdb and construct a table Geninfo with the following fields: (2) Field Name Data type Ecode Number (PK) Ename Text Epost Text Dateofjoin Date/Time Salary Currency b) Add any five records in the table. (2) c) Create a form including all the fields to perform data entry in future. (2) d) Create a query to list all the records including the fields: Ecode, Ename and Salary having more than 10,000. (2) e) Create an update query to increase salary by 25% for the records having Epost as Assistant. (2) Group B QBASIC Programming (15 Marks) 2. a) Write a program using FUNCTION..END FUNCTION to calculate and return area of circle. (3) b) Write a program to print square root of a number using SUB procedure (3) c) Write a program to print sum of natural numbers from 1 to 10 using SUB.. END SUB (3) d) A sequential data file Record.dat contains several records having fields: NAME, ADDRESS, AGE and TELEPHONE NUMBER. Write a program to add more records to the file at the end of at the file. (3) e) Write a program to count the number of records having the AGE greater than 70 in the file RECORD.DAT created in question 2 d. (3) S.E.E PRACTICAL MODEL QUESTIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Set- D F.M: 25 P.M: 10 TIME: 1hr. Group A MS-Access (10 Marks) Q. 1. a. Create a database named Student.mdb and a table Marks with the following structure: (2) Field Name Data type Symbol_no Number (PK) Fname Text DOB Date/Time English Number Nepali Number b) Add any five records in the above table. (2) c) Create a query to display all the records with the fields: Symbol_no, FName and DOB. (2) d) Prepare an update query to increase the marks of Nepali of all the students by 5%. (2) e) Prepare a report on the basis of the query created on the question number 1(c). (2) Group B QBASIC Programming (15 Marks) 2. a) Write a program using FUNCTION..END FUNCTION to get a number from the user and print the number in reverse order. (3) b) Write a program using SUB.. END SUB to display first thirteen odd numbers. (3) c) Write a program using SUB.. END SUB to print the sum of first nineteen even numbers. (3) d) Write a program to create sequential data file to store Name, Age, Passport number and Nationality of users. (3) e) Write a program to display the content of the sequential data file created in question 2 (d). (3) S.E.E PRACTICAL MODEL QUESTIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Set- E F.M: 25 P.M: 10 TIME: 1hr. Group A MS-Access (10 Marks) Q. 1. a. Create a database named Salary.mdb and a table named Employee with the following structure: (2) Field Name Data type Serialno Number (PK) Name Text Basic Currency (Basic salary) PF Currency (10% of basic salary) Gross Currency b. Create a form excluding PF and Gross fields and add any five records using the form. (2) c. Create an update query to fill the data in PF and Gross fields. PF is 10 % of basic salary and Gross is the sum of Basic salary and PF. (2) d. Create a query to display all the records with the following fields: Name, Basic and PF. (2) e. Prepare an update query to increase the Basic of the entire employees by 2000. (2) Or Prepare a report containing Name, Basic, PF and Gross fields. (2) Group B QBASIC Programming (15 Marks) 2. a) Write a program using FUNCTION..END FUNCTION to get a word from the user and then print the word in reverse order. (3) b) Write a program using SUB ..END SUB statement to display 2, 2, 4, 6, 10, .. up to 10th terms. (3) c) Write a program using SUB.. END SUB to print the area of rectangle. (3) d) Write a program to create a sequential data file to store Name, Age, Phone Number and Address of the users. (3) e) Write a program to display the contents of the sequential data file created in question 2 (d). (3) S.E.E PRACTICAL MODEL QUESTIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Set- F F.M: 25 P.M: 10 TIME: 1hr. Group A MS-Access (10 Marks) 1. a. Create a table Student having following structure: (2) Field Name Data type Roll Number (PK) Name Text Address Text Gender Yes/no DOB Date/Time b) Add five records in the table. (2) c) Make a query ‘Disp’ to display all the records in ascending order by their names.(2) d) Create a query to display all the records having the Roll no greater than 3. (2) e) Create a report including all the fields using wizard. (2) Group B QBASIC Programming (15 Marks) 2. a) Write a program to calculate and print total surface area of a box using SUB..END SUB statement.Hint:A=(LB+BH+LH)] (3) b) Write a program to print the following series of numbers using SUB.. END SUB statement: 1, 2, 3, 5, … up to 13th terms. (3) c) Write a program to find out the cube root of an input number using FUNCTION.. END FUNCTION. (3) d) Write a program to store employees’ Name, Address, Telno, Age and Service Year in a sequential data file Emprec.dat. (3) e) Write a program to display all the records having age greater than 60 and Service Year greater than or equal to 20 from the data file created in question 2 (d). (3) S.E.E PRACTICAL MODEL QUESTIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Set- G F.M: 25 P.M: 10 TIME: 1hr. Group A MS-Access (10 Marks) 1. a. Create a table Employee having following structure: (2) Field Name Data type Regnum Number (PK) Name Text Gender Text DOB Date/Time Salary Text b) Add five records. (2) c) Make a query ‘Q1’ to show all the records whose gender is True (or Yes). (2) d) Make a query ‘Q2’ to increase salary (Update salary) by 2000. (2) e) Using a wizard prepare a report to show Name, Gender, and Salary fields data only. (2) Group B QBASIC Programming (15 Marks) 2. a) Write a program to calculate perimeter of rectangle using FUNCTION..END FUNCTION. (3) b) Write a program to generate the following sequence using SUB.. END SUB 6, 66, 666, … up to 5th terms. (3) c) Using SUB..END SUB, Write a program to count numbers of vowels in a given word. (3) d) Write a program to store teachers Name, his/her teaching subject and mobile number in a sequential data file Teacher.dat. (3) e) Write a program to display all the records of Teacher.dat file created in question 2 (d). (3) S.E.E PRACTICAL MODEL QUESTIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Set- H F.M: 25 P.M: 10 TIME: 1hr. Group A MS-Access (10 Marks) 1. a. Create a database named ‘Student.mdb’ and a table named “Marks” with the following structure: (2) Field Name Data type Rollno Number (PK) Fname Text Sname Text DOB Date/Time Computer Number Maths Number b) Add any five records in the above table. (2) c) Create a query to display all the records with fields: Roll No, Fname and DOB. (2) d) Prepare an update query to increase the marks of Computer subject of all the students by 10%. (2) e) Prepare a report containing Roll No, FName, Computer and Maths fields. (2) Group B QBASIC Programming (15 Marks) 2. a) Write a program that asks radius of a circle and displays area of a circle using SUB procedure. (3) b) Write a program to find out whether the input number is odd or even using SUB.. END SUB . (3) c) Write a program using FUNCTION.. END FUNCTION to reverse and display the string. (3) d) Create a sequential data file Marks.dat to store students Name and marks in English, Math and Computer subjects. (3) e) Write a program to display the records of file created in question 2 (d) whose marks in English is greater than 60. (3) S.E.E PRACTICAL MODEL QUESTIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Set- I F.M: 25 P.M: 10 TIME: 1hr. Group A MS-Access (10 Marks) 1. a. Create a database named Hospital.mdb and a table named Patient of the following structure: (2) Field Name Data type Patient_ID Number (PK) Name Text Address Text DOB Date/Time Married Yes/no b) Define primary key to field named Patient_ID and add any five records in the table. (2) c) Create a query married to display records of married patients only. (2) d) Create a form and add two records in the above table. (2) e) Create a report using the query married created in 2(c). (2) Group B QBASIC Programming (15 Marks) 2. a) Write a program to calculate the perimeter of a rectangle using SUB.. END SUB. (3) b) Write a program to find average of given three numbers using FUNCTION.procedure. (3) c) Write a program to print a multiplication table of any number using SUB.. END SUB. (3) d) Write a program to create a data file Sales.dat to store the Sales ID, Product, Price and quantity as long as user wishes. (3) e) Write a program to display only those records of data file created in question 2 (d) whose price is greater than 50. (3) S.E.E PRACTICAL MODEL QUESTIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Set- J F.M: 25 P.M: 10 TIME: 1hr. Group A MS-Access (10 Marks) 1. a. Create a database named Student.mdb and a table named Book using the following structure: (2) Field Name Data type Book_ID Number (PK) Book_name Text Author Text Edition Text Price Currency b) Add any five records in the above table. (2) c) Create a query Qlibrary to display all those records having Book_name Computer. (2) d) Create a query List to display all those books whose price is greater than 175. (2) e) Create a form to add two more records. (2) Group B QBASIC Programming (15 Marks) 2. a) Write a program using SUB.. END SUB to get any tow values from the user and print their sum. (3) b) Write a program using FUNCTION.. END FUNCTION to get any three values from user and print the largest value. (3) c) Write a program using FUNCTION..END FUNCTION to find the sum of the digits of a number supplied by the user. (3) d) Write a program to create a data file Student.dat to store Name, Date of Birth and address of students. (3) e) Write a program to display the content of the data file created in question 2 (d) whose marks in English is greater than 60. (3) S.E.E PRACTICAL MODEL QUESTIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Set- K F.M: 25 P.M: 10 TIME: 1hr. Group A MS-Access (10 Marks) 1. a. Create a table in MS-Access having following structure: (2) Field Name Data type Id Number (PK) Name Text Post Text Salary Currency Extra Memo b) Add any five records. (2) c) Make a query Q1 that displays all the records whose Post is officer. (2) d) Make a query Q2 that increases the salary of every employee by 3000 in the table. (2) e) Prepare a report using the above table (use wizard to prepare a report). (2) Group B QBASIC Programming (15 Marks) 2. a) Write a program to calculate product of two numbers using SUB..END SUB.. (3) b) Using SUB..END SUB, write a program to find the distance travelled by a body. [Hint: S = ut+1/2 at2 ] (3) c) Using FUNCTION.. END FUNCTION, write a program to reverse a given word.(3) d) Write a program to store students Name, address and age in a sequential data file std.txt. (3) e) Write a program to display all the records of std.txt sequential data file of 2 (d). (3) S.E.E PRACTICAL MODEL QUESTIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Set- L F.M: 25 P.M: 10 TIME: 1hr. Group A MS-Access (10 Marks) 1. a. Create a database file Student.mdb with table named records with the following fields: (2) Field Name Data type Roll Number (PK) Fname Text Lname Text Gender Yes/no English Number Nepali Number Science Number b) Enter any five records. (2) c) Prepare a query to increase the marks of Nepali by 10. (2) d) Create a query to calculate the sum of marks obtained in English, Nepali and Science. (2) e) Prepare a report on the basis of query created on 1 (d). (2) Group B QBASIC Programming (15 Marks) 2. a) Write a program to print the perimeter of the circle using a function module. [Hint: Perimeter of Circle = 2πR] (3) b) Write a program to generate the following series using a sub procedure: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, … up to 10th terms. (3) c) Write a program to print sum of 10 given numbers using a sub procedure. (3) d) Write a program to create a sequential data file STAFF.DAT to store Name, Gender, Age, and Salary of employees. (3) e) Write a program to display all the records whose salary is greater than 5000 of STAFF.DAT file created in question number 2 (d). (3) S.E.E PRACTICAL MODEL QUESTIONS OF COMPUTER SCIENCE Set- M F.M: 25 P.M: 10 TIME: 1hr. Group A MS-Access (10 Marks) 1. a. Create a database with the following structure and save it under suitable name: (2) Field Name Data type Roll Number (PK) Name Text DOB Data/Time English Number Nepali Number Science Number b) Add any five records in the table. (2) c) Create a query to display name, English and Nepali fields.(2) d) Create an update query to increase the marks of Nepali subject by 5% to every student. (2) e) Prepare a report consisting of Roll, Name, DOB and Nepali fields. (2) Group B QBASIC Programming (15 Marks) 2. a) Write a program using function module to get the name of a user and print it in reverse order. (3) b) Write a program using SUB..END SUB to calculate average of two numbers. (3) c) Write a program to get a number from a user and then print the sum of the digits of the number using function module. (3) d) Write a program to create a sequential data file to store Name, age and address of users. (3) e) Write a program to count the total number of people whose age is above 18 stored in the data file created in question number 2 (d). (3) Computer Glossary access The reading or writing of data; as a verb, to gain entry to data. Most commonly used in connection with information access, via a user ID, and qualified by an indication as to the kinds of access that are permitted. For example, read-only access means that the contents of the file may be read but not altered or erased. Access Control List (ACL) A list of the services available on a server, each with a list of the hosts permitted to use the service. access time The time interval between the instant that data is requested and the instant that it is received. account Your subscription to a networked computer system. account name Same as your login ID or user ID. The word you type at the "Login:" prompt; your electronic name. address A character or group of characters that identify a register, a location or some other data source or destination. aggregate n. A total created from smaller units. For instance, the population of a county is an aggregate of the populations of the cities, rural areas, etc. that comprise the county. v. To total data from smaller units into a large unit. Example: "The Census Bureau aggregates data to preserve the confidentiality of individuals." aggregate data Data that have been aggregated. algorithm A set of rules for solving a problem in a given number of steps. alias See nickname. analog A method of storing information, used by most audiotapes, videotapes and laserdiscs (and all LP phonograph records, remember those?). An analog device uses a physical quantity, such as length or voltage, to represent the value of a number. By contrast, digital storage relies on a coding system of numeric units. Application Layer Layer seven of the OSI reference model. It serves as a means by which applications access communications services. application The use to which a data processing system is put within a given discipline, such as a payroll application, an airline reservation application or a network application. application program A program that is written for or by a user that applies to the users discipline. application software A group of programs designed to perform tasks that can be tailored to a users specific needs. archive v. To copy programs and data onto an auxiliary storage medium (disk, tape,etc.) for long-term retention, such as when disk space has become full. n. A file with a structure that allows storage of multiple files within it in such a way that the names of the files can be listed and files can be individually added and deleted. The terminology is typically associated with microcomputers. On a mainframe, such a file is typically called a library. argument A value supplied to a procedure, macro, subroutine, or command that is required in order to evaluate that procedure, macro, subroutine, or command. Synonymous with parameter. ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange (pronounced ask-ee). The form in which text characters are handled in most computer systems and networks. ASCII text has no special characters for formatting such as underlined or bold characters, font changes, etc., thus can be viewed on any personal computer or terminal. assembler A program that converts symbolically-coded programs into object level, machine code. In an assembler program, unlike a compiler, there is a one-to-one correspondence between human-readable instructions and the machine-language code. ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode. A standard for cell relay that uses fixed length cells of 53 bytes, 5 bytes of which are headers. Can support multiple services including voice, video and data. ATM Forum An industry-wide effort that is now an international consortium of more than 400 companies who define ATM interoperability specifications and promote industry-wide cooperation to help proliferate ATM and thus drive implementation costs down. audit A personal or computerized review process that accounts for the adequacy, effectiveness, security and overall functionality of a data activity. authentication Process of establishing who you are. authorization Permission to access non-public information or use equipment that is either fully or partially restricted. Process of establishing what you can do. autonomous system A collection of one or more networks that are administrated by the same entity. Each regional network (such as SURAnet) is an autonomous system. ________________________________________ B backbone Refers to a piece of cable used to connect different floors or departments together into a network. Also generalized to a network that connects networks together. background processing Users may use a terminal for one project and concurrently submit a job that is placed in a background queue that the computer will run as resources become available. Also refers to any processing in which a job runs without being connected to a terminal. backspace A keyboard operation that moves the cursor one place to the left. A destructive backspace erases characters as it goes, thus allowing users to modify what has been typed (distinguished from the left- arrow key). backup n. A resource that is or can be used as a substitute when a primary resource fails or when a file has been corrupted. v. To save as in to make a copy in case of future failure or corruption. bandwidth A piece of the spectrum occupied by some form of signal, where it is television, voice, fax data, etc.. Signals require a certain size and location of bandwidth in order to be transmitted. The higher the bandwidth, the faster the signal transmission, and thus allowing for a more complex signal such as audio or video. Because bandwidth is a limited space, when one user is occupying it, others must wait their turn. Bombarding the Internet with unnecessary information is referred to as "taking up bandwidth." baseband A network medium that uses only one carrier frequency. Examples are Ethernet and PhoneNet. BASIC Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code. A commonly used personal-computer language, first developed at Dartmouth during the 1960s. batch processing Originally, a method of organizing work for a computer system, designed to reduce overhead by grouping similar jobs. In one scheme, jobs were collected into batches, each requiring a particular compiler. The compiler was loaded, and the jobs submitted in sequence to the compiler. The term has come to be applied to background processing of jobs not requiring user intervention on multiuser systems. See compiler. batch query A query that has been saved so that it can be used more than once and run in the background. binary A file containing one or more strings of data bits which are not printable characters. Some binary files may be computer programs or other forms of data that contain no text characters at all. Binary files cannot be displayed on screen, but can be downloaded for use with appropriate applications on your computer. Binary (base 2) is also the building block of computer information, representing "on" or "off" and "true" or "not true" as 1 or 0. binary number A number written using binary notation which only uses zeros and ones. Example: decimal number seven in binary notation is: 111. bit A binary digit, either a 0 or 1. In the U. S. , 8 bits make up one byte; in Europe, byte equals one word. bitmapped terminal A terminal that can turn individual screen dots on or off. BITNET Because Its Time NETwork. Started in 1981 by City College of New York and Yale University, it is a network linking hosts at educational and research institutions in the United States, Canada, Europe and other countries using the RSCS protocols. Merged with CSNet to form CREN. bits per second (bps) The speed at which bits are transmitted. block A sequence of words or characters written contiguously, such as into a group, by a computer and stored on a disk, diskette, magnetic tape, etc. bold A way of emphasizing a word of text, as in darker type or brighter characters on a video display terminal. booting Turning on your computer. break An interruption to a transmission; usually a provision to allow a controlled terminal to interrupt the controlling computer. bridge A device that connects two networks and passes traffic between them based only on the node address, so that traffic between nodes on one network does not appear on the other network. For example, an Ethernet bridge only looks at the Ethernet address. broadband A communications medium on which multiple signals are simultaneously transmitted at different frequencies. Also refers to switching capability implemented on this medium that allows communication between devices connected to it. In telecommunications it is defined as any channel with a bandwidth greater than voice grade (4 KHz). broadcast A single message addressed to all nodes on a network. browser A software tool used to read electronic documents. Mosaic, NetScape and Lynx are the most popular browsers. buffer A temporary memory for data, normally used to accommodate the difference in the rate at which two devices can handle data during a transfer. bug An error. Can be a hardware malfunction or a software programming error. bulletin board (BBS) A computer system which can be called using a modem. BUS topology Network wiring commonly used by Ethernet in which all nodes on the network see all packets. byte A group of adjacent binary digits, usually 8, on which a computer operates as a unit; often used to represent a single character. (See bit. ) ________________________________________ C cable A set of wires connecting pieces of computer hardware. carriage return The or key on your keyboard. On-line commands often must be followed by . CD-ROM Compact Disk - Read Only Memory. Optical (CD) disks that are mastered and then can only be read; i.e., the data cannot be manipulated, removed, etc. cell relay Packet-switching using small, fixed-sized packets called cells. The fixed size allows for very high speed switching. It is the basis for SMDS and ATM. channel Any medium by which information can be transmitted. For example, the air is a channel for our voices just as much as a fiber optic line can be data for a video signal. character Any symbol (usually alphabetic, numeric, or punctuation) that can be entered into your computer. character set A set of characters handled by a specified machine; sets include alphabetic characters, numbers, symbols, graphics characters, a space character and control characters. Graphics characters denote a printed mark; control characters produce some particular effect. Two of the most widely used sets are ASCII and EBCDIC. chip A tiny piece of semi-conductive material, usually based on silicon, used in the manufacture of electronic components. client A computer program that uses the services of another computer program. Software that extracts information from a server; your auto-dial phone is a client, and the phone company is its server. client/server A relationship in which client software obtains services from a server on behalf of a person. Client-Server Interface An architecture that provides for the splitting of user requests (usually called clients) and a related server function, most commonly across a network. The combined effect is to provide the clients with access to some service such as databases, printing, etc. COBOL COmmon Business Oriented Language The first standardized computer language. At Emory it is most commonly used for administrative applications. code n. A language for expressing operations to be performed by a computer. v. To write in such a language. collision The result of two nodes transmitting at the same time on a multiple access network such as Ethernet. Both packets may be lost or partial packets may result. column A vertical arrangement of characters or other expressions. command A request, typed from a terminal or embedded in a file, to perform an operation or to execute a particular program. communications line A physical medium (wire, microwave beam) used to transmit data. communications program A program that makes a computer act as a terminal to another computer. Communications programs usually provide for file transfer between microcomputers and mainframes. compiler A program that translates human-readable programs into a form the computer understands. The input (source code) to the compiler is a description of an algorithm in a problem- oriented language; its output (object code) is an equivalent description of the algorithm in a machine-oriented language. computer A device or system that is capable of carrying out a sequence of operations in a distinctly and explicitly defined manner. The operations are frequently numeric computations or data manipulations, but also include data input and output. The ability to branch within sequences is its key feature. concentrator A device that brings together at a common center connections to a particular kind of network (such as Ethernet), and implements that network internally. conference An electronic meeting place dedicated to a particular subject where users come to participate in discussions or group projects. Conferences can be used to post a variety of information such as news services, newsletters, and statistics; also called "newsgroups," "bulletin boards," or "echoes." An electronic conference provides a many-to-many communication medium, as opposed to the person-to-person nature of e-mail. All conferences have a particular subject or purpose, and the topics and responses they contain might provide items of news, ideas, questions, or other information in almost any form. Some special-purpose conferences may have restricted access, allowing some users to write messages, some only to read, and some neither. The person responsible for the technical maintenance and/or community communication is called the "conference facilitator." configuration The particular hardware elements and their interaction in a computer system for a particular period of operation. connect time Time that elapses while the user of a terminal is connected to a time-sharing system; it is measured by the duration between logon and logoff. control character One of 32 characters of the ASCII character set that defines a control function for a character entry and display device such as a terminal. Examples are carriage return, tab, form feed and bell. control key A special function key on a computer keyboard, frequently used in combination with alphabetic keys, to enter commands. copy A function that reads data from a source, leaving the source data unchanged and writes it elsewhere. One example would be to copy a deck of punched cards onto magnetic tape. CPU Central Processing Unit. The main internal component of a computer where executions of instructions are carried out and calculations are performed. crash A computer system is said to crash when it stops working for some reason and must be restarted. cursor A symbol on a display screen that indicates the position at which the next character entered will be displayed. The symbol often blinks so that it can be easily noticed. cursor control The keyboard keys used to position the cursor on a display screen. They are usually keys labeled with arrows indicating the direction of movement. Cyberspace The nebulous "place" where humans interact over computer networks (the Internet is considered Cyberspace). Coined by William Gibson in Neuromancer. ________________________________________ D Data Link Layer Layer two of the OSI reference model. It controls the transfer of information between nodes over the Physical Layer. data Information suitable for communication, interpretation or processing by a computer. data communications The collection and redistribution of data through communications channels, often including operations such as coding, decoding and validation. data entry The entry of data into a computer or onto a computer-readable medium by an operator from a single data device, such as a card reader or keyboard. data processing The systematic performance of operations upon data, for example, handling, merging, sorting and computing. Dataset A file or group of files associated with one part of a study. database A collection of interrelated data values that may be integrated permanently into a single connected structure or integrated temporarily for each interrogation, known as a query. In its most technical sense, database implies that any of the data may be used as a key for specific queries. In more common usage it means any accessible collection of information and that only a limited set of data values may be used to specify queries. database management system A systematic approach to storing, updating, securing and retrieving information stored as data items, usually in the form of records in one or more files. DBMS DataBase Management System. debug To detect, trace and eliminate errors in computer programs. default A software function or operation, which occurs automatically unless the user specifies something else. delete key Personal computers normally allow deletion of typing mistakes by either the backspace key or the Del key. Users must either specify which of these keys they wish to use, or set their communication software to match whichever key the network expects. DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol. Supports booting workstations and other devices that need information from outside before they can complete the booting process, such as an IP number or name of program file to download. dial-up To connect to a computer by calling it on the telephone. dictionary file A special form of machine-readable codebook that contains information about the structure of a datafile and the locations and, often, the names of variables variables in the datafile. Typically, you use a dictionary file and a datafile together with statistical software; the statistical software uses the dictionary so that you may specify variables by name, rather than having to specify their locations in the file. digital Used in computerize to describe information that can be represented by a collection of bits. direct access The ability to read or write data directly from or to any location on a storage device without having to refer to data that was previously written. Files written with direct access do not have to be read sequentially starting at the beginning. directory A logical container of files and other directories; synonymous with folder. Typically implemented as a file that contains pointers (directions) to files or other directories. disk or diskette A small, flat, either rigid or floppy magnetic disk for storing data permanently. Magnetic medium for data storage. Either "floppy" diskettes (720K to 1.4 megabytes), or "hard" disks (usually 20 megabytes or more). display A device that enables information, either textual or pictorial, to be seen but not permanently recorded. The most widely used kind is the cathode-ray tube. distributed Processing resides in more than one computer in a network. distributed application Application designed so that components run on different - but cooperating - systems on a network. distributed database The data resides in more than one physical database in a network. Access to the data involves more than one database server. Clients may have to connect to more than one server directly and integrate the data they receive according to the applications needs. distributed file system Allows files on remote nodes of a network to appear locally connected. document A medium and the data recorded on it for human use; for example, a report sheet or book. By extension, any record that has permanence and that can be read by human or machine. documentation A collection of organized documents or the information recorded in documents. Also instructional material specifying the inputs, operations and outputs of a computer program or system. DOS Disk Operating System. A Microsoft program that controls a computers transfer of data to and from a hard or floppy disk. DOS generally refers to the operating systems for the IBM PCs and their clones. Also the name of an old operating system on IBM mainframes. dot-matrix printer A printer that creates each character from an array of dots. The dots are formed by pins striking a ribbon against the paper, one pin for each dot position. The printer may be a serial printer (printing one character at a time) or a line printer. down A computer is down when it is not running. It may be shut down for maintenance, hardware failure, or failure of the operating system or user program. download The transfer of information from a remote computer system to the users system. Opposite of upload. downtime The time interval during which equipment is nonfunctional. drag and drop A protocol supported by OPEN LOOK and Macintosh System 7 that allows a user to specify the input file to an application by dragging the icon representing the file onto the applications icon and dropping it there. OPEN LOOK also recognizes dragging the icon into the applications input panel. For example, dragging a files icon into the printool application causes it to be printed. drive A generic term used to identify the equipment that serves as a player or recorder for a storage medium. dump A printed representation of the contents of a computer storage device, usually main memory, backed-up when a system crash or other failure has occurred. As a verb, refers to a large amount of data. ________________________________________ E edit To enter, modify or delete data. editor A program that permits the review and editing of the contents of a file. e-mail electronic mail. Information exchanged by electronic means in a manner analogous to that provided by the postal service. e-mail address The way you specify where an E-Mail message should be delivered. e-mail server A computer system that provides MTA, mailbox storage and directory services and optionally UA services. e-mail service UA, MTA, mailbox storage, and directory service. encapsulation Combining or defining a data structure of attributes and a group of associated functions and behaviors as a single object. enter key A special function key on a keyboard used to transmit a line or screen of data from a display screen to a computer. Often used interchangeably with return key. environment The setting in which computing takes place that is the aggregate of the hardware, software, policies and procedures relating to their use. The computing environment may be influenced by software, such as the operating system (for example, a UNIX environment) or the vendor (for example, an IBM environment). erase To remove data from a data medium, leaving the medium available for recording new data. error message A message that reports the detection of an error. error checking Uploading or downloading transfer check employed to identify errors in data transmission. Ethernet A local area network originally developed by Xerox for linking personal computers. Later adapted by DEC and Intel as well and subsequently adopted as an international standard called 802.3. It transmits data at 10 megabits per second. All computers on a network were originally connected to a coaxial cable up to one kilometer. Each computer monitors all transmissions, looking for packets containing its identifier as the destination. Only one signal may be present on the channel at a time and no single computer controls transmissions. Several upper layer protocols, such as DECnet and TCP/IP use Ethernet as an underlying transport mechanism. Ethernet is to be contrasted with other data link protocols such as token ring, DDCMP or SDLC. Uses CSMA/CD. execute To interpret a computer instruction and carry out the operations specified in the instruction. ________________________________________ F fiber optics A high speed channel for transmitting data. Made of high-purity glass sealed within an opaque tube. Much faster than conventional copper wire such as coaxial cable. field Usually the smallest data element in a record; a specified area used for a particular category of data; for example, columns used to represent a particular item of data, such as an employees wage (fixed field). The particular field is always used to record the same kind of information. In free field records, each field has an identifier that is present in the record and linked to the contents of the field. file A collection of any form of data that is stored beyond the time of execution of a single job. A file may contain program instructions or data, which may be numerical, textual or graphical information. file format The type of file, such as picture or text; represented as a suffix at the end of the filename (text = TXT or .txt, etc.). file server A computer designated to store software, courseware, administrative tools, and other data on a local- or wide-area network. It "serves" this information to other computers via the network when users enter their personal access codes. folder A place where a user's e-mail messages may be stored. Every user has a folder for new messages, and on most systems may create other folders for specific purposes. font A set of consistent size, shape or style of printer characters, including alphabetic and numeric characters and other signs and symbols. foreground High-priority processing, usually for realtime activities, automatically given precedence, by means of interrupts, over lower-priority processing. form The paper on which output data is printed. form feed The feature that automatically advances a roll of paper to the top of the next page or the next form when the printer has finished printing a document or form of one or more pages. format The defined structure of information that is recorded on magnetic media, displayed on a visual display device or printed on a page. Used as a verb, it means to put data into a predetermined structure or divide a storage medium, such as a disk into sectors, so that it is ready to receive data. FORTRAN FOrmula TRANslation. A high level scientific programming language. fragment Partial packet caused by a collision. frame A packet sent over a serial link. freeware Software that is distributed for free, with no license fee. frequency A measurement of the number of electromagnetic waves that pass over a given point in a given period of time. FAQ Frequently Asked Questions. A collection of information on the basics of any given subject. Often put together and archived on a server so that people don't waste bandwidth asking simple questions. FTP File Transfer Protocol. A program that allows for file transfers over the Internet. FUD Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt. "FUD factor" function key A keyboard key that gives an instruction to a computer, as opposed to keys that produce letters, numbers, marks of punctuation, etc. ________________________________________ G garbage Unwanted or meaningless information in memory, on disk or on a tape. gateway An electronic door between one computer network and another. A device or set of devices that connects two or more networks, enabling data transfer between them. When the networks are similar, a gateway routes packets or messages. When the networks differ, a gateway also performs extensive protocol conversion. GIF Graphic Interchange Format. Compuserves non-platform specific format for low-resolution, compressed graphics interchange. gopher A client program available via the Internet that allows users to review and retrieve information on other host systems via easy-to-use menus. graphic A computer-generated picture produced on a computer screen or paper, ranging from simple line or bar graphs to colorful and detailed images. Groupware Software that serves the group and makes the group as a whole more productive and efficient in group tasks. Example: Group Scheduling. GUI Graphical User Interface. Defines a format for scroll bars, buttons, menus, etc., and how they respond to the user. ________________________________________ H handshaking A procedure performed by modems, terminals, and computers to verify that communication has been correctly established. hang When a computer freezes, so that it does not respond to keyboard commands, it is said to "hang" or to have "hung." hard copy A printed copy of machine output in a visually readable form. hard disk A data-recording system using solid disks of magnetic material turning at high speeds. hardware Physical computer equipment such as electrical, electronic, magnetic and mechanical devices. hardwired Circuits that are permanently interconnected to perform a specific function, as distinct from circuits addressed by software in a program and, therefore, capable of performing a variety of functions, albeit more slowly. Also used to describe a non-switched connection between devices. header The portion of a message, preceding the actual data, containing source and destination address and error-checking fields. help Users in need of help can often issue a command such as "?" to access on-line help and tutorial systems. hierarchical file A hierarchical file is one that contains information collected on multiple units of analysis where each unit of analysis is subordinate to another unit. For example, if the physical housing structure is one unit, and individual persons within the structure is another unit, the person records are subordinate (e.g. related to) the housing unit. An example would be the Current Population Survey Annual Demographic File which has household, family, and person units of analysis. Studies that include data for different units of analysis often link those units to each other so that, for instance, one can analyze the persons as they group in a structure. Such studies are sometimes referred to as having a relational structure. hierarchical file structure A format for storing hierarchical files . Each unit of analysis has its own record structure or record type . Different units of analysis do not necessarily have the same number of bytes or characters as the records for other units of analysis. In order to give such a file a common physical record length , short logical records are typically "padded" with blanks so that they will all be the same physical record length. A hierarchical file can be also be stored in a rectangular file . For instance, the Survey of Income and Program Participation is distributed both ways; users can choose the format they prefer. Typically, the hierarchical file structure is more space-efficient but more difficult to use. host A computer that is made available for use by multiple people simultaneously. host computer In the context of networks, a computer that directly provides service to a user. In contrast to a network server, which provides services to a user through an intermediary host computer. HTML Hypertext Markup Language. A convention of codes used to access documents over the World-Wide Web. Without HTML codes, a document would be unreadable by a Web browser. HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol. Extremely fast protocol used for network file transfers in the WWW environment. hub A device that is a center of network activity because it connects multiple networks together. hyperlink A pointer that when chosen displays the item to which it points. It typically takes the form of a button or highlighted text that points to related text, picture, video, or audio. Hyperlinks allow non-linear exploration of media that contain them. hypermedia Media (such as text, graphics, video, audio) that contains hyperlinks. hypertext A document which has been marked up to allow a user to select words or pictures within the document, click on them, and connect to further information. The basis of the World-Wide Web. ________________________________________ I icons On-screen pictures that symbolize various commands. I/O Input/Output. The part of a computer system or the activity that is primarily dedicated to the passing of information into or out of a central processing unit. IEEE Institute of Electronic and Electrical Engineers. A leading standards-setting group in the United States. inbox The mailbox that holds incoming e-mail. index A list of the messages contained in a conference or a mail folder. Indexes generally show the date of the message, its title (or subject), the name of the user who wrote it, and an indication (with a "*" marker) of whether you have read that message. information hiding A technique by which the structure and precise usage of information and data is concealed. The information is private to its owning objects and accessible to all other objects only by sending a message to the owner. This is the basis of encapsulation. information server A computer on the Internet which acts as a library of documents and files that users can download. information superhighway A term popularized by Vice President Al Gore. According to his vision, it is a high-speed network of computers that will serve thousands of users simultaneously, transmitting E-mail, multimedia files, voice, and video. inheritance The ability of hierarchically-arranged objects to acquire attributes and behaviors of objects above them without duplicating the code. input As a verb, to enter information, instructions, text, etc. , in a computer system or program. As a noun, the data so entered. Input devices include the keyboard and OCR reader. instance A particular occurrence of an object defined by a class. All instances of a class share the behavior implemented and inherited by the class. Each instance has its own private set of the instance variables implemented and inherited by the class. instantiation The act of creating an instance of a class. instruction A statement to the computer that specifies an operation to be performed and the values and locations of the data to be processed. interactive Pertaining to an application in which each entry evokes a response from a system or program, as in an inquiry system, for example, an airline reservation system. An interactive system may also be conversational, implying continuous dialog between the user and the system. INTERNET A concatenation of many individual TCP/IP campus, state, regional, and national networks (such as CSUNET, SUPERNET, WESTNET, NSFNET, ARPANET) into one single logical network all sharing a common addressing scheme. The global "network of networks" that connects huge corporations, small businesses, universities, and individuals. Every Internet user can send E-Mail to every other Internet user. Most Internet users can also read and post Netnews messages. In addition, many Internet users have access to more advanced services for information search and retrieval, such as Gopher, FTP, WWW, and WAIS. IP Internet Protocol. The Internet standard protocol that provides a common layer over dissimilar networks, used to move packets among host computers and through gateways if necessary. IP Address The numeric address of a computer connected to the Internet; also called Internet address. interrupt A suspension of a process, such as the execution of a computer program, caused by an event external to the computer and performed in such a way that the process can be resumed. Events of this kind include sensors monitoring laboratory equipment or a user pressing an interrupt key. IRC Internet Relay Chat, or just Chat. An on-line group discussion. ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network. An international communications standard for a common interface to digital networks that allows the integration of voice and data on a common transport mechanism. Proposed by Bellcore for transmission of data, voice and higher-bandwidth technologies over phone lines. ISO International Standards Organization. International standard making body responsible for the OSI network standards and the OSI reference model. ________________________________________ J job A set of data that defines a unit of work for a computer; it usually includes all necessary computer programs, linkages, files and instructions to the operating system. JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group. The ISO proposed standard for compression of digital data, especially 24-bit color images. It is lossy in that it reduces the file size at the expense of image quality. PostScript Level 2 color printers are supposed to be able to receive, decompress and print JPEG compressed images. Uses quantization and Huffman encoding. justify In word processing, to print a document with even (straight, non-ragged) right and left margins. ________________________________________ K Kermit A communications protocol that allows you to transfer files between your computer and on-line network systems. Kermit has built-in error correction and can handle binary (non-text) files. key An identifier in a database or file. A primary key is a unique identifier. A secondary key is typically not unique. A key may be used to specify data in a query. Example: Tag number to specify a car in a database of automobile registration information. keyboard Similar to a typewriter, contains the letters for typing text, and keys that give the computer its commands. kilobyte(K) 1,024 bytes, often used to mean 1,000 bytes. ________________________________________ L LAN Local Area Network. A network that usually covers a contiguous and fairly small geographical area. LAN e-mail system An e-mail system in which the UA runs on LAN-attached workstations. laserdisc Large, metallic-looking records about the size of 33 RPM albums (12 inches in diameter), sometimes called videodiscs. Laserdiscs can store a vast amount of information in text, sound, and images. To play a laserdisc, you need a laserdisc player and either a computer monitor or television set. Laserdiscs come in two formats. CLV (constant linear velocity) is accessed by time and CAV (constant angular velocity) is accessed by frame number. laser printer A electrophotographic (xerographic) printer in which a laser is used as the light source. Layer A grouping of related tasks involving the transfer of information. Also, a level of the OSI reference model. line In communications, a wire connecting a terminal to a computer; also a unit of text. line editor An editor where the text is considered to be a series of lines separated by end-of-line markers and in which alterations are made to individual lines or groups of lines through editor commands. line printer A computer output device in which an entire line of print is composed and determined within the printer prior to printing. The line is printed as a unit and there is no movement of a print head. link A form of markup which designates that data within a document will automatically connect with either nested data or an outside source. Used in the design of hypertext. LISTSERV A server that manages named lists of recipients and files and access-controls for them. Accepts commands by interactive message or electronic mail. A note sent to a list name is resent to each recipient in the list. Will send a copy of a file on command. load v. To transfer a program held on some external storage medium (such as magnetic tape or disk) into the main memory of the machine in a form suitable for execution. logical record All the data for a given unit of analysis . It is distinguished from a physical record because it may take several physical records to store all the data for a given unit of analysis. For instance, in Card Image data, a "card" is a physical record and it usually takes several "cards" to store all the information for a single case or unit of analysis. login or logon The opening sequence of keystrokes used via computer screen instructions to connect to a system or begin operations on a computer. login ID Same as account name or user ID. logoff Leave a network system, usually by typing "bye" or "q" for quit. Sometimes called "logout." Longitudinal Study In survey research, a study in which the same group of individuals is interviewed at intervals over a period of time. See also: panel study . Note that some cross sectional studies are done regularly (for instance, the General Social Survey and the Current Population Survey (Annual Demographic File) are conducted once a year), but different individuals are surveyed each time. Such a study is not a true longitudinal study. LPR Line Printer Remote. A protocol that allows one system to send a file to another system to be queued to a device to which the receiving system has access. lynx A text-based World-Wide Web browser. Because it does not employ a graphics capability, it allows slower computers (or computers using a modem) to access the Internet with ease. ________________________________________ M machine language A programming language or instruction code that is immediately interpretable by the hardware of the machine concerned. macro A single computer instruction that stands for a given sequence of instructions. magnetic disk A flat circular plate with a magnetizable surface layer used for storage of data. magnetic tape A tape with a magnetizable surface layer on which data can be stored by magnetic recording. MAIL A RiceMail UA that can send mail and operate on incoming messages. mailbox A file of e-mail messages on which a UA can operate as if they were incoming messages (read, reply, forward, delete, etc). Compare with inbox. MAILER A BITNET MTA for VM/CMS that natively supports domain names and routing through gateways. It is supplied without charge to BITNET members by Princeton University. main memory Usually the fastest storage device of a computer and the one from which instructions are executed. mainframe The cabinet that houses the central processing unit and main memory of a computer system, separate from peripheral devices such as card readers, printers, disk drives, etc. and device controllers. The term has come to be applied to the computer itself in the case of large systems. A large computer system; the IBM ES9000. mainframe, minicomputer, micro-computer Three sizes of computers. Big corporations use mainframes and large school systems might use a mid-range computer, sometimes called a minicomputer, as a file server and administrative tool. The correct term for microcomputer is personal computer or PC. MB Megabytes. 1,048,576 bytes, often used to mean one million bytes (1,000,000) bytes. medium The material used to support the transmission of data. This can be copper wire, coaxial cable, optical fiber, or electromagnetic wave as in microwave. memory A device or medium that serves for temporary storage of programs and data during program execution. The term is synonymous with storage, although it is most frequently used for referring to the internal storage of a computer that can be directly addressed by operating instructions. Your computer's temporary storage capacity, measured in kilobytes (KB) or megabytes (MB) of RAM (random-access memory). Long-term data storage on discs, is also measured in kilobytes or megabytes. menu A displayed list of options from which a choice can be made. The list is often displayed with a code opposite each option; the selection may be made by typing the appropriate code. message E-Mail: The unit of information transferred by an e-mail system. It consists of an envelope that identifies the recipients to an MTA; headers containing who the message is from, to, subject, relaying information, etc; and a body that contains the information the sender wishes to communicate. method A procedure whose code implements the behavior invoked by sending a message. methodology A methodology is a collection of methods and tools, designed and arranged so as to provide guidance in achieving a specific objective. microcomputer A computer system in which the central processing unit is built as a single tiny semiconductor chip or as a small number of chips. microprocessor Main computer chip that provides speed and capabilities of the computer. Also called CPU. Microwave Bandwidth ranging above one gigahertz, used for high-speed data transmission. mission Purpose; what you are in business to do. modem Short for MOdulation/DEModulation, it is a device that can convert a digital bit stream into an analog signal (modulation) and can convert incoming analog signals back into digital signals (demodulation). The analog communications channel is typically a telephone line and the analog signals are typically sounds. modem setup Modem speed or baud rate, parity, data bits, stop bits, and duplex must be set the same at the user's computer as at the network system. Communication software is used to set up the modem. module A logically self-contained and discrete part of a larger computer program. monitor A television-like screen that shows text, graphics, and other functions performed by the computer. Mosaic An Internet-based, global hypermedia browser that provides a unified interface to the various protocols, data formats, and information archives (i.e. gopher) used on the Internet and enables powerful new ways for discovering, using, viewing, and sharing information. It was developed by NCSA as part of the WWW project. mouse A device that is moved by hand to move a pointer to indicate a precise position on a display screen. The device has one or more buttons on top and a cable connected to a computer; it may use wheels and be friction-driven or it may use light reflected from a special pad. multimedia A single work assembled using elements from more than one medium, such as high-resolution color images, sounds, video, and text that contains characters in multiple fonts and styles. multimedia mail Provides the capability to compose, send and read messages that include things such as spreadsheets, line drawings, animated graphics, high-resolution color images, digitized speech, video, and WYSIWYG text that may contain characters in multiple fonts and styles, etc. multiplexer A device that merges information from multiple input channels to a single output channel. multiuser The capability of some computer systems to provide access to many simultaneous users. ________________________________________ N nesting Placing documents within other documents. Nesting allows a user to access material in a non-linear fashion - this is the primary factor needed for developing hypertext. NetScape One of the most recent developments in browsing technology, it is considered to be faster than the original Mosaic. Oddly enough, it has been designed by the Mosaic Corporation, made up of programmers that authored Mosaic in the first place. Network Layer The third layer of the OSI reference model. It controls underlying telecommunications functions such as routing, relaying, and data link connections. network A collection of two or more computers interconnected by telephone lines, coaxial cables, satellite links, radio, and/or some other communication technique. A computer "network" is a group of computers which are connected together and which communicate with one another for a common purpose. Computer networks support "people and organization" networks, users who also share a common purpose for communicating. nickname A name that can be used in place of an e-mail address. Same as alias. node A member of a network or a point where one or more functional units interconnect transmission lines. A VAX is a node on a DECnet. noise Undesirable signals bearing no desired information and frequently capable of introducing errors into the communication process. ________________________________________ O object An entity consisting of attributes (such as color and size) stored as data and behaviors or functions (such as draw and move) that manipulate the attribute data. It is capable of interacting with other objects. As defined by OMG: encapsulation of the attributes, relationships, and methods of software-identifiable program components. Complete and reusable pieces of data or applications. Essentially packets of program code wrapped with data that behave like things in the real world. object-based Supports the concept of the object and the use of messages to communicate between the objects. object code Output from a compiler or assembler that is itself executable machine code or is suitable for processing to produce executable machine code. object-oriented Supports the concepts of objects, encapsulation, message passing, dynamic binding and inheritance. object-oriented technology A collection of languages, tools, environments and methodologies aimed at supporting development of software applications centered around interrelated, interacting objects. OLE Object Linking and Embedding. A Microsoft approach that allows data from one OLE application to be placed in any document of another OLE application in such a way that you can edit the object using the first application's capabilities without leaving the second application. With OLE2.0 you can move data using drag and drop within and between documents and applications. OLE automation provides a cross-platform infrastructure that allows one application to control another. off-line Not connected to a network. You can save money on pay-for-use networks by preparing your messages off-line using your word-processing software, and uploading them instead of typing them in while you're connected to (or on-line with) the network. on-line Active and prepared for operation. Also suggests access to a computer network. Connected to a network or via a network. Examples: Send me a message on-line. In other words, send me an e-mail message. Online Service Commercial online services like America Online, CompuServe, and Prodigy enable their users to send and receive Internet E-Mail, although they don't yet offer access to most other Internet services. open Under open systems, unencumbered specifications are freely available, independent branding and certification processes exist, multiple implementations of a single product may be created and competition is enhanced. open platform A national Internetnetwork that would allow citizens the ability to access, create, and publish information. open system A system that implements sufficiently open specifications for interfaces, services and supporting formats to enable properly-engineered applications software to be ported with minimal changes across a wide range of systems, to interoperate with other applications on local and remote systems, and to interact with users in a style that facilitates user portability. OSI Open Systems Interconnect. An international standard suite of protocols defined by International Standards Organization, that implements the OSI reference model for network communications between computers. OpenWindows A windowing environment from Sun Microsystems based on X-windows and NeWS. operating system software that controls the basic, low-level hardware operations, and file management. It is provides the link between the user and the hardware. Popular operating systems include: DOS, MacOS, VMS, VM, MVS, UNIX, and OS/2. (Note that "Windows 3.x" is not an operating system as such, since in must have DOS to work. ) output Information retrieved from a computer, displayed by a computer or produced by a program running on a computer. ________________________________________ P packet Basic component of communication over a network. A group of bits of fixed maximum size and well-defined format that is switched and transmitted as a complete whole through a network. It contains source and destination address, data and control information. See also frame. parameter A variable, or quantity that can assume any of a given set of values, of which there are two kinds: formal and actual. (See argument.) parity Data has even or odd parity if the number of 1 bits is even or odd. A parity bit is a bit added to data to make the parity always even or odd. A parity bit may be used for detection of errors in RAM as well as in data transmitted through noisy communications channels. A parity error is detected when data that is supposed to be even parity is not, or vice versa. password A string of characters that a program, computer operator, or user must supply to meet security requirements before gaining access. peripheral Anything extra or added on for your computer, such as a modem, a mouse, or a fax adapter. Peripherals can be added on externally or installed inside the machine. PC Personal Computer. An IBM or IBM clone personal computer (Microcomputer) that is used by one person, as opposed to a Macintosh. Physical Layer The first layer of the OSI reference model. It governs hardware connections and byte-stream encoding for transmission. ping Packet Internet Groper. Probably originally contrived to match the submariners term for a sonar pulse. n. Slang term for a small network message (ICMP ECHO) sent by a computer to check for the presence and aliveness of another. v. To verify the presence of. To get the attention of. pixel Picture Element. In computer graphics, the smallest element of a display space that can be independently assigned color or intensity. platform Hardware environment that supports the running of a computer system. plotter An output device for translating information from a computer into pictorial or graphical form on paper or a similar medium. polymorphism A technique for generalizing a single behavior across many kinds of objects. It simplifies software design, since a programmer need only specify an action or behavior (such as draw) and elaborate on how it is implemented (for example, line or ellipse). port That portion of a computer through which a peripheral device may communicate. Often identified with the various plug-in jacks on the back of your computer. On a network hub, it is the connector that receives the wire link from a node. portable In computer usage, a file or program is "portable" if it can be used by a variety of software on a variety of hardware platforms. Numeric data files written as plain character format files are fairly portable. post The act of placing a message in an on-line conference. The noun "posting" is sometimes used to refer to a conference message. PostScript A language defined by Adobe Systems, Inc. for describing how to create an image on a page. The description is independent of the resolution of the device that will actually create the image. It includes a technology for defining the shape of a font and creating a raster image at many different resolutions and sizes. Power PC A RISC CPU chip designed by IBM and Apple and manufactured by Motorola. It features a 32/64 bit implementation and full binary compatibility with the IBM RS/6000. Four models are planned: 601, 603, 604,and 620. The 601 borrows its basic architecture from the Model 200 RS/6000. It adopts the internal bus structure of the Motorola 88100 and the construction plans from the 0.5 micron chip fabrication techniques used by the Model 970 RS/6000. The 603 is an entry-level device targeted toward embedded applications and low power consumption uses such as notebooks and low-end workstations. The 604 is a second-generation version of the 601. Presentation layer The sixth layer of the OSI reference model. It lets an application interpret the data being transferred. printer An output device that converts the coded information from the processor into a readable form on paper. printout The printed output of a computer. procedure A portion of a high-level language program that performs a specific task. process A systematic sequence of operations to produce a specified result; a unique, finite course of events defined by its purpose or by its effect and achieved under given conditions. As a verb, to perform operations on data in a process. Also an address space and the code executing in it. program A set of actions or instructions that a machine is capable of interpreting and executing. Used as a verb, to design, write and test such instructions. programmer A person who designs, write and tests computer programs. programming A notation for the precise description of computer programs or algorithms. Programming language languages are artificial languages in which the syntax and semantics are strictly defined. prompt A character or message provided by an operating system or program to indicate that it is ready to accept input. protocol An agreement that governs the procedures used to exchange information between cooperating entities and usually includes how much information is to be sent, how often it is sent, how to recover from transmission errors and who is to receive the information. public domain Not protected by copyright; you may freely make copies and distribute them; you may make derivative works. ________________________________________ Q quality It is meeting your own specifications and meeting your customers expectations. It is also concerned with doing the right things and doing things right. query A request that specifies the manner in which data is to be extracted from one or more databases. queue A sequence of stored computer data or programs awaiting processing that are processed in the order first-in first-out (FIFO). quit Ends the work without writing out a new file or new version of the exiting work file unless there is a save that interrupts before dumping the session. ________________________________________ R RAID Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks. A way of creating a fault-tolerant storage system. There are 6 levels. Level 0 uses byte-level striping. Level 1 uses mirroring. Level 2 uses bit-level striping. Level 3 stores error correcting information (such as parity) on a separate disk, and uses data striping on the remaining drives. Level 4 is level 3 with block level striping. Level 5 uses block level and parity data striping. RAM Random Access Memory. Memory in which each element can be individually addressed and accessed with the same speed as any other element of the memory. The main memory of a computer is usually RAM. One of the earliest forms of RAM was called core, because it consisted of directly addressed doughnuts or cores of ferromagnetic material each of which represented one bit. A faster more recent form of RAM is called Dynamic RAM. random access Differs from direct access by the fact that each element can be accessed with the same ease and speed as any other. Re-engineering The circular process of going from code to models then back to code that might be in a different language, use a different DBMS or be more structured. read To sense and retrieve or interpret data from a form of storage or input medium. read/write A magnetic mechanism that can read, write and erase data encoded as polarized patterns on magnetic disk or tape. realtime The processing of transactions as they occur rather than batching them. Pertaining to an application in which response to input is fast enough to affect subsequent inputs and guide the process and in which records are updated immediately. The lag from input time to output time must be sufficiently small for acceptable timeliness. Timeliness is a function of the total system: missile guidance requires output within a few milliseconds of input, scheduling of steamships requires response time in days. Realtime systems are those with response time of milliseconds, interactive system in seconds and batch system in hours or days. record A collection of related data or words, treated as a unit. For example, in stock control, each invoice could constitute one record. record length Depending on the context, the length in bytes (i.e., columns) of a physical record or a logical record . On ICPSR Tape Information Forms and on CDNet, the abbreviation "RecLen" is used for physical record length. record type A record that has a consistent logical structure. In files that include different units of analysis, for instance, different record types are needed to hold the different variables. For example, one record type might have a variable for income in one column and another record type might have a variable for household size in that same column. The codebook will describe these different structures and how to determine which is which so that you can tell your statistical software how to interpret that particular column as income or household size. recovery The process by which data bases are rebuilt after a system fails. rectangular file A physical file structure. A rectangular file is one which contains the same number of card-images or the same physical record length for each respondent or unit of analysis . A Hierarchical file can be stored in a rectangular file structure by storing all units of analysis in a single physical record . For instance, each record might contain one household unit, two family units, and four person units for each family unit. This method of storage of hierarchical files can be very inefficient in terms of storage space, but can make the file easier to describe and work with. reel tape One-half inch magnetic tape stored on round reels. Also called Round Tape. relational database An organization of data into tables with each column containing the values of a data element and each row representing a record. relational structure A study that includes different units of analysis, particularly when those units are not arranged in a strict hierarchy as they are in a hierarchical file, has a relational structure. Note that the data could be arranged in several different physical structures to handle such a data structure. For instance, each unit of analysis might be stored in a separate rectangular file with identification numbers linking each case to the other units; or, the different units of analysis might be stored in one large file with a hierarchical file structure; or the different units could be stored in a special database structure used by a relational data base management system such as INGRES. An example of a study with a relational structure is the Survey of Income and Program Participation which has eight or more record types; these record types are related to each other but are not all members of a hierarchy of membership. For instance, there are record types for household, family, person, wage and salary job, and general income amounts. remote Equipment or site that is located out of the way or at a distance from primary equipment or a larger or primary site. Sometimes used as the opposite of local. remote access The ability to access a computer from outside a building in which it is housed. Remote access requires communications hardware, software, and actual physical links, although this can be as simple as common carrier (telephone) lines or as complex as TELNET login to another computer across the Internet. resource An on-line information set or an on-line interactive option. An on-line library catalog or the local school lunch menu are examples of information sets. On-line menus or graphical user interfaces, Internet e-mail, on-line conferences, telnet, FTP, and Gopher are examples of interactive options. response A message placed in a conference as a follow-up to a topic or to another response; or, a reply to an e-mail message. retiming A function of a repeater or Ethernet hub that receives a signal, cleans and regenerates it, and then sends it. return key The key on a terminal keyboard that, when struck, places the cursor at the left margin one line below its previous horizontal position. reuse and reuseability An approach to software engineering that emphasizes reusing software assets, including designs and code, and building software assets likely to be reuseable in future applications. reverse engineering The process of going from the more concrete level of code to the more abstract level of models for data and processes. ROM Read-only memory. Information is stored once, usually by the manufacturer, that cannot be changed. Most compact discs are ROM. root directory The directory that contains all other directories. router A device connecting separate networks that forwards a packet from one network to another based only on the network address for the protocol being used. For example, an IP router looks only at the IP network number. routine Part of a computer program, or a sequence of instructions called by a program, that may have some general or frequent use. routing The process of finding a path over which a packet can travel to reach its destination. run The single, continuous execution of a program by a computer on a given set of data. As a verb, to initiate processing by a program. ________________________________________ S scanner A device that senses alterations of light and dark. scheduling An automated capability to schedule meetings and/or resources (such as meeting rooms, projectors, etc.) by looking at online calendars. screen The surface of a monitor on which information can be viewed. screen editor A program that allows a file to be edited by making changes to the text displayed on the screen. It may also support commands to make changes to the whole file at once. Changes to the portion displayed on the screen are immediately shown. scroll To move all or part of the display image vertically or horizontally to view data otherwise excluded. Scrolling can be performed with a mouse in the horizontal/vertical bars on each window or by using the page up/down - home/end - or arrow keys. segment A section of network wiring. Segments are connected by repeaters, bridges or routers. sequential A method of storing and retrieving information that requires data to be written and read sequentially. Accessing any portion of the data requires reading all the preceding data. server A computer that shares its resources, such as printers and files, with other computers on the network. An example of this is a Network Files System Server which shares its disk space with a workstation that does not have a disk drive of its own. service (or service provider) An organization that provides access to part of the Internet. You have to arrange for an account with a service to connect your computer to the Internet. session Networking term used to refer to the logical stream of data flowing between two programs and being communicated over a network. There may be many different sessions emanating from any one node on a network. Session Layer The fifth layer of the OSI reference model, it provides the means for two session service users to organize and synchronize their dialogs and manage data exchange. shareware Protected by copyright; holder allows you to make and distribute copies under the condition that those who adopt the software after preview pay a fee to the holder of the copyright; derivative works are not allowed; you may make an archival copy. shell A term that usually refers to the user interface of an operating system. A shell is the command processor that is the actual interface between the kernel and the user. The C shell or the Bourne shell are the primary user interfaces on UNIX systems. Contrasts with the kernel, which interacts with the computer at low levels. simulation An imitation of the behavior of some existing or intended system, or some aspect of that behavior. Examples of areas where simulation is used include communications network design, weather forecasting and training. Physical systems can also be simulated, for example, chemical or nuclear reactions. smiley Character combinations such as :-) to denote whether a message is being made in jest with various modifications thereof ;-) to wink, etc. Also called emoticons, since not all are smiling %-( . soft copy An electronic version of a file, usually in computer memory and/or on disk; as opposed to hard copy, the paper printout. software Computer programs that perform various tasks. Word processing programs (like WordPerfect or Microsoft Word), spreadsheet programs (like Lotus or Excel), or database programs (like dBase III+, Foxbase, or FileMaker) are all software. software tool A program that is employed in the development, repair or enhancement of other programs. Tools include editors, compilers and linkers. Also refers to utilities, such as formatters and file utilities. sort To arrange a set of items in sequence according to keys; for example, to arrange the records of a personnel file into alphabetical order by using the employee names as sort keys. source code The program in a language prepared by the programmer. This code cannot be directly executed by the computer and must first be translated into object code. SPARC Scalable Processor ARChitecture. Trademark of SunMicrosystems 32-bit RISC microprocessor architecture. The architecture is open in the sense that other vendors can obtain the processor chips and documentation sufficient to build computers using it. SPARCstation A workstation (usually a Sun Microsystems brand) based on the SPARC chip. sponge A job that runs in the background on the IBM 3090 mainframe computer in such a way that it uses only those CPU cycles not needed by other work, yet is so computationally intense that it soaks up all unused CPU cycles. spool Simultaneous Peripheral Operations On-Line. A scheme that allows multiple devices to simultaneously write output to the same device such as multiple computers printing to the same printer at the same time. The data are actually written to temporary files while a program called a spooler sends the files to the device one at a time. spreadsheet Software program that allows mathematical calculations, such as budgeting, keeping track of investments, or tracking grades. SQL Structured Query Language. ANSI standard data manipulation language used in most relational data base systems. A language for requesting data from a relational database. storage A device or medium that can retain data for subsequent retrieval. strategy long-term plan, tactic, or scheme for attaining a vision. string A sequence of characters. striping Disk striping copies blocks, bytes or bits across multiple disks in such a way that if one disk is lost, the data can be created using the blocks or bits on the remaining disks. Sun Microsystems Sun originally stood for Stanford University Network, a name given to a printed circuit board developed in 1981 that was designed to run UNIX. SunOS The name of the operating system of the workstation from Sun Microsystems. It is based on Berkeley UNIX and AT&Ts System V UNIX. It is composed of three major parts: the kernel and file system, shells and graphical interfaces, and utility programs. surfing Netspeak for wandering, whether one is surfing through cable stations or surfing the Internet. ________________________________________ T tape density A measure of how much data, can fit on a magnetic tape. task A separately dispatchable function on a computer. TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/INTERNET Protocol. The communication protocols on which the Internet is based. TEAM Together Everyone Accomplishes More telecommunication Communicating with other people through the computer using communication software and modems. telecomputing Using computers for telecommunication; computer networking. TELNET A program that allows users on the Internet to log in to remote systems from their own host system. terminal A device connected to a computer network that acts as a point for entry or retrieval of information. Personal computers can be made to act as network terminals, by running terminal emulation (communication) programs. terminal emulation Most communications software packages will permit a personal computer or workstation to communicate with another computer or network as if it were a specific type of hardware terminal. terminal server A device that allows asynchronous devices such as terminals to select and then communicate with hosts or other devices over a network. terabyte 1,099,551,627,776 bytes, often used to mean one trillion bytes (1,000,000,000,000). text A string of characters. A text file should contain only characters - as opposed to codes or commands. time out What happens when two computers are talking and one fails to respond within a certain time, for whatever reason. time series. Observations of a variable made over time. Many economic studies such as International Financial Statistics, and Citibase are time series datafiles. Time series, of a sort, can also be constructed from a cross sectional study if the same questions are asked more than once over time. TN3270 A version of TELNET providing IBM full-screen support. toggle Using one command or keystroke to change between one mode and its opposite. token ring A LAN and protocol in which nodes are connected together in a ring and communication is controlled by a special packet called a token that is passed from node to node around the ring. A node can send data only when it receives the token and the token is not in use. Data is sent by attaching it to the token. The receiving node removes the data from the token. topic In a conference, a message which is generally written to convey a new idea or a new piece of information, relevant to that conference. transfer To copy or move information from one computer to another. Transport Layer The fourth layer of the OSI reference model. It provides transparent, reliable and cost-effective transfer of data. tree A way of organizing information with general categories at the top, subcategories below, and narrower subcategories on a further level. ________________________________________ U UNIX A popular computer software operating system used on many Internet host systems. upload To transfer information from a users system to a remote system. Opposite of download. URL Uniform Resource Locater. A scheme used to locate a document accessible over the Internet. Usenet The network of UNIX users, generally perceived as informal and made up of loosely coupled nodes that exchange mail and messages. Started by Duke University and UNC-Chapel Hill. An information cooperative linking around 16,000 computer sites and about 1 million people. Usenet provides a series of "news groups" analogous to on-line conferences. user Anyone who uses a computer connected to the Internet. user-friendly A system or program that relatively untrained users can interact with easily. userid A code that uniquely identifies a user and then provides access privileges to a computer system. username Account name or user ID. utility A specialized program that performs a frequently required everyday task such as sorting, report program generation, or file updating. ________________________________________ V variable In social science research, for each unit of analysis , each item of data (e.g., age of person, income of family, consumer price index) is called a variable. vision A future-oriented statement of where you want to be, of what you want things to be like. virtual Pertaining to a device or facility that does not physically exist, yet behaves as if it does. For example, a system with 4 megabytes of virtual memory may have only one megabyte of physical memory plus additional (slower and cheaper) auxiliary memory. Yet programs written as if 4 megabytes of physical memory were available will run correctly. virtual terminal A program that makes a general purpose computer behave like a terminal. VMS Virtual Memory System. An operating system for the VAX and Alpha computers of Digital Equipment Corporation. virus A program that can make a copy of itself without you necessarily being aware of it; some viruses can destroy or damage files, and generally the best protection is to always maintain backups of your files volume A physical unit of a storage medium, such as tape reel or disk pack, that is capable of having data recorded on it and subsequently read. Also refers to a contiguous collection of cylinders or blocks on a disk that are treated as a separate unit. ________________________________________ W wavelength The length of one complete electromagnetic wave, measured usually from crest to crest or trough to trough of successive vibrations. whois The name of the nickname database that contains full name, postal address, telephone number, and network mailbox for registered users. Also the name of the local command to access this database, and the name of the protocol used by this command (RFC-954) that is now an elective draft standard. window A rectangular area on a display screen in which part of an image or file is displayed. The window can be any size up to that of the screen and more than one window can be displayed at once. Windows A trademark of Microsoft Corporation for a software product that provides an environment for a graphical user interface for DOS and DOS applications. word processor A program used to enter or edit text information in personal computers, often used to create a file before it is uploaded to a network; may also be used to process text after it has been downloaded. wordwrap An editor feature that causes a word that will not fit on a line to be moved in its entirety to the next line rather than be split at the right margin. work space Disk space made available to the system to provide temporary storage space for files too large to fit within a users permanent disk storage quota or for files not needed beyond a single run of a program or set of programs. workstation A general purpose computer that is small enough and inexpensive enough to reside at a persons work area for his or her exclusive use. It includes microcomputers such as Macintosh, and PCs running DOS, as well as high-performance desktop and deskside computers. write To record data in a storage device, a data medium, or an output display. To save information, especially files, to a disk, to replace old data with new and permit later access from within a software package; the complement of read. WWW World Wide Web. A wide-area hypermedia information retrieval technology that interconnects information around the world. It allows you to travel through the information by clicking on hyperlinks that can point to any document anywhere on the Internet. Originated at CERN and collaborated upon by a large, informal, and international design and development team, WWW allows links inside and between documents, plus pointers to FTP sites, news, telnet sessions, gopher sites, and WAIS databases. ________________________________________ X X window system A standard for controlling the display on a bitmapped terminal. X-windows normally uses a network connection, and unlike the typical terminal connection, multiple applications possibly on different computers can use the display simultaneously in different windows. X-term An X-windows client that provides a window for terminal emulation.  

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